Master of Business Administration
Business Core
MGT520Corporate Governance and Business Ethics
3 credits
This course aims at familiarizing students with managerial and financial theories of governance as well as recent developments concerning the responsibilities of administrative bodies at the level of corporate governance. Additionally, it enables the students comprehend the various ethical and managerial approaches by providing them with insights on the organization as part of the community and the behaviors of the managers that have a great impact on the performance of the organization. After completing this course, students will be able to play various roles related to the effective functioning of the administrative body of several organizations as well as generate ethical and social culture decisions in their scope of work.
BUS500Quantitative Research Methods
3 credits
This course tackles the use of statistical techniques in the elaboration of a methodological protocol. It supposes that students have already completed the course on elementary statistics, statistic tests and poll theory. It mainly aims at joining theoretical thinking to empirical practice. It also summarizes the main actions of the researcher in management and focuses on the meaning of these acts: what does a hypothesis mean? What is a measure? What does the elaboration of a fact mean? What about a model? An important part of this course is assigned to longitudinal data processing.
BUS689Research Methodology in Business
3 credits
This course provides the training needed for understanding, testing, conducting and writing a research paper in social sciences and management. It aims at helping students understand the stakes, the basics and the techniques of research in management by offering the tools for the personal development of their work.
MGT620Strategic Management and Decision Making
3 credits
This course is based on a multidisciplinary approach of strategic management that enables students to understand the decision-making nature in various strategic contexts, formulate and implement strategies and integrate functional policies in strategic problems resolution. The course presents the fields of activities in which the enterprise seeks to integrate. It also tackles the subject of resources allocation to enable an enterprise to preserve a strong and defendable position, and to progress in the sector(s) it currently occupies, or seeks to occupy, with a view to maximize invested capital profitability.
Audit Requirement Courses
AUD620Auditing and Attestation (AUD) - (CPA)
3 credits
This course will offer knowledge of auditing procedures, auditing standards and other standards related to attest engagements, as well as provide the skills needed to apply that knowledge. The course allows the students to become familiar with the International Auditing and Assurance Board (IAASB) and its role in establishing International Standards on Auditing (ISA).
AUD645Business Analysis and Reporting (BAR) – (CPA)
3 credits | Pre-requisite: AUD610 & AUD615 & AUD620
The Business Analysis and Reporting (BAR) course provides a comprehensive understanding of assurance, financial statement analysis, technical accounting, and financial and operations management. Through practical exercises and discussions, students develop skills in evaluating processes, analyzing financial statements, and making informed decisions. The course integrates financial analysis into operations to enhance performance. By course end, students possess the skills to excel in business analysis and reporting.
AUD615Financial Auditing and Reporting (FAR) - (CPA)
3 credits | Pre-requisite: AUD620
This course will cover accounting principles for business enterprises, governmental entities and non-profit organizations, as well as provide the skills needed to apply that knowledge. Through considering questions about the International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS), the course allows the participants to identify and understand the difference between financial statements prepared on the basis of U.S. GAAP and those prepared on the basis of IFRS.
AUD650Information Systems and Controls
3 credits | Pre-requisite: AUD610 & AUD615 & AUD620
The Information Systems Control (ISC) course provides students with a comprehensive understanding of business processes, information systems, security and governance, and IT audits. Students will explore the role of information systems in organizations, learn about information security and governance practices, and gain skills in conducting IT audits. By the end of the course, students will be equipped to manage and evaluate information systems effectively.
AUD630Internal Auditing Strategy
3 credits
The course objective is to deepen knowledge in the field of internal auditing. It also allows students to draft a detailed program related to operational and internal auditing that is applied to the enterprise specific functions or operations, and to understand strategic norms and principles linked to the internal auditing mission.
