AGP252Mixed media
2 credits
The purpose of this course is to teach students the basics of painting on paper and canvas, and how to choose the topic in correlation with the composition. Collage, gouache, aquarelle, pastel and acrylic and oil are the techniques used in this course.
2 credits | Pre-requisite: ARI211 Or DAA211
Comics are an art unto themselves which blend many talents. In this course students will receive their initiation to the techniques of comics which will allow them to apply these skills to other fields such as advertising, communication, cinema, and animation.
AGP325Web Design I
2 credits | Pre-requisite: AGP223 Or AGP322
In a world relying more and more on the power of the net, web design is a must outlet for graphic design. The course will enable students to make a window showcase site and, ideally, to create a fully-functional interactive one.
AGP410Architectural Computer Skills
2 credits
In this course, the students will learn to manipulate images on software to be applied in architecture and to implement them in the real world of urban and/or rural spaces.
AGP444History of Contemporary Art
2 credits
This course explores developments in the visual arts in Europe and America from 1889 till today. The major Modernist and Contemporary artists and movements that sought to revolutionize vision, culture, and experience, from Impressionism to Digital works, will be considered.
ARG313Illustration I
2 credits
In this course the students will learn how to start researching and illustrating in different style elements related to nature, interior furniture and objects, in order to develop their own illustration style.
ARG411Arabic Calligraphy
2 credits
The course aims at familiarizing students with the Arabic letters (families, construction and composition) so as to be able to write with the brush through applied exercises of calligraphy, in addition to writing texts and titles, while mastering typography through conventional methods before digitizing them.
ARS314Stained Glass I
2 credits
Historical introduction to the different techniques of stained glass. Practical applications: composition, layout, grading, cutting, leading, welding, and grouting.
ARS316Engraving I
2 credits
Introduction and history of different techniques of engraving. Applying these techniques: woodcut, lithography, linoleum, etching, screen printing and others.
AUV245Survey of Media
3 credits
Students will be able to understand the different types of media, analog and digital formats, (text, images, sound, video, etc.). They will be able to use technological tools, QR code, storage hardware and software, and different types of connectivity and I/O devices.
AVC204Introduction to Contemporary Cinema
3 credits
The course covers the history of world cinema from 1985 to 1950 addressing, among others, the American cinema of Griffith, the Hollywood system and the star system, Russian cinema, German Expressionism, Surrealism and French Impressionism as well as Italian Neo‐realism...
DAA212Sketching and Drawing II
2 credits | Pre-requisite: DAA211 Or ARI211
A workshop teaching drawing. Teaching is based on analytical drawing and emphasizes the development of visual memory and the exploration of the expressive qualities of different tools and supports. Students will experience freehand perspective drawing, human figures, and drawing from nature.
FLM353Film Authors I
2 credits
Intensive examination of the works of filmmakers who have produced distinctive universes: Jean-Luc Godard, David Lynch, Andrei Tarkovsky, Sergei Paradjanov, Alfred Hitchcock, and Robert Bresson etc.
PUB320Communication, Perception and Behavior
2 credits
This course gives the students the principles of effective commercial communication based on the motivation behind consumerism. The students will also learn how to apply this knowledge and how to adapt it in advertising.
THT280Introduction to Acting
3 credits
Introduction to different fundamental techniques used in the creation of a character. Emphasis on relaxation, concentration, and development of a role through sensorial and emotional memories. Students will improvise and do monologues as exercises in this introductory course.