Faculty of Arts and Sciences

Master of Arts in Education

36 credits


Common Core
EDU503Educational Legislations in Lebanon
2 credits
EDU570Educational Project I
2 credits
2 credits
MTR681Quantitative Methods in Humanities
2 credits
This course introduces students to the multiple uses of statistics and contexts from which data is drawn. It allows them to acquire mastery of statistical concepts used in their research and be able to conduct proper investigations. This course provides the Master’s students with the basic knowledge that enables them to act with autonomy in surveys and data processing. It enables them to systematize the stages of an investigation through data collection, data organization, analysis and interpretation of data. Students also learn to use statistical tools for compiling the data and analysis of results.
MTR575Research Methodology in Humanities
3 credits
The course aims to introduce a working method, in order to conduct scientific research. It is mainly about conducting research required at the level of Master’s thesis and implementing the different stages of scientific research, ranging from the position of the problem until the drafting and final presentation of the research. Furthermore, regarding a research topic, the course looks at how to select a problematic and devise relevant hypotheses, choose an appropriate technique and then apply it. Students will learn how to communicate the results of research in the form of a clear, rigorous and scientific text. The purpose of this course is to master the design, drafting and submission of the dissertation.
EDU540Strategic Planning and Curriculum Design
3 credits
EDU502Training Ethics
1 credits
Specialization - Emphasis: Basic Education
EDU541Comparative Education
3 credits
In the first part, the content of this course will focus on the comparison between the different educational systems of the world (French, American, Australian, Chinese, Japanese, etc.). Students will be prepared to understand the basic concepts related to this area and to analyze, through the stages of its evolution, the factors that led to its emergence and expansion. They will, likewise, be initiated to understand the current trends in comparative research through several thematic studies, with the aim of establishing criteria for comparison. In the second part, the course covers the comparison between the different educational styles and systems in Arab countries, in order to identify divergence and convergence. This viewpoint will place Lebanese students in relation to the regional educational contexts and give them the opportunity to compare them with the Lebanese educational context.
EDU519Didactics Issues
3 credits
This course implements, in didactic situations, appropriate techniques to deepen the teaching practice. These techniques fall within exam preparation, correction, fun activities, organization and class preparation. In conjunction, this course presents the techniques essential to lead the workshop in the job and in selected situations, by putting forward related educational solutions. This course also presents appropriate teaching methods to be adopted in the classroom, according to the didactic situations as they arise and at the level of the learners.
EDU680From Theory to Practice in Education
3 credits
In light of learning theories, methods and techniques already encountered throughout their academic career, students will make a reflexive analysis on their educational intervention and study situations and cases relating to classes of primary cycles 1 and 2. They will, in turn, propose educational practices concerning these situations. This analysis of teaching practices focuses on implications for the school intervention and the relationship between theoretical and practical teaching. Examples are the choice of approaches, methods and means of teaching used according to the subject being taught, student characteristics, classroom management, and appropriate instrumentation.
EDU678Innovative Pedagogical Issues
3 credits
Education and Modernity
The objective of this seminar will focus on the study of the impact of social, technological, economic and media­dominated changes on education in the era of modernity. Several issues concerning the challenges which education is constantly facing will arise, such as the global or social crises threatening the development of education and affecting the positive representations, which are designing new pedagogies. A redefinition of the relationship between school and society will be vital and a review of new educational realities in the computer age is essential.
EDU513Linguistics Applied to Teaching
3 credits
The content of this course will focus on the implementation of linguistic theories in the teaching and learning of the French language and the fields of linguistic intervention in the language class. It will also examine how the current psycholinguistic theories help to better understand the process of acquisition of the second language and the factors that facilitate or make the acquisition difficult. It will likewise cover the problems of teaching French (the phenomenon of interference between Arabic and French, analysis of typical errors, bilingual education, and sociolinguistic fallout).
Electives - Emphasis: Basic Education Capstone - Emphasis: Basic Education Specialization - Emphasis: Administration of Education Electives - Emphasis: Administration of Education
SPC510Educational and Professional guidance
3 credits
EDU601Educational Supervision and Coordination
3 credits
This course will focus on the supervision and pedagogical coordination produced from the educational and administrative needs of educational institutions and from the objectives targeted by the managers of these institutions, the directors, executive board and teaching staff. The discussed sub themes will also focus on the competencies and the different functions of the coordinator as a trainer, evaluator, manager of education and a member of the teaching staff; as well as on its relations with those responsible for the cycle and the director of school. Techniques and working methods articulating theory and practice will be analyzed at these levels, to focus on interpersonal relationships in the school and the management of learning.
SPC605Institutional Communication
3 credits
Capstone - Emphasis: Administration of Education Specialization - Emphasis: Technology of Education
EDU525From Distance Learning to E-Learning
2 credits
Since the mid­nineteenth century each new technology has been proposed for use in education and distance learning systems (correspondence courses, cinema, radio, television, computer­assisted instruction, etc.), without education itself changing profoundly. Today the Internet has penetrated into training and educational systems, and reduced the traditional boundaries between lectures, distance learning and self­training. These divisions are no longer appropriate.
The course aims at taking a historical approach towards technology for education and training modes of variation­integration of different forms of E­Learning.
EDU534Templates and Web 2 tools and mobile Learning
2 credits
EDU524The knowledge society, sociological and philosophical approaches
2 credits
EDU527Thematic seminar in educational technology
2 credits
EDU515Theories of information and communication
2 credits
EDU533Tools for ICTE and Distance Education
2 credits
Electives - Emphasis: Technology of Education Capstone - Emphasis: Technology of Education Specialization - Emphasis: Support of People with Special Needs Electives - Emphasis: Support of People with Special Needs Capstone - Emphasis: Support of People with Special Needs Specialization - Emphasis: Supervision and Pedagogical Coordination Electives - Emphasis: Supervision and Pedagogical Coordination Capstone - Emphasis: Supervision and Pedagogical Coordination