AUD635International Financial Reporting Standards 1
3 credits | Pre-requisite: AUD615
The course is designed to develop the students’ knowledge and understanding of International Financial Reporting Standards. Students will also learn how to apply the standards, as well as the concepts and principles which underpin them. Students interested in obtaining the Diploma in International Financial Reporting (DipIFR) will find the content of this course helpful to prepare for the exam, along with the content of the ‘IFRS 2’ course which includes the remaining subjects covered by the DipIFR but not included in this course. The list of topics covered in this course include but are not limited to: the conceptual framework, elements of the financial statements (Revenue, tangible non-current assets, intangible assets, goodwill, provisions, foreign currency transactions, other assets) in addition to the presentation of financial statement, earnings per share, related party disclosures, and segment reporting.
AUD640International Financial Reporting Standards 2
3 credits | Pre-requisite: AUD635
The course is designed to develop the students’ knowledge and understanding of International Financial Reporting Standards. Students will also learn how to apply the standards, as well as the concepts and principles which underpin them. Students interested in obtaining the Diploma in International Financial Reporting (DipIFR) will find the content of this course, along with IFRS 1 course content, helpful to prepare for the exam. The list of topics covered in this course include but are not limited to: leases, financial instruments, employment and post-employment benefits, share-based payments, fair value measurement, and preparation of group consolidated external reports.
AUD610Taxation and Regulation (REG) - (CPA)
3 credits | Pre-requisite: AUD620
The main objective of this course is to examine taxation, ethics, professional and legal responsibilities, and business law topics, as well as the skills needed to apply that knowledge.
6 credits | Pre-requisite: BUS689
A professional report should be based on the professional mission of a firm. By mobilizing the knowledge that has been acquired in one or two courses, the report should highlight the capacity of the student to conduct an analysis in relation to a practical problem. The report should not be limited to a description of the enterprise, but should have a point of view and include an analytical dimension, which promotes solutions, offer recommendations and show adapted measures.
Finance Requirement Courses
FIN620Advanced Valuation and Strategy
FIN600Applied Corporate Finance
3 credits
In this course, students will acquire more advanced knowledge related to corporate finance main decisions: investment decisions, financing decisions and dividends policies. This course teaches students how to implement these decisions in specific contexts such as SME context (small and medium enterprises) and develops a critical analysis of the concepts and traditional tools of corporate finance.
FIM590Fixed Income Markets
3 credits
This course emphasizes on the structuring of interest rate-based products, in order to understand the sensitivity concepts for hedging purposes. It will handle both duration and convexity in a quantitative approach and their implications on duration neutral strategies. An introduction to short- and long-term futures is a must to help understand the Basis of fixed income derivatives. A software that prices any collection of cash flows by generating a discount function will be designed and used to replicate bond index trackers.
ECO600Macroeconomics and Public Policy
3 credits
This course is designed to provide students with an advanced understanding of macroeconomic concepts and models used in economic and policy analysis. It elaborates on the main topics in macroeconomics including national income, money and inflation, unemployment, business cycles and economic growth. The course also discusses government economic policies and their implications.
FIN645Mergers and Acquisitions
3 credits | Pre-requisite: FIN600
This course provides an in-depth analysis of mergers and acquisitions M&A within the framework of corporate strategy. Students will explore the strategic, financial, and operational aspects of M&A activities, including valuation techniques, deal structuring, due diligence, and post-merger integration. The course will also cover the legal and regulatory considerations involved in M&A transactions, as well as the challenges and risks associated with such deals. Through case studies and real-world examples, students will develop the analytical skills and strategic mindset necessary to navigate the complex landscape of M&A in modern business environments.
FIN655Portfolio Management
3 credits
This course covers the various theoretical and practical aspects of quantitative portfolio management. It sheds light on the concerned theories’ implications, notably in the course of Capitals Market Theory at the level of investment policies and performance measure. Great attention is given to portfolio management active strategies. Furthermore, students will be aware of the themes related to investment policies (objectives, constraints), asset allocation, assessment and performance. Global and mandatory management along with the use of derivative products for insurance and coverage objectives will be examined as well.
FIN610Risk Management
3 credits
The course’s objective is to provide students with a tangible education that will allow them to acquire the know-how and management control of tools and processes of the organization risks management. Therefore, students will learn how to identify the main risks of a project, estimate their impacts and propose suitable plans of action.
