Faculty of Philosophy and Humanities

(To become Faculty of Arts and Science starting September 2019)

Bachelor of Arts in Social Sciences - Labor and Social Intervention

96 credits
For students entering the program at the Sophomore level
(holders of a recognized Baccalaureate or Freshman diploma - equivalent to 30 credits)


General Education Common Core
SOC325Psycho-Sociology of Communication
3 credits    |    Pre-requisite: PSY201
This course is divided into two parts. The first part includes a base of theoretical and conceptual skills of communication. This is how the communication will be detailed as a psycho-sociological object with its theories and ideologies, analyses of mass communication, psycho-sociological perspective, critique of contemporary currents analysis of communication and information, psycho­sociological reading of communication and professions. Analytical progress will be made on the study of public discourse in the media, and the media itself, through its policies, its positioning and audience. The second part focuses on practical skills. It includes listening, reformulation, argumentation, face to face communication, in groups or general public, as well as the mastery of oral intervention techniques to different types of audience and familiarization with media practices.
SOC360Social Sciences Methods
3 credits
This course familiarizes students with the various methods of research and analysis in the social sciences, and more specifically in sociology. Different methods will be illustrated with examples of sociological research. The course consists of three parts: a general introduction to social science research process; a presentation of the approach and systemic analysis; a deepening of quantitative and qualitative methods in sociology, such as structured interview, the survey (sample survey, etc.), observation, content analysis and focus group.
SOC218Statistics Applied to Human Sciences I
3 credits
Most of the analysis within human and social sciences and decision­making is founded on statistical data. Students work individually on data collected either in their research or in their professional lives. This course provides students with the tools and knowledge required to present, in tables and graphs, the data they have to handle, to analyze the characteristics of a statistical distribution to a character and to study the correlations between two variables. Particular attention is devoted to the choice of statistical methods and interpretation of results.
SOC318Statistics Applied to Human Sciences II
3 credits    |    Pre-requisite: STA201 or SOC218
This course introduces students to the concepts of statistical inference essential to research in the humanities and social sciences. Students are often required to collect information on samples of individuals and not on the entire population. They learn to draw conclusions about the population they are interested in, from the data collected on samples with prudence and necessary rigor. For this purpose, this course introduces the students to the laws of probability, the estimation of population parameters by an interval of confidence and benchmark testing of two, as well as many mediums, by analysis of variance.
MTR222University Working Methodology
3 credits
This course will provide first year students in humanities with essential methods for the preparation of their work during the years of study at the University. These methods are common to all material and address different levels, ranging from exercises promoting correct educational attitudes in the introduction to the methods of work, the investigation of a text, and finally, to the mastery of speech essential to establish exchange with others, orally and in writing, and to assert with confidence and autonomy. In addition, the objectives of this course will address data essential for the design, drafting and the realization of research work.
Common Core Electives
PSY318Personality and Self-Development
3 credits    |    Pre-requisite: PSY201
The aim of this course is to explain the processes of personality construction through a progressive self­discovery. This is a multi­axial approach to the different dimensions of personality; its evolution and the interaction with the environment, will be addressed. This will provide a general overview of the concept of personality and its dynamic aspect from birth until old age. Also covered will be affective and social aspects in the relationship of the self to the world and, finally, “normal” vs. “pathological” personality development.
PSY330Social Psychology
3 credits    |    Pre-requisite: PSY201 Or SOC201
Firstly, this course explains the basic concepts in the various fields of social psychology, namely values, norms, opinions, attitudes and roles, social interactions, communication and information. The course then develops the group notion and covers its theoretical perspectives (cohesion, interaction process, conflicts and resistances, etc.) and group animation (methods, techniques and applications). The practice of social interactions is inherent to this teaching (role play, information clips, case simulations, etc.).
SOC438Demographic Analysis
3 credits    |    Pre-requisite: SOC318
This course presents an overview of the techniques of demography, focuses on specific current issues of the demographic phenomena and analyzes their interdependence within social, economic and cultural characteristics of the observed society. Upon completion of this course, students will be able to collect the necessary demographic data to establish the main parameters (rates, ratios, tables, sex ratio, etc.), to build and analyze an age pyramid, to know the different sources of demographic data, to perform a population census, and to analyze the causes and consequences (social, economic, political) of demographic development.
SOC210Introduction to Anthropology
3 credits
This course focuses on the complex question of humans and the place of anthropology within the science of humanity. It addresses the key conceptual notions of anthropological reflection (society, myth, ritual, tradition, symbol, etc.). Similarly, the course presents the components of the research framework, both practical and theoretical, of anthropological study. It develops the basic foundation of the entire social system and proposes the discovery of trends of current anthropological topicality and openness to contemporary anthropology. Upon completion of this course students will be able to understand the concepts of anthropology and its fundamental concern that allows it to guard against social, cultural, sexist and racial prejudice.
SOC201Introduction to Sociology
3 credits
This course provides a basic knowledge of general sociology: a) it presents an overview of the context of the event­emergence of sociology on the basis of the main founders and focuses on methodological perspectives and applied sociological methods and techniques; b) it focuses on the key principles of social themes, which description and definition have fueled and fed the many debates that are changing the discipline in the vast corpus of scientific knowledge. This course provides students with general sociology elements, sensitizes their "sociological perspective" and develops their critical reflection on various social issues.
SOC345Labor and Social Intervention Fields
3 credits    |    Pre-requisite: SOC335
This course enables students to understand the components of social intervention action on various socio­cultural, socio­educational, socio­political, socio­religious, and socio­economic plans related to community spaces, institutions and associations, through critically conscious, preventive and participant practices. Similarly, it aims to foster knowledge of cultural, socio­sportive and municipal structures. Upon completion of this course, the students will be able to identify the fields and practices of social intervention, to understand the issues related to the aforementioned fields and to think strategically as regards the levels of corresponding action.
SOC335Labor and Social Intervention, the Fundamental Concepts
3 credits    |    Pre-requisite: SOC201
This course is mainly based on an analytical explanation of the notional and conceptual fields used in social intervention; linking them to their different social and institutional uses as well as current social issues. It thus addresses several encompassing and encompassed notions and concepts including: planning, environment and space, individual, collective, social, societal, cultural, structural, intercultural, socio­cultural, community, etc., social pathology and therapy, social profitability, social development, underdevelopment, sustainable development, social change, partnership, co-operation, marginalization, social inclusion, awareness, commitment, citizenship, etc.
