Faculty of Philosophy and Humanities

(To become Faculty of Arts and Science starting September 2019)

Teaching Diploma in Education

24 credits
For students entering the program at the Sophomore level
(holders of a recognized Baccalaureate or Freshman diploma - equivalent to 30 credits)


Common Core
EDU312Philosophy of Education
3 credits
This course focuses on the main axes of the philosophy of education, which is a reflection concerning education as real human development as it was designed by the great masters - Greek thinkers. Three axes are the backbone of the course. The first axis is that of Greek education and Greek philosophy­ Socrates, Plato, Aristotle. Special attention will be devoted to Seneca. The second axis focuses on education at the time of the Renaissance; 15th century and the end of the 16th century; Montaigne and Pascal. The third axis focuses on education during the century of enlightenment ­ Rousseau and Kant.
EDU485Specialized Evaluation in Education
3 credits
This course covers essential data for the evaluation of learning and classroom assessment management. Key concepts falling within this domain will be presented, analyzed and discussed, in order to develop, within each discipline, the concept of evaluation that is appropriate. A thorough treatment of the tests will be the subject of an analysis at the level of certain ideas related to tests: the validity of tests and their feasibility, analysis of the types of items, and the way to present them in trials. The way to manage classroom assessment will be addressed through the development of instruments and assessment tools, in accordance with the objectives of the curricula. This course includes various techniques for the preparation and correction of tests, the establishment of scales and scoring. The concept of competence is addressed in an evaluative context, related to formative assessment and in relation with the learning objectives, in order to form an assessment at the end of the educational sequences.
PSY334Psychology of Education
3 credits
The course objective is to introduce and train the student in educational psychology and the different underlying theoretical principles of the discipline. The physiology of organic and psychological bases of cognitive functioning will be addressed (e.g. reading, language, memory, attention, etc.) as well as the cognitive educability and the problem of motivation, in addition to the pathological elements that can impede proper psychic functioning.
PSY400Group-Class Psychology and Educational Relationship
3 credits
This course is designed specifically for teachers who manage a class within a class. The course consists of two interrelated components: the dynamics of the class group located in the class, in the school context by studying its internal psychological functioning and laws governing it; the problem of the atmosphere of the class and the interactions that occur there. The psychology of the educational relationship considers first the psychological mechanisms at the base of the relationship, then the foundations of the educational relationship, and clarifies the criteria for a healthy educational relationship within the triad of parents, students and teachers.
SOC311Sociology of Education
3 credits
This course focuses on the key concepts and theoretical foundations of the sociology of education. It includes a historical overview of the functioning of the school. It also explains the report of school social institutions and socio­economic and cultural parameters likely to influence the curriculum of students as well as their expectations and aspirations; reflecting "educational inequalities" and evaluating the role of policies and compensatory strategies. This course aims to develop the critical thinking of students about inequalities within the school system and enables them to undertake the documented analysis of 'social stratification' as 'school differentiator’.
Common Core – Electives
EDU400The Teacher’s ethical skills
3 credits
After acquiring teaching skills, this course will focus on the teacher's ethical skills in order to give meaning to education by working to certain principles. The course, aimed at undergraduate students of education, considers the ethical element of the teacher's mission. It will allow an awareness of the challenges and ethical issues facing teachers in their profession and will engage them in ethical reflection on topics posed in everyday action.
EDU480Pedagogic Analysis and Integration of Educational Mediatized Materials
3 credits
In this course, students learn to analyze different educational mediatized documents. Specifically, they will seek to incorporate them in teaching situations in the classroom. Starting from newspapers, radio and television series, this course will introduce the main forms of media (news, documentaries, editorial children's shows, commercials, ads ...). It will also aim to instill in students the skills necessary for the analysis and the implementation of mediatized educational tools.
Common Core - Education (Basic Education Cycles I & II)
EDU312Philosophy of Education
3 credits
This course focuses on the main axes of the philosophy of education, which is a reflection concerning education as real human development as it was designed by the great masters - Greek thinkers. Three axes are the backbone of the course. The first axis is that of Greek education and Greek philosophy­ Socrates, Plato, Aristotle. Special attention will be devoted to Seneca. The second axis focuses on education at the time of the Renaissance; 15th century and the end of the 16th century; Montaigne and Pascal. The third axis focuses on education during the century of enlightenment ­ Rousseau and Kant.
EDU400The Teacher’s Ethical Skills
3 credits
After acquiring teaching skills, this course will focus on the teacher's ethical skills in order to give meaning to education by working to certain principles. The course, aimed at undergraduate students of education, considers the ethical element of the teacher's mission. It will allow an awareness of the challenges and ethical issues facing teachers in their profession and will engage them in ethical reflection on topics posed in everyday action.
