Lara Hanna-Wakim, PhD

Title: Impact of Consecutive Crises on Malnutrition, Anemia, Food Insecurity, and Adherence to the Mediterranean Diet Among Pregnant Women

Duration: 11 months

Summary: Optimal nutrition is required throughout pregnancy to sustain the mother’s health and the fetus’ growth. Malnutrition is associated with numerous determinants that affect food insecurity in pregnant women. It is essential to prevent malnutrition by providing pregnant women with the necessary dietary support. Most of the world’s population has been influenced recently by several global crises and unstable periods connected to the economy, the environment, human health, and the climate, leading to a high prevalence of hunger, malnutrition, and food insecurity. In addition to the global health crisis caused by the COVID-19 virus since 2019, Lebanon is facing its worst social and economic crisis.

Consecutive crises could have adverse effects on the nutritional status, health, and food security of Lebanese pregnant women. There is a total lack of literature exploring these aspects under the ongoing crisis. This demand-side research is needed to assess malnutrition, as well as educate and encourage pregnant women to make adapted choices for healthy diets. 500 pregnant women will be enrolled, during which face-to-face interviews will take place (FFQ, 24 h-recall) to measure their minimal dietary diversity score (MDD-W), in addition to anthropometric measurements (weight, height, BMI, MUAC, and blood tests: hemoglobin level measured by point of care machine test).
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