School of Law and Political Sciences

Master in International Contracts

26 credits


DRG670Competition Law
2 credits
This course examines the rules of competition in International, European and National Laws.
DRG665Contractual Technique
2 credits
This course adopts a practical approach to contract law, by examining the general structure of a contract and its principal provisions, and includes analysis and drafting of clauses.
DRG675Distribution Contracts
2 credits
This course examines all main contracts related to structuring a distribution networks, including exclusivity agreements, selective distribution, exclusive concession, and franchise.
DRG631European Contract Law
2 credits
Students will learn the comparative approach to Contract Law by examining national laws in English, German and French.
DRG636International Arbitration
2 credits
Students will study arbitration in an international context.
DRG632International Business Law
2 credits
This course examines the general legal frame of international exchanges, including sources of law, operators, and litigation.
DRG637International Merchandise Trade
2 credits
This course covers the substantive law applicable to International Sales of Goods (Vienna Convention).
DRG639International Private Law
2 credits
This course examines the rules that governs the selection of appropriate law and validity of judgements and jurisdictions in an international litigation (Rome I and Rome II Regulations; Brussels I Regulation; The Hague Convention…).
DRG634International Subcontracting
2 credits
This course examines all aspects of international subcontracting.
DRG635Law of International Financial Contracts
2 credits
This course examines the structure of all major financial Instruments in International trade, including credit, warranty, and payment.
DRG680Internship Report
3 credits
In the Professional Master, students pursue an internship in a law firm, a legal department of a corporation, or an international organization, for a duration of 2 to 6 months, at the end of which they have to write an Internship Report.
DRG690AResearch Dissertation
6 credits


The Master in International Contracts at the USEK Faculty of Law, in partnership with the Faculty of Law of Montpellier I University, aims to offer its students in-depth training in international Contracts Law.

Program Educational Objectives

Graduates will have:
1. Advanced legal knowledge in the field of international contract law and related provisions of public and private international law.
2. Enhanced competencies for comparative legal analysis.
3. Fundamental tools and competencies needed to deal with the complex reality of international commercial transactions from an international perspective.
4. Essential skills in legal research, analysis, and communication for understanding and applying business and contract law in a transnational legal environment.
5. Knowledge and skills to pursue employment with transnational corporations, commercial law firms, governmental and nongovernmental agencies.

Program Outcomes

a. Students will be familiarized with and deepen their knowledge in international trade and master contract drafting.
b. Students will be familiar with techniques of contract drafting for international trade.
c. Students will gain experience in research methodology specifically designed for Contract Law.
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