Neurodevelopmental Disorders Research Group (NDRG)


The Neurodevelopmental Disorders Research Group (NDRG) at the Holy Spirit University of Kaslik (USEK) is dedicated to advancing the understanding of Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), and related neurodevelopmental conditions. In Lebanon, ASD affects an estimated 1 in 66 children, while ADHD remains under-researched despite its significant prevalence. Through multidisciplinary research, early diagnosis, and improved management strategies, we address these public health challenges while actively promoting societal inclusion. Our mission is to transform scientific discovery into real-world solutions that improve the lives of individuals with neurodevelopmental disorders and their families.


The NDRG aspires to become a regional leader in neurodevelopmental disorder research, setting a benchmark for scientific excellence and societal impact. We envision a future where our research shapes healthcare practices and policies, fosters societal understanding, and ensures the full inclusion of individuals with ASD, ADHD, and other neurodevelopmental disorders.


• Excellence: Upholding the highest standards of research to advance our understanding of neurodevelopmental disorders.
• Inclusion: Advocating for the full societal integration of individuals with ASD, ADHD, and related conditions.
• Ethics: Conducting all research with integrity and ethical rigor, prioritizing the well-being and dignity of individuals with neurodevelopmental disorders.


1. Understanding Neurodevelopmental Disorders: Conduct in-depth studies on genetic, metabolic, and environmental factors contributing to ASD and ADHD, particularly within the Lebanese population.
2. Identifying Biomarkers: Investigate immune, metabolic, and microbiota biomarkers to support early diagnosis and better management of ASD and ADHD.
3. Enhancing Early Diagnosis and Management: Develop tools to harmonize early diagnosis and management practices, ensuring consistency and improved outcomes within Lebanon’s healthcare system.
4. Assessing Public Knowledge: Evaluate public awareness regarding neurodiversity, ASD, and ADHD to identify gaps and guide targeted awareness campaigns.
5. Raising awareness: Implement nationwide initiatives to increase awareness, reduce stigma, and emphasize a deeper understanding of neurodiversity.
6. Promoting inclusion and Policy Advocacy: Advocate for legislative reforms that ensure access to quality healthcare, education, and social opportunities for individuals with ASD and ADHD.

Research Activity and Publications

f The NDRG has made significant contributions to ASD and ADHD research, particularly in the areas of genetics, metabolic disruptions, microbiota, dietary influences, and public awareness.

Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) Most Recent Publications:
1. Turicibacter and Catenibacterium as Potential Biomarkers in ASD (Scientific Reports, 2024)
2. Body Composition and Anthropometric Measurements in ASD (Nutrients, 2024)
3. Folate–Methionine Cycle Disruptions in ASD Patients (Genes, 2023)
4. Evaluation of Lebanese Adults’ Knowledge Regarding ASD (IJERPH, 2023)
5. Identification of Novel Gene Variants for ASD in Lebanon (Genes, 2022)

Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) Publications:
1. Correlational Insights into ADHD in Lebanon (IJERPH, 2024)
2. P2X4 Signaling and ADHD Comorbidity in a Mouse Model (Frontiers in Pharmacology, 2023)

Current Direction: Harmonizing Autism and ADHD Diagnosis and Management in Lebanon
The NDRG’s ongoing project focuses on addressing the public health challenge of ASD and ADHD in Lebanon through:
1. Harmonized Diagnostic Tools: Developing culturally adapted diagnostic tools for early and accurate ASD and ADHD detection.
2. Biomarker Research: Investigating immune, metabolic, and microbiota biomarkers to support personalized interventions for both ASD and ADHD.
3. Public Awareness Campaigns: Conducting nationwide educational initiatives to reduce stigma and promote neurodiversity.
4. Policy Advocacy: Driving legislative reforms to ensure ASD and ADHD recognition as distinct conditions and improving healthcare services.


The challenges faced by the NDRG extend beyond individual projects, highlighting broader needs in ASD and ADHD research:

• Research Infrastructure: Urgent need for advanced laboratory facilities and diagnostic tools to support comprehensive research on neurodevelopmental disorders.
• Sustained Funding: Securing long-term financial support is essential for expanding pilot studies, conducting large-scale biomarker research, and implementing awareness campaigns.

Team & Collaborators

Prof. Walid Hleihel – Leader of the Research Group
• Position: Deputy President for Research, USEK; Professor of Physiology
• Email: walidhleihel@usek.edu.lb
• Research Focus: Neurodevelopmental Disorders (ASD, ADHD), Metabolomics, Genetics, Microbiota

Dr. Tania Bitar
• Position: Assistant Professor of Biology, USEK
• Research Focus: Genetics and Metabolomics in ASD, ADHD Risk Factors

Dr. Mélissa Rouphael
• Position: PhD Researcher in Life Sciences, USEK & University of Tours
• Research Focus: Nutritional Assessment in ASD, Public Knowledge on ASD


Dr. Mireille Laforge
• Affiliation: CNRS Researcher, Robert Debré Hospital, France
• Research Focus: Neuroimmunology and Autism, Infectious Diseases and Inflammation

Dr. Abbas Alameddine
• Affiliation: Attending Psychiatrist, Hôtel Dieu de France University Hospital; Assistant Professor, University of Balamand
• Research Focus: ADHD and Psychiatric Comorbidities, Mental Health Interventions

Prof. Georges Nemer
• Affiliation: Associate Dean for Research, HBKU, Qatar
• Research Focus: Neurodevelopmental Genetics, Cardiovascular Pharmacology
• Key Contributions: Genetics of Neurodevelopmental Disorders in Arab Populations

Prof. Marc Landry
• Affiliation: Professor of Cell Biology, University of Bordeaux
• Research Focus: Neuroinflammation and Brain Disorders, ADHD-Related Pain Comorbidities

Prof. Pierre Gressens
• Affiliation: Research Director, Inserm, Paris; Honorary Professor, University College London
• Research Focus: Neurodevelopmental Disorders, Brain Injury and Inflammation
• Key Contributions: Studies on Microglial Activation in Neurodevelopmental Disorders
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