SOC423Organizational Sociology and Labor
3 credits    |    Pre-requisite: SOC201
This course provides a synthesis of different theories that explain structure, functioning and organizational transformation. In the first part, the course defines the field of analysis of the sociology of organizations as well as its main theoretical currents. In the second phase, it helps students comprehend the sociology of work in its various aspects and according to new trends (technology acceleration, globalization, current management of human resources, modern social stratification, activities of women, rising unemployment), i.e. according the professional development of trades. In a third part, students are required to perform an observation of a specific field, through the use of certain analytical models and key concepts, allowing them to sociologically analyze concrete organization and institutional environments.
SOC422Political Sociology
3 credits
The course focuses on a central theme: power. This topic is treated in two parts with sub­themes which graft onto the central issue of the course. Indeed, the notion of power is undeniably linked to politics in its relation to the state and the social actor, as explained in the first part of this course. It is also an object of reflection and questioning, as shown by the study of different thinkers and sociologists of the twentieth century, in the second part of the course. Students learn not only to handle the theoretical concepts but also to build their own reflection in a methodical way. Ongoing exchange is operated between ideas of sociological conceptualization and the political reality.
SOC464Project and Evaluation Techniques
3 credits    |    Pre-requisite: SOC201
This course is divided into two parts: the first part deals with the theoretical components, methodological and practical development of a project in a social intervention process. This is how the identification of the problem and the purpose of the intervention are alternately presented; the contextualization, and the conditions and stages of completion. Similarly, strategy concepts, planning and mobilization are presented in both conceptual and operational terms. The second part deals with the presentation of the concept and the corresponding methods of action evaluation in social intervention.
SOC465Social Intervention and Social Groups
3 credits    |    Pre-requisite: SOC335
Firstly, students will develop their comprehension skills and ability to analyze groups and their typology, through the theoretical foundations of the group in general. Secondly, they will be able to distinguish the different levels of action and social intervention strategies with regard to different groups. Particular attention will be paid to the articulation of groups, societal environment relations and transformations affecting the main partners involved. Finally, students will be required to target the understanding of the characteristics of the crowd and the mass, and the components of events in the midst of a large audience.
SOC355Social Marketing and Management of Social Structures
3 credits
This course consists of two complementary parts: the management of social structures and social marketing through the aforementioned structures. The first part consists of understanding the institutional functioning of social structures, organizations and associative spaces concerned with social intervention. It raises awareness among future social workers, with regard to the concepts and specific management procedures of voluntary social organizations. The second part of the course introduces students to social marketing and presents: a) the concepts and models of social marketing; b) the distinction between social marketing and commercial marketing; c) marketing of social causes, ideas and personalities attached to them; d) the target groups; and e) the development of a social marketing program, etc.
SOC435Social Protection Policy
3 credits
This course focuses on the various socio­economic issues of the policy of social protection. It processes the elements of information (actors, concepts, devices, tools) and susceptible analysis of students to enable them to participate effectively in the development of proposals for change in strategies and public policy environment, housing, and unemployment. Furthermore, it helps students to understand the components of community life and its challenges in the development of awareness necessary for a civil society. It thus explains the theoretical and practical elements necessary for a comprehensive understanding of the social security system, in order to locate public intervention in social protection. Upon completion of this course, the students will have acquired a capacity to analyze the existing associative dynamics in Lebanon.
SOC432Sociology of Conflict
3 credits    |    Pre-requisite: SOC201
The overall objective of the course is to enable students to acquire the skills needed to analyze the many inter­ and intra­societal conflicts. The course offers the challenge of a multidimensional approach: philosophical, sociological, psychological, political and otherwise. As a result, the four parts of the course present the root of the conflict phenomenon, the reasons of conflict, the conduct of conflict and conflict resolution. At the end of this course, students will be able to differentiate between the profound and circumstantial factors of conflict, to conceptualize the main theories of conflict, to identify elements of permanence and change in conflicts and carry out a critical analysis of this phenomenon and its future prospects.
SOC426Theories and Practices of Development
3 credits
In the first part, the course deals with the development that emphasizes the human’s central place as a social being, as well as the state and political structures in the organization of collective action for development. It also addresses the development of the entire population, its human potential, and both physical and intellectual progress through education. In the second part, the course introduces the unidimensional theories, evolutionists and structuralists of development, as well as planning techniques and development of agrarian and industrial policies. In the third part, the theoretical, methodological and strategic foundations of community development will be addressed.
Specialization - Electives
SOC431Sociology of the Family
3 credits    |    Pre-requisite: SOC201
This course deals with the family in its various forms, which, while being universal, presents spatiotemporal peculiarities that the sociological analysis reveal, both structurally and functionally. The course offers a reflection on the circumstances and the contemporary transformations of the family institution (diversity of models, fragility of the marital bond, family recomposition), and draws a picture of sociological theories of the family, focusing on contemporary sociology specific to this area. Thus, the family, in new forms, appears as an element of sustainability among social turbulence, and as one of the pillars of postmodernism to study. It is therefore necessary to highlight the multiple varied relationships that link the family to the whole of society, with particular emphasis on the current situation of the family in Lebanon.
SOC421The Sociology of Deviance
3 credits    |    Pre-requisite: SOC201
The course focuses on causal theories and comprehensive theories of deviance. It includes, firstly, a sociological analysis of deviance and social control to capture the relationship between individual freedoms and collective constraints, and also a sociological analysis of integration and social exclusion, in order to explore the question of social ties within contemporary societies.
6 credits
The goal is to put into practice the theoretical and practical knowledge of the students in social sciences, and social intervention. This is the opportunity for immersing the students in the world of labor and this occurs through the following components: a) validating theoretical and practical knowledge and sharing experiences in an internship environment; b) designing the final report of internship that allows students to bring together their pre­professional practice with their achievements, in terms of knowing how to explain, how to write, how to design and how to negotiate.


