ACT210Financial Accounting I
3 credits
The course explains the principles of general accounting and related applications, explains how to record business transactions, and allows students to read and understand financial statements.
ACT220Financial Accounting II
3 credits | Pre-requisite: ACT210
The course explains in detail the main components of a balance sheet and explains the nature, classification, and treatment of accounting for long term assets, current assets, liabilities, and stockholders’ equity. The main objective of the course is to provide students with a general knowledge of the preparation of financial statements, in addition to the analysis of the financial figures with the key ratios and comments, and the preparation of the company’s cash flow.
BUS211Mathematics of Finance
3 credits | Pre-requisite: BUS210 or MAT206 or MAT216 or MAT213 or MAT310
The course will provide students with knowledge on the funding problems, discount, annuities, financial amortization, and bonds, through concrete cases.
BUS303Business Planning
3 credits | Pre-requisite: MGT220 And MKT220 And FIN310
Generating a business plan requires following a methodological approach that enables students to follow a systematic road map that will guide them through the steps of developing new or existing business ideas. As most businesses seek financial sources, the course helps students and future entrepreneurs introduce business opportunities to potential investors.
BUS345Enterprise Internship
1 credits | Pre-requisite: ENG290
This course allows students to apply knowledge and skills acquired at the University in a real-life setting. The main goal is to obtain hands-on experience necessary to qualify for a good entry-level position in accounting or audit. Moreover, students will learn how to create and write a professional report with emphasis on their experience in the business industry. The course is thus practical and theoretical in the sense that students will participate in theoretical classes at the University and at the same time partake in a 120-hour training program at a recognized corporate establishment.
DRT223Business Law
3 credits
The main objective of this course is to provide students a general description of business corporations especially under the Lebanese legal system. We address in particular the laws of merchant, business concern, partnership, and corporations. However, our approach is based on a functional perspective of the law. Thus, we attempt to ask how these legal structures function to produce desired benefits to parties who enter into relationships, or how rules can affect sensible business organization.
3 credits | Pre-requisite: MAT216
This course gives students an insight into microeconomics, which is a key component to designing and understanding public policy and is an essential tool for managerial decision¬-making, while offering an understanding of the operation of modern economy.
3 credits
This course gives an insight into macroeconomics, portraying the economy as a whole. It is by developing an understanding of fundamental economic terminology, and concepts and principles that we are able to interpret economic changes and their impact on a country’s situation.
ENG290Business Professional
3 credits | Pre-requisite: ENG240
The study of communication theory and its application to business is the main focus of this course. Emphasis is placed on composing basic forms of business communication, including correspondence and reports. Attention is also given to the ethical objectives of communicating in the managerial environment.
FIN310Financial Management
3 credits | Pre-requisite: BUS211 and STA220
This course aims to enable students to deepen their knowledge in financial management by developing methods used to value bonds, stocks, and investment projects. As well as Understanding the basic issues involved in fund raising for investments and capital budgeting decisions.
FIN315Financial Analysis
3 credits | Pre-requisite: ACT220
The evaluation of the health of a business is an essential component of financial analysis. Shareholders, creditors, and managers are questioning the value establishment by the company. Techniques and appropriate methods help them to form their opinion. Consequently, the content of this course follows an approach that is based on the annual accounts, including the study of the income statement, the study of time record, plus the study of changes in positions between two periods.
MAT216General Mathematics
3 credits | Pre-requisite: MAT110
This course provides students with the solid base they need to be successful in their specialty courses. Topics covered include: the function of a real variable, elementary functions, Taylor's expansion, simple integral and methods of integration, differential equations, multivariable functions, continuity, partial derivative, chain rule, differential, introduction to double integrals, methods of integration, Matrix calculus, determinants, and linear systems.
MGT220Principles of Management
3 credits | Pre-requisite: ENG140
An introductory course designed to provide students with an overview of the management functions such as planning, organizing, leading & controlling. It also focuses on providing students with analytical, and technical skills aimed at preparing them to managerial positions. Through knowledge of the theoretical parts students will be able to recognize in organization: the manager's role, the process of change, teamwork, and ethics.
MGT330Human Resources Management
3 credits | Pre-requisite: MGT220
This course provides students with the basic principles and theories of human resource management. It expands on the five functions of human resources management: staffing, training and development, safety and health, compensation and benefits, and employee labor relations. This course is the foundation for students majoring in human resource and the course material is translated into practice through relevant discussions of the topic at hand and an analysis of cases, thus requiring a logical integration of learning to the business context. Lectures are used to introduce the key concepts and theories, and articles and cases provide an opportunity to clarify and reinforce students’ understanding of the subject.
MIS320Quantitative Techniques Applied to Business
3 credits | Pre-requisite: STA220
This course introduces quantitative concepts and techniques used in financial analysis and investment decision making. Descriptive statistics used for conveying important data attributes such as central tendency, location, and dispersion are presented. Characteristics of return distributions such as symmetry, skewness, and kurtosis are also introduced. All investment forecasts and decisions involve uncertainty: Therefore, probability theory and its application quantifying risk in investment decision making is considered. Furthermore the course introduces the common probability distributions used to describe the behavior of random variables, such as asset prices and returns. How to estimate measures of a population (mean, standard deviation) based on a population sample is shown. The course ends with a framework for hypothesis testing, used for validating dataset hypotheses, along with techniques to test a hypothesis.
MKT220Principles of Marketing
3 credits | Pre-requisite: ENG240
This course is designed to help the students learn about and apply the basic concepts and practices of modern marketing as they are used in a variety of settings. It is intended for business students who wish to become the decision-makers of tomorrow at the middle or upper levels of management since it gives students a comprehensive and innovative managerial and practical introduction to marketing.
STA220Probability and Applied Statistics
3 credits
This course prepares students for the practical use of probability and statistics in the biomedical field (agronomy, chemistry, biochemistry, nutrition, medicine, etc.). Topics: Elements of descriptive statistics, population, statistical unit, frequency distribution characteristic of central tendency and dispersion. Notions of probability and combinatorics, conditional probability and Bayes' formula, applications, discrete and continuous random variables, expectation and moments, weak law of large numbers, empirical frequencies and probabilities customary laws (Binomial, Multinomial, Poisson, Normal ) and asymptotic behavior, law of large numbers, sampling and estimation, introduction to the use of hypothesis tests, Chi-2 contingency table.