Centre de Formation Continue de l'USEK (UCLC)

Ongoing Courses


After completing the A1+/A2- level of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages, students continue to build on previously acquired competences in A1, and are able to understand and ask, among others, for information about shopping, local geography, and employment. They can talk about daily routine and their background in simple terms.

Instructor: Ms. Caterina Brianda
Start date: April 5, 2022
End date: May 31, 2022
Schedule: Tuesdays & Thursdays | 5:15 pm – 6:30 pm
Duration: 20 hours
Delivery mode: Online
Course fee: 500 USD


The goal of every company is to make money by creating value for customers. The responsibility of a product manager is to make sure the company is doing so by creating new products, improving satisfaction with existing products, and introducing the necessary amendments to them. Product management is the intersection between what customers want and what engineers can actually develop.
Standing at a crossroads between business, technology, and user experience, this intensive 9-week course will teach you the required product management skills. It is designed specifically for professionals with a strong technical or business background who want to transition into product management roles in technology-based companies.

Instructor: Sandy Rihanna, PhD
Start date: April 5, 2022
End date: June 2, 2022
Schedule: Tuesdays & Thursdays | 6:00 pm – 8:30 pm
Duration: 45 hours
Delivery mode: Online
Course fee: 600 USD


This course covers the most important aspects of the art of writing for the screen. The topics covered include techniques for generating ideas, the drafting process, classical screenplay structure, conflict, characterization, and dialogue, among others.

Instructor: Fayad Saab, PhD
Start date: April 5, 2022
End date: May 24, 2022
Schedule: Tuesdays | 6:00 pm – 8:00 pm
Duration: 15 hours
Delivery mode: Online
Course fee: 400 USD


This course will teach you everything you need to know to make full use of the world's most popular graphic editing program: Adobe Photoshop. Known as a complex graphics and image editing software and paint program, Adobe Photoshop has become a mainstay with graphic designers, professional photographers, and even hobbyists to edit graphics as well as create and manipulate images.

Instructor: Fr. Wadih Skayem, PhD
Start date: April 11, 2022
End date: June 6, 2022
Schedule: Mondays & Thursdays | 6:00 pm – 7:00 pm
Duration: 15 hours
Delivery mode: Online
Course fee: 450 USD


The success of lasting professional relationships hinges on an atmosphere of respect and know-how among people, team members, etc. This course will teach learners from various backgrounds the rules of good manners underlying individual relationships in society, as well as the intricacies of common courtesy and related human values.

Instructor: Ms. Patricia Al Farah
Start date: April 12, 2022
End date: June 7, 2022
Schedule: Tuesdays | 6:00 pm – 7:30 pm
Duration: 15 hours
Delivery mode: On campus
Course fee: 500 USD


Design and develop 2D architectural drawings using AutoCAD software according to industry standards. Participants will learn how to use industry-leading CAD software programs to design and draft standard architectural drawings, and then create 3D models.

Instructor: Elie Abi Safi, PhD
Start date: April 2, 2022
End date: May 21, 2022
Schedule: Saturdays | 9:00 am – 1:00 pm
Duration: 24 hours
Delivery mode: On campus
Course fee: 650 USD


Ce cours aide les apprenants à comprendre les techniques du reportage, du compte rendu en direct et de l’interview.

Instructor: Ms. Patricia Chaira
Start date: April 6, 2022
End date: April 27, 2022
Schedule: Wednesdays| 5:30 pm – 7:30 pm
Duration: 15 hours
Delivery mode: Online
Course fee: 500 USD


We all know that food is important for fueling the body and investing in overall health, but the right eating habits are hard to acquire. Advanced sports nutrition is an advanced level course that provides you with an understanding of the key principles of sports nutrition and its practical application to both active lifestyle/recreational individuals and competitive athletes. You will learn about the impact of training and competition on energy and macronutrient/micronutrient needs, fluid requirements, and supplements guidance according to specific sporting groups.

Instructor: Krystel Kfoury, PhD
Start date: May 2, 2022
End date: May 23, 2022
Schedule: Mondays, Wednesdays & Thursdays | 6:00 pm – 7:30 pm
Duration: 15 hours
Delivery mode: Online
Course fee: 500 USD

*All course fees are to be converted into the LBP official exchange rate.
Université Saint-Esprit de Kaslik
Tel.: (+961) 9 600 000
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