The mission of the Labor and Social Intervention Bachelor’s program is to train undergraduate students with skills, allowing them to become social workers who are part of the changes, and social and socio­cultural issues and enable them to lead their society to a socially equitable development - civically, economically and politically.
The Bachelor’s training prepares students for social intervention and research, particularly those focused on social change and exploration of their company, to engage them in social cohesion promotion, progress, peace and development. These skills empower students to enter the labor market, access higher education and excel in research.

Program Educational Objectives

1. The graduates will become responsible for collective social projects: socio­cultural, socio­educational, socio­political, socio­economic and socio­religious.
2. The graduates will become coordinators and service providers for children, youth, seniors, etc.
3. The graduates will become Local Development Workers in NGOs and Municipalities, or through projects conducted by international organizations.
4. The graduates will become responsible for social support in the business environment.

Program Outcomes

a. Students will define the perspectives and the sociological and anthropological concepts that constitute a theoretical foundation to work and social action.
b. Identify methods, approaches and social science research techniques in an epistemological and ethical perspective.
c. Define the concepts, theories and approaches to labor and social intervention, which form the basis of the Bachelor’s degree and introduce the Master’s program.
d. Identify areas of action for work and social intervention on various socio­cultural, socio­educational, socio­political, socio­economic and socio religious-plans.
e. Establish a specific pre­project of social intervention in an institutional or community setting.
f. Recognize the process of construction of personality through the gradual conquest of self and in interaction with the social environment.
g. Delineate the components of the institutional functioning of social structures and interpret social marketing concepts.
h. Interpret communication theories perceived as psycho sociological objects and apply specific communication practices to the group or the general public.
i. Explain the circumstances and the transformations which are those of the contemporary family and apply the techniques of family intervention.
j. Define strategies for action in social intervention in respect of different types of groups.
k. Set up a group for project planning in institutions.
l. Implement statistical techniques of data collection and interpretation of results.
m. Correlate the socio­political theories and those of development with institutional components of community settings.
n. Integrate the collection and analysis of demographic data in understanding the communities.
o. Implement a pre-local development project.
p. Analyze the components of an organization and its institutional environment, and distinguish the existing associative dynamics in Lebanon.
q. Distinguish different approaches to comprehension and conflict resolution in institutional settings.
r. Validate a training for social intervention in the business environment.
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