Mapping Beirut

In order to dive into Layer 21, a collaborative workshop will take place, wherein everyone will actively participate in order to build a reflection and share ideas regarding Beirut as the largest city in Lebanon and its different sub layers, by creating a big creative model of the capital.


Beirut is divided into several sectors so as to reflect its heterogeneity:
  • Areas of Beirut will be selected for the purpose of the case study.
  • A small presentation will take place to provide a glimpse of the selected areas.
  • Participants will be divided into groups, each having their own zone.
  • A trip to Beirut will be organized on March 6, during which the various groups will stroll around the city with our AIAS organizers.
  • Documentation is necessary to make a rapid description: Rough sketches rather than accurate drawings, notes, interaction with the local population, etc.
  • A mental map will be created to reveal important urban elements of the area, such as nodes, edges, districts, paths, and landmarks, noting that the districts went through controversial reconstruction projects that changed the urban and social fabric of the area.
  • On March 7, participants will be asked to reflect their own interpretation of the spaces discovered onto a model (the model does not have to be a scaled version of the existing buildings, but rather a creative process that can represent their atmosphere).
  • Local artists will give a session to help members fashion an artistic model using various materials, such as fabric, foam, metal strings, clay, strings, recycled materials, etc.
  • Each produced model will be merged with another in order to form one big expressive model of Beirut.
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