Archival Collections

Nohad Youssef Salameh

Collection code: CAL2014/7
Collection title: Nohad Youssef Salameh Archives Collection

Biographical note

Nohad Youssef Salameh
Born in Baalbeck in 1947, Nohad Salameh, a French-speaking Lebanese poet, had a brilliant journalistic career in the francophone literary press in Beirut in the early seventies. She studied at the Higher School of Letters in Beirut.

She married the French Poet Marc Alyn in Beirut. She moved to Paris in 1989 and has resided there ever since. From Baalbeck, she had conferred on her the mythological heritage; from her father Youssef Fadlallah Salameh, Arab poet and founder of the literary magazine Jupiter, she gains the taste of words and the perspective of life through symbols.

She published her first collection of poems, The Echo of Breaths, and launched into literary journalism. Her articles appear in the daily newspaper Le Soir. In 1973, she headed the cultural service of the francophone newspaper As-Safa, and then, from 1976 to 1988, the daily newspaper Le Réveil founded by President Amine Gemayel. Salameh is the author of essays as well as several collections of poetry translated into Arabic, Spanish, Romanian and Serbian. Her latest work, Other Annunciations, Poems 1980-2012 (D’autres annonciations, poèmes 1980-2012), is a poetic anthology published in 2012 by Le Castor astral.

The writing of Nohad Salameh was rewarded by the Louise-Labé Prix in 1988, the Grand Prix of poetry of the Société des gens de lettres in 2007, and the Prix Paul Verlaine of the French Academy in 2013 for “D'autres annunciations”.

Collection description

Currently, the collection of Nohad Salameh includes:
  • Papers: written, poems in prose, manuscripts, correspondence, personal
  • Articles and interviews in various newspapers: Francophonie, Réveil
  • Magazines: Jupiter, AL HARAKA AL SHIRIYA
  • Prizes: medals, honors, poetic sessions, assessments
  • Collections: "Madness of sea color", "The children of April", "The other writing" (« Folie couleur de mer », « Les enfants d’Avril », « L’autre écriture »)
  • Cards and invitations.



Material importance

The archive of journalist and poet Nohad Youssef Salameh () is a rich and voluminous literary archive. This archival collection makes it possible to retrace the life of Nohad Youssef Salameh in all her literary activities, thanks to her preserved and well-organized archives that last until the present for teaching and research purposes.

Languages used

Arabic, French

Dates range

1980 - (present)
Phoenix Center for Lebanese Studies
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