EDU485Specialized Evaluation in Education
3 credits
This course covers essential data for the evaluation of learning and classroom assessment management. Key concepts falling within this domain will be presented, analyzed and discussed, in order to develop, within each discipline, the concept of evaluation that is appropriate. A thorough treatment of the tests will be the subject of an analysis at the level of certain ideas related to tests: the validity of tests and their feasibility, analysis of the types of items, and the way to present them in trials. The way to manage classroom assessment will be addressed through the development of instruments and assessment tools, in accordance with the objectives of the curricula. This course includes various techniques for the preparation and correction of tests, the establishment of scales and scoring. The concept of competence is addressed in an evaluative context, related to formative assessment and in relation with the learning objectives, in order to form an assessment at the end of the educational sequences.
SOC311Sociology of Education
3 credits
This course focuses on the key concepts and theoretical foundations of the sociology of education. It includes a historical overview of the functioning of the school. It also explains the report of school social institutions and socio­economic and cultural parameters likely to influence the curriculum of students as well as their expectations and aspirations; reflecting "educational inequalities" and evaluating the role of policies and compensatory strategies. This course aims to develop the critical thinking of students about inequalities within the school system and enables them to undertake the documented analysis of 'social stratification' as 'school differentiator’.
Specialization - Education (Basic Education Cycles I & II)
EDU429Didactics of Life and Earth Science
3 credits
This course mainly addresses the epistemology that responds to questions relating to the means capable of fostering the transmission and appropriation of scientific knowledge. It includes techniques of science education, in order to know the specification of experiments or science book, which became the primary teaching tool accompanying learners during schooling. The course deals with the process of teaching and learning of science by “situation­problem”.
EDU464French Language Didactics
3 credits
In this course specific educational issues relating to the teaching of the French language and in French language in cycles I and II primary are addressed. It deepens levels of analysis of the French language within the school context, and the specifics of the areas of teaching of this language plus the knowledge relating to the methods of language teaching. Didactic situations will be analyzed with reference to content and methodological opinions proposed by the Lebanese curriculum.
EDU517Mathematics Didactics
3 credits
The course introduces students to didactic approaches which, following various experiments, put at their disposal effective tools to address the mathematical concepts and practices of class within this discipline. Mathematical logic and, thereafter, appropriate language remain a concern accompanying the various phases of this course. The course enables students to be able to reason according to the criteria of formal logic, to analyze, assess and make a judgment based on a synthesis at all levels of the curriculum.
3 credits
As well as their achievements in teaching, the students will receive classes for observation of educational practice within a school context and for writing a descriptive and analytical report. They will also explore the integration of technological tools into the educational scenario, in order to apply new techniques from the world of ICT.
Specialization - Option: Chemistry
ECH470Specialized Didactics I
3 credits
The course is designed for students with a degree in chemistry (or biochemistry). It aims to introduce students to the methods that allow the acquisition of appropriate skills for the teaching of chemistry. The course focuses on the Lebanese Curriculum in the intermediate cycle, considering fast outputs in order to address the fundamental parts of the third cycle of basic and secondary education, to ensure harmony and continuity between different parts of the chemistry program.
ECH471Specialized Didactics II
3 credits
The course focuses on Lebanese Curriculum at the secondary level, emphasizing the use of educational resources: the strategies, methods, educational activities (planning, testing, and evaluation) and choice of teaching materials. Upon completion of the course, the student will be able to adapt to the methods and theories of teaching and model, induce, deduce, abstract, apply and impart knowledge in chemistry.
ECH490School Internship
3 credits
Specialization - Option: Computer Sciences
EIN470Specialized Didactics I
3 credits
This course studies concepts, trends, and skills needed to design and teach curriculum materials for informatics education; analysis and evaluation of informatics curriculum; methods and techniques of teaching informatics at the school level; includes demonstrations and observation of actual computer lab sessions.
EIN471Specialized Didactics II
3 credits
This course reviews various concepts, trends, and skills needed to design and teach curriculum materials for informatics education. Students will take part in observations and practice in classroom situations under the guidance of university course instructors and cooperating schoolteachers.
EIN490School Internship
3 credits
Students will take part in observations and practice in classroom situations under the guidance of university course instructors and cooperating schoolteachers.
Specialization - Option: Educational Sciences (Philosophy)
EDU431Specialized didactics I (PH)
3 credits
This course is designed for students holding a Bachelor’s in philosophy. It is intends to introduce students preparing for a Teaching Diploma (Diplôme d’Enseignement) to methods that allow them to acquire skills specific to the teaching of philosophy. The course focuses on the Lebanese curriculum (and European) in high schools. The teaching methods are based on the close connection between theoretical instruction and its practical implementation (read, operate, and analyze a philosophical reflection, a text or a thought, etc.)