- Basic Education
- Administration of Education
- Technology of Education
- Support of People with Special Needs
- Supervision and Pedagogical Coordination


The Master of Arts in Education is a further elaboration and professional development, for a better approach to different training situations, namely the basic education, the technology of education, the administration of education, the supervision and pedagogical intervention and the accompaniment of people with special educational needs. The training offered by this Master is theoretical, methodological and practical, it aims at adopting the professional competencies by developing the ability of students to design, organize, manage and control training activities in different school contexts. It deepens the engineering of training and focuses on knowledge, the questioning of practices of trainers and adaptation approaches to cope with the educational changes and to anticipate developments in education.

Program Educational Objectives

1. Graduates will demonstrate all the skills necessary to pursue a doctoral course and excel in research.
2. Graduates will become specialized teachers and trainers equipped with a broad training, versatile and coherent, which will allow them to work in an environment increasingly diversified and pluralistic.
3. Graduates will become heads of schools, executive directors, quality accreditors prepared to address the changes achieved in the world of education and confront the various modes of governance of school management at the forefront of professional and ethical knowledge.
4. Graduates will become professional in educational technology and designers, being equipped with models and effective tools to implement computerized teaching techniques and multimedia projects.
5. Graduates will become teachers and trainers with the essential capacity to integrate into teaching and coaching the professional practices that meet special needs education.
6. Graduates will become specialized coordinators in the use of methods and practices of coordination, supervision and pedagogical intervention in order to train and support teachers and organize courses at schools.

Program Outcomes

a. Define useful knowledge and basic concepts in methodology of research in human sciences and to devise a working method that empowers the Master’s students to combine the epistemological, ethical, technological and statistical concepts used in the context of research, in order to produce a pre-project.
b. Correlate laws, decrees, and the basic texts from the Lebanese educational system, to develop skills in educational legislation.
c. Analyze the components of a curriculum and conceptions renewed at that level, according to the changes and transformation operated on the teaching programs, and plan an educational policy.
d. Identify administrative, economic, educational and humanitarian management styles to reflect in professional practices observed or experienced within the school context.
e. Compare different international approaches to comparative education and interpret the data offered by innovative educational issues and their impact on the world of education.
f. Recognize the data of linguistics as applied to teaching and the theories of learning that will be consolidating the development of innovative teaching/learning situations for the contents to learn.
g. Identify concepts, conceptual, operational and economic models, tools for a better understanding of the field of educational management, and for interpreting the data that will accompany the acceleration of change in education.
h. Assess the performance of the educational establishment in light of the criteria of quality in order to improve the establishment educative work.
i. Identify philosophical and sociological theories on contemporary issue of knowledge as well as theories of communication and transmission means of information.
j. Examine the modes of an integrated training of different forms of e-learning and online educational resources, as well as concrete examples in the field of current research in ICT based on a particular theme.
k. Describe the relationship that exists among psychomotor activities of people with special needs, in order to conceive teaching and learning situations for the contents to be learned and to integrate these various professional practices in the educative context.
l. Recognize the different ways and forms of special needs educational problems in their physical impairments, psychological effects and learning disabilities.
m. Analyze supervisory activities in subjects of educational coordination and identify the accompaniment process at the pedagogical, relational and didactic level, and their implementation in educational contexts, among teachers.
n. Correlate terms of career guidance and design appropriate communication situations to manage and facilitate the exchange among partners in schools.
o. Prepare an educational project or a master thesis in education.
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