6 credits | Pre-requisite: BUS689
This is a process-oriented writing course that integrates reading, research, writing, and oral presentations. Under the guidance of a supervisor, students will develop and defend a Master Thesis in Business Administration. They will articulate a research question of relevance within their field of study, choose a methodology, use concepts and theories and methods to analyze it and report the findings.
Marketing Requirement Courses
MKT610Applied Research in Marketing
3 credits
The objective of this course is to present a general review of research and assessment methods used by marketing researchers with a view to acquire fundamental and applied knowledge in marketing. In addition, this course enables students to develop their research work, which should be relevant to the thesis they will complete within their curriculum.
MKT530Brand Strategy and Communication
3 credits
Brand strategy and communication provides a strategic step by step approach in brand creation, innovation, launching, communication and effective management. It represents an interesting balance between theory and cases. This course places an emphasis on internationalization, globalization, mega-brand management and on the interrelationship between business strategy and brand strategy.
MKT685Digital Marketing Strategy
3 credits
This Course prepares students with the strategic mind-set and frameworks essentials in this modern world to generate value through consumer centric digital marketing strategies. Topics such as social media, SEO, Content marketing, mobile technologies and other key digital marketing tools will be explored. Students will consider how analytics and experimentation can be used to reveal opportunities for strategic innovation and be analyzed to inform evidence-based insights. The course develops the analytical skills needed to formulate and implement successful digital marketing strategies.
MKT660International Marketing
3 credits
This course covers the basic principles of marketing management, and explains its fundamental role within an international context. Based on the enterprise operational data, the participants set forth an international marketing plan. They conduct a market study, identify the product or service, make any necessary adaptations and establish a price, distribution and promotion strategy according to the product and the nature of the market.
MKT680Retail and Sales Strategy
3 credits
This course explores the various commerce options consumers and businesses are using in current times. It develops students’ capabilities to develop and manage companies’ brands omnichannel presence, whether offline or online. Students will address both strategic and practical aspects of retailing in a rapidly changing environment, from choosing the channel to developing appropriate consumer relationships. "This course also focuses on how channels are selected as part of a company's sales strategy, thereby providing the students advanced insights into managing the sales process."
MKT650Strategic Marketing Management
3 credits
The course mainly aims at teaching students how to understand marketing’s specific and original contribution within the field of business administration. It also enables students to use and apply the main concepts related to markets assessment: environment, consumer behavior, demand and segmentation. The second part of the course covers the various decisions related to marketing, those linked to marketing variables: product, price, distribution and promotion.
MGT640Theories and Practices of Negotiation
3 credits
This course enables the students to acquire the competencies and the basic theoretical and practical techniques needed to be an influential negotiator, and to carry out and manage the negotiation process. This course covers negotiation theories in association with relational models of behavior in negotiations, which have been developed through cognitive and behaviorist theories and the science of decision-making. Many exercises, study cases and real simulations will be done in order to apply the theoretical and practical concepts.
6 credits | Pre-requisite: BUS689
This is a process-oriented writing course that integrates reading, research, writing, and oral presentations. Under the guidance of a supervisor, students will develop and defend a Master Thesis in Business Administration. They will articulate a research question of relevance within their field of study, choose a methodology, use concepts and theories and methods to analyze it and report the findings.
- Audit
- Finance
- Marketing
Learning Goal 1: Graduates will have advanced knowledge of various fields in business.
Learning Objective 1: Apply detailed knowledge in theories and practices in Audit, Finance and Marketing.
Learning Goal 2: Graduates will have strategic decision-making abilities.
Learning Objective 1. Identify and analyze strategic actions in various areas of business.
Learning Objective 2. Propose, contrast and synthesize different solutions to problems in various areas of business.
Learning Goal 3: Graduates will be ethically and socially responsible.
Learning Objective 1. Identify and analyze the various ethical issues in a business environment.
Learning Objective 2. Propose solutions of ethical issues related in a global business environment.
Learning Objective 3. Execute plans to ensure solutions are sustainable.
Learning Goal 4: Graduates will have effective communication skills.
Learning Objective 1. Organize, write and execute oral and written professional reports for business in a global environment.
Learning Objective 2. Speak and present using professional communication skills and technology.