EDU538Specialized didactics II (PH)
3 credits
A follow on form the course of "specialized didactics I", this course will teach students to prepare, give and assess philosophy lessons, both in terms of content and teaching modalities. In terms of content, the course deals with principles that should guide the preparation of lessons in philosophy, in particular, the importance of philosophical concepts, arguments, authors and the history of thought. At the methodological level, students will, through practical work, prepare lessons on philosophy taking into consideration the particularities of the teaching / learning process and the specificity of content in philosophy. The practice will focus on adequate assessment methods for critical judgments and study of philosophical texts.
3 credits
As part of their teaching practice student will attend classes to observe educational practices in a school context, and gather material for their descriptive and analytical report. Students must demonstrate how they can integrate technological tools and apply new techniques used in the world of ICT for educational purposes.
Specialization - Option: Educational Sciences (Social Sciences)
EDU428Specialized didactics I (SCO)
3 credits
This course is designed for students holding a degree in Social Sciences or in Sociology. It aims at introducing students, preparing for their teaching degree (Teaching Diploma), to methods that allow them to acquire skills specific to teaching economic and sociological sciences. The course focuses on the Lebanese curriculum in high school. The teaching methods are based on the close connection between theoretical instruction and its practical implementation (the socialization process, social and economic changes, structural and conjectural policies, etc.)
EDU548Specialized didactics II (SCO)
3 credits
Starting from a didactic problematic, this course focuses on the central issues that structure the field of social and economic sciences: that of the epistemology of relevant knowledge and fundamental sociological and economic concepts. This course intends to deepen students’ theoretical and didactic knowledge in sociology and economics, updating them according to the contemporary trends and procedures of teaching methods.
3 credits
As part of their teaching practice student will attend classes to observe educational practices in a school context, and gather material for their descriptive and analytical report. Students must demonstrate how they can integrate technological tools and apply new techniques used in the world of ICT for educational purposes.
Specialization - Option: English Language and Literature
ELL470Specialized Didactics I
3 credits
The objective of this course is to train students in the study, analysis and utilization of literary texts (excerpts and complete texts) in middle and high schools, following the methodical reading grid, and the analytical review and literary essay grids.
ELL471Specialized Didactics II
3 credits
The objective of this course is to train students in discursive grammar, its textual inclusion, as well as its reinvestment in writings, within the middle and high schools, following constructivist methods.
ELL490School Internship
3 credits
Students will complete an observation internship in an elementary level class and in secondary level class for six uninterrupted weeks. The internship shall cover a complete teaching unit where they document their observations in a logbook (subject to supervision by the internship supervisor appointed by the related department). At the end of the internship, students will be called to give two simulations before the internship supervisor: one in an elementary level class and another in a secondary level class.
Specialization - Option: French Language and Literature
ELF470Specialized Didactics I
3 credits
The objective of this course is to train students in the study, analysis and utilization of literary texts (excerpts and complete texts) in middle and high schools, following the methodical reading grid, and the analytical review and literary essay grids.
ELF471Specialized Didactics II
3 credits
The objective of this course is to train students in discursive grammar, its textual inclusion, as well as its reinvestment in writings, within the middle and high schools, following constructivist methods.
ELF490School Internship
3 credits
Students will complete an observation internship in an elementary level class and in secondary level class for six uninterrupted weeks. The internship shall cover a complete teaching unit where they document their observations in a logbook (subject to supervision by the internship supervisor appointed by the related department). At the end of the internship, students will be called to give two simulations before the internship supervisor: one in an elementary level class and another in a secondary level class.
Specialization - Option: History
EHI470Specialized Didactics I
3 credits
The course is designed for students who hold a degree in History. It aims at introducing students in TD to methods that allow the acquisition of skills required for the teaching of history. The course focuses on the Lebanese Curriculum in the secondary cycle. The teaching methods are done in close connection between theoretical teaching in teaching practice by having the ability to read a map, explain an engraving, examine and use a historical text, analyze events and transmit historical knowledge through the many examples that reflect a situation or event.
EHI471Specialized Didactics II
3 credits
This course reflects the history program planned by the Lebanese Curriculum. After the course, the student will know the appropriate methods and theories for teaching history and be able to analyze, deduce, construct a coherent understanding and pass it on.
EHI490School Internship
3 credits
This course allows the student to put into practice his/her acquired knowledge, experience the possibilities of change, verify, consolidate or make changes in teaching methods, and become familiar with different learning methods. At the end of the course, the student will submit a report.
