Faculty of Sciences

(To become Faculty of Arts and Science starting September 2019)

Master of Science in Environmental Technologies

36 credits


Common Core
ETC560Analytical Chemistry of The Environment
3 credits
This module presents a first overview of analytical methods used for the environmental measurement of organic pollutants and inorganic elements. Analytical separation techniques (HPLC, GC), spectroscopic and electrochemical methods are developed. The techniques described will be systematically illustrated by environmental applications and implemented during practical work.
ETC525Chemical Reactivity and Thermodynamic Balances
2 credits
Theory of chemical kinetics and thermodynamic equilibria application to transfers to interfaces.
ETC520Data Processing
3 credits
This course provides students with various mathematical tools to solve environmental problems: mathematical tools, statistics and optimization of experimental conditions.
ETC555Environmental Law
2 credits
This general introductory module gives students the legal prerequisites for environmental management.
ECT530Geomatics: GIS and Remote Sensing I
2 credits
Introductory module in geomatics allowing students to acquire the necessary bases, indispensable for insertion into the domain of their professional environment.
ETC550Geomatics: GIS And Remote Sensing II
1 credits
The theoretical lessons of the first course (Geomatics: GIS And Remote Sensing I) will be coupled here with practical applications dealing with concrete examples. Students will use real and current databases. They will benefit from the expertise of researchers and professionals specializing in the use of geomatics tools in various fields (environmental management, risk mapping, etc.). The acquisition of data in the field and its integration into the GIS will help to better understand the geographic information processing chain. The tools used will be the most common in the professional world (ArcGis, Spatial Analyst ...), each student having the necessary computer equipment.
ETC545Languages and Professionalization Tools / Communication / Seminars
1 credits
Understand and reproduce the content of scientific publications in the English language.
ETC615Sample Processing and Online And In-Situ Measurements
2 credits
This module presents techniques and methods for sampling and sample retention, passive sampling, extraction / pre-concentration and online measurement.
ETC535Statistical Tools for Parameter Optimization and Data Analysis
2 credits
This course involves teaching statistical tools to optimize parameters (experimental plans) to make method or process developments and also tools to analyze, sort, categorize data.
ETC625Elements of Meteorology and Quality of Confined Atmospheres
3 credits
Presentation of the role of meteorology on air quality and the transport of pollutants and study of the quality of indoor atmospheres.
ETC630Environmental Project
1 credits
Professional situation by adopting a multidisciplinary approach. Master's students will carry out an integrative field study. This work could be an applied study sponsored by companies, communities, design offices or university laboratories, or a one-week field workshop during which students will analyze different components of the environment (air, soil, water) of a single site. Oral defense of the project is carried out before a jury composed of professionals and teacher-researchers involved in the project.
ETC565General Presentation of The Atmosphere
2 credits
General presentation of the structure, composition and dynamics of atmospheric systems: general presentation of the atmosphere and its gaseous constituents, liquid and particulate; notion of atmospheric equilibrium and stationary state; atmospheric reactivity: example of reactivity of semi-volatile species (pesticides, dioxins ...); criteria air contaminants: identification of the induced problem, identification of sources, sinks and their relative importance; atmospheric carbon balance; chemistry of the sulfur and implication in the acidification of the rains.
1 credits
This course will help students to master the knowledge of the processes of the continental cycle of water, on the surface (soil-atmosphere) and on the subsurface (aquifers). Students will be able to discuss investigation techniques used in hydrogeology (test pumping) and geophysical prospecting.
ETC620Physicochemistry of The Atmosphere and Atmospheric Reactivity
3 credits
Understanding the major chemical and physicochemical atmospheric problems and their regulatory approach: greenhouse effect and global warming.
ETC640Treatment of Effluents and Odors
2 credits
To be able to limit the environmental impacts of effluents: treatment of industrial liquid effluents (Physical, chemical and biological treatment of liquid effluents, Quality of water after treatment), and treatment of gaseous effluents and odors (physical and chemical treatment of gaseous effluents, analysis, origin and treatment of odors).
ETC697AAnalytical Strategy and Study of Pollution
6 credits
Module of scenario of the students on an analytical problematic or on a case of pollution in order to enable them to mobilize the knowledge acquired on a concrete case going from the sampling, the optimization of method and the analytical validation. It consists of work in groups of 3 to 4 students, supervised by a teacher, aiming either at the development of analytical method (bibliographic research, and method optimization, or feasibility test, or validation tests), or the study of pollution that has occurred or is simulated in its historical, analytical, regulatory and technical aspects.


This professional master offers to prepare competent executives in the environmental field and particularly in air quality and analysis. It aims to give candidates a solid and wide scientific knowledge allowing them to evaluate the impacts on the environment generated by human activities and to implement the tools, techniques and devices to control them.

Program Educational Objectives

1. Graduates will be trained to be capable of coping with the major environmental, climatic and socio-economic changes to come, using both state-of-the-art training research and a solid and efficient network of professionals.
2. Graduates will be familiar with research design methodology and be able to use problem-solving techniques associated with interdisciplinary research.
3. Graduates will have the ability to present chemical information coherently through oral and written discourse and to generate technical documents describing their results for editing and publication in peer reviewed scientific journals.

Program Outcomes

a. Use the legal prerequisites to ensure a good environmental management.
b. Solve an environmental problem by applying a multidisciplinary approach.
c. Apply the necessary foundations and essential in analysis, and geographic information processing so they can integrate it in the professional environment field.
d. Apply the research methodology and statistical analysis to the interpretation and evaluation of critical scientific data.
e. Communicate scientific results in writing and in oral presentation.
f. Generate technical documents describing their results for editing and publication in peer reviewed scientific journals.
g. Limit the environmental impacts of effluents.
h. Recognize the need for and an ability to engage in lifelong learning.
i. Have an ability to apply knowledge of mathematics and applied and/or natural sciences to areas relevant to the discipline.
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