The mission of the program is to set up an educational and creative environment while considering the esthetic and artistic issues through spatial factors such as the material, furniture, form, color and light.
Program Educational Objectives
1. Developing creativity in a plastic dimension and practicing skills in the fields of textiles, design, materials and surfaces, linking the specialization’s different materials (drawing, free hand sketching, plan, perspective, color, and model).
2. The acquisition of historical and cultural benchmarks for a good understanding of the evolution of design. This approach will be chronological and thematic.
3. Developing an experience of sensitivity and reflection through the discovery of exploration tools and several sources of creativity.
Program Outcomes
a. Interpret a vocabulary and a background in plastics through an artistic and technical expression to target a reflexive study of the morphostructure and the spatial composition.
b. Experiment with several graphic tools in order to develop the ability to draw the world and the images that surround us (space drawings and objects in space).
c. Master the treatment of atmospheres, materials and the choice of furniture, by articulating a set of issues linked to the notion of inhabiting and by dealing with the multiple existing interactions.
d. Acquire knowledge specific to historical and cultural development with regard to space and objects.
Minor Requirements
ARCH205 |
Basic Design I
2 |
ARCH215 |
2-3D Representation Skills |
2 |
ARS213 |
Chromatology |
2 |
DAA211 |
Sketching and Drawing I |
2 |
DAA212 |
Sketching and Drawing II |
2 |
DAA216 |
Plastic Expressions |
2 |
DAA260 |
History and Culture of Furniture and Design |
2 |
DAA431 |
Textiles |
2 |
DAA453 |
Design Studio I |
2 |