Specialization - Option: Life Sciences
ESV470Specialized Didactics I
3 credits
The course covers the following: the nature of science and its implication in teaching; critical study of various science teaching techniques; survey and practice in the utilization of instructional materials.
ESV471Specialized Didactics II
3 credits
The course covers the following: a review of various science curriculum projects and programs; curriculum planning, microteaching, and practicum in classroom observation and teaching.
ESV490School Internship
3 credits
Specialization - Option: Mathematics
EMT470Specialized Didactics I
3 credits
The course is designed for students who hold a degree in Mathematics. It aims at introducing students in TD to methods that allow the acquisition of skills specific to the teaching of Mathematics. The course focuses on the Lebanese Curriculum in the Intermediate cycle, and addresses fundamental parts of the second cycle of basic education to ensure harmony and continuity between the different parts of the mathematics program. It focuses on other concepts that are not included in the program and are useful to allow students to comfortably reach a higher level.
EMT471Specialized Didactics II
3 credits
This course considers the mathematical program planned by the Lebanese curriculum and to focuses on core parts of the intermediate cycle program and prerequisites for university to ensure harmony and continuity between the different parts of the Lebanese educational system. It introduces students to the use of educational resources: the strategies, methods, educational activities (planning, testing, and evaluation) and the choice of appropriate teaching materials and technology. After the course, the student will know the appropriate methods and theories in teaching and be able to model, to analyze, to induce, to deduce, to abstract and to apply.
EMT490School Internship
3 credits
Specialization - Option: Music
EMU470Specialized Didactics I
3 credits
This course deals with specialized teaching for pre-school and primary music education; its aims:
1. Study and integration of the basic principles of active musical pedagogy.
2. Study and experimentation of various processes to awaken and develop the music faculties of the child (rhythmic sense, auditory attention, inner hearing, voice emission and singing, instrumental, body, dramatic and creative expression, improvisation...).
3. Acquisition and knowledge of repertories from traditional and contemporary music and instrumental ensembles favorable to a musical pedagogy for pre-school and primary students.
4. Presentation, adaptation and creation of teaching material and exercises-games intended for these same groups of children according to the approach by skills.
5. Planning, organization and evaluation of learning.
EMU471Specialized Didactics II
3 credits
This course deals with teaching in elementary school; its aims:
1. Study and integration of the basic principles of active musical pedagogy.
2. Study and experimentation of various processes to develop musical faculties of youth (rhythm, listening and appreciation, individual and group singing, instrumental, body expression, reading and writing, public performance and creativity, improvisation...).
3. Acquisition and knowledge of repertories from traditional and contemporary music and instrumental ensembles favorable to a musical pedagogy for elementary students.
4. Presentation, adaptation and creation of teaching material and activities intended for these same groups of children according to the approach by skills.
5. Planning, organization and evaluation of learning.
EMU490School Internship
3 credits
In this course, the student is required to develop professional autonomy and acquire an adequate mastery of skills for teaching, related to the diversity of schools milieu and taking into consideration development stages of children. Trainee teachers prepare lesson plans, chooses teaching approaches, implementing disciplinary, didactic and pedagogic knowledge and evaluates their educational practice through reflexive analysis. This internship is for a period of 21 days during which the candidate teaches music classes in three different schools for a period of one week in each school. Support and coaching meetings between a designated supervisor and the trainee teacher are planned at the University throughout the training. The internship also includes a period of preparation at the University and provides time for reports writing, estimated to be 24 hours.
Specialization - Option: Physics
EPY470Specialized Didactics I
3 credits
The nature of physics and its implication in teaching; critical study of various physics teaching techniques; survey and practice in the utilization of instructional materials.
EPY471Specialized Didactics II
3 credits
A review of various physics curriculum projects and programs; curriculum planning, microteaching, and practicum in classroom observation and teaching.
EPY490School Internship
3 credits
Specialization - Option: Visual and Performing Arts
EVS470Specialized Didactics I
3 credits
This course is designed for students holding a degree in Visual and Performing Arts. It aims to introduce students learning a TD to didactic methods concerned with image. The course requires students analyze and produce images for educational purposes. This is a course with double dimension, theoretical and practical.
EVS471Specialized Didactics II
3 credits
This course develops methods and scenic arts practices for educational and therapeutic purposes, such as psychodrama. Its objectives are to facilitate relations, develop capacity for expression, representation, creativity, etc.
EVS490School Internship
3 credits
This course aims to enable the student to put into practice his/her acquired knowledge, experience the possibilities of change, verify, consolidate or make changes to the acquired methods and become familiar with different learning methods. At the end of the course the student is required to write a detailed course report conforming to the internship protocol prepared by the head of DE.

Options / Majors

- Chemistry
- Computer Sciences
- Education (Basic Education Cycles I & II)
- Educational Sciences (Philosophy)
- Educational Sciences (Social Sciences)
- English Language and Literature
- French Language and Literature
- History
- Life Sciences
- Mathematics
- Music
- Physics
- Visual And Performing Arts


The main task of the educational degree program [DE] is to train graduates to become professional teachers in their specialization. This program is the length of a postgraduate academic year, and delivers quality training to would-be teachers that reinforces their basic training and allows them to enter the labor market with a solid knowledge in their specialization and the skills to teach. .

Program Educational Objectives

1. Graduates become specialist teachers in the public and private educational sectors.
2. Graduates will undertake research in the field of contemporary specialized didactics and school programs.
3. Graduates, equipped with a psychological, philosophical, sociological and ethical knowledge, will learn to interpersonal communication skills and group management in a class.
4. Graduates will be teaching project planners by putting into practice the theoretical knowledge acquired using multidisciplinary resources, and by implementing specialized evaluation techniques.

Program Outcomes

a. Students will analyze problem areas related to the didactics and functioning of the school system (Lebanese in particular).
b. Develop knowledge relating to areas of teaching in their specialization.
c. Create didactic situations and possible solutions to problems in context.
d. Integrate the educational use of technological tools to apply new known techniques used in the world of ICT.
e. Discern the relationship between philosophy and education and make use of this aspect in the theme of the course.
f. Develop a notional and conceptual synthesis related to social stratification as a school differentiator.
g. Deepen the psychic needs of the child as well as the psychological management of groups and the educational relationship in the classroom.
h. Identify the major epistemological trends and apply them in teaching practice and mental operations in cognitive dominance.
i. Develop skills and gather essential data for evaluation and apply them in a variety of assessment practices.
Holy Spirit University of Kaslik
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