School of Engineering

Bachelor of Science in Engineering Sciences – Food Engineering (Open for Admission)

137 credits
For students entering the program at the Freshman level
(Please click here for more info on the Freshman program)
107 credits
For students entering the program at the Sophomore level
(holders of a recognized Baccalaureate or Freshman diploma - equivalent to 30 credits)


General Education
Arts and Humanities
3 credits
Behavioral and Social Sciences
3 credits
BIO211Cell Biology
3 credits
In this course students will study the structures and functions of prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells. We will focus on eukaryotic cells by examining different areas of cell biology including: the plasma membrane and organelles structures and functions, cellular communication, the cell cycle and its regulation, as well as synthesis and function of macromolecules such as DNA, RNA, and proteins.
Civic Engagement
2 credits
English and French Communication
6 credits
CHM212General Chemistry
3 credits
The purpose of this course is to present a general outline on chemistry. Through this course chemistry is introduced in its various aspects: the structure of the atom, the various models, and the properties of the elements in the periodic table; various chemical bonds, the Lewis structure, VSEPR rules; thermochemistry, thermodynamics and chemical equilibrium; kinetic chemistry, reactions rate orders, the Arrhenius law; solutions chemistry, acids and bases and various acid­base equilibrium; complexation, liquid solid equilibrium and solubility product; and redox titration and electrochemical cells.
MAT216General Mathematics
3 credits
This course provides the basics needed by students to progress in their specialty courses. Topics covered include: function of a real variable, elementary functions, Taylor's expansion, simple integral and methods of integration, differential equations, multivariable functions, continuity, partial derivative, the chain rule, differential, introduction to double integrals, methods of integration, Matrix calculus, determinants, and linear systems.
PHY210General Physics
3 credits
The objective of this course is the introduction of various laws, principles and physical mechanisms, whose understanding is essential to students pursuing studies in various branches of science. This course consists of several independent parts. The first one deals with dynamics, the different types of motion, Newton's laws, and conservation of energy. The second part deals with hydrostatics and fluid dynamics. The third part deals with thermodynamics, calorimeters, the first principle and the basic transformations, the ideal gas, and thermodynamic cycles. The fourth part concerns the analysis of simple electrical circuits using Kirchhoff laws and the movement of a particle in an electromagnetic field. In the fifth part we talk about relativity, the theory of photons, and the photoelectric effect. Upon completion of this course the students will have acquired sufficient knowledge of several basic principles in physics and be familiar with these various topics.
3 credits
Religious Sciences
3 credits
1 credits
Common Core
GAA316Fluid Thermodynamics and Mechanics
2 credits    |    Pre-requisite: PHY210
This course covers the laws of thermodynamics and explains the exchange of mechanical (work) and thermal (heat) energy between the external environment and the food system. It deals with concepts such as the conservation of energy in processes, the direction of spontaneous change, the limited efficiency in converting heat into useful power, and tradeoffs between equilibrium thermodynamics and kinetics when designing processes. Equations of state are also explained to model fluids and calculate their thermodynamic properties.
GAA327Heat and Mass Transfer
3 credits    |    Pre-requisite: GAA316
This course studies heat transfer by conduction (flat, cylindrical and spherical walls), convection (with and without phase change), by radiation and by molecular diffusion in foods and their processing systems. It deals with the turbulent system, mass transfer coefficients, the theory of two films and transfer at the interface. The course also emphasizes chemical kinetics (reaction speed and order) and the Arrhenius equation, with an interpretation of kinetic data.
CSC205Information Technology and Database Management
3 credits
This course introduces the role of information systems in business organizations with a focus on their application. It also emphasizes the fundamentals of database development and provides hands­on experience in designing and developing databases to meet organizational goals through instruction in database management and design. The scope of instruction will include database concepts, data modeling, relational and database development.
BCH215Introduction to Biochemistry
3 credits    |    Pre-requisite: CHM212 Or CHE212 Or CHM210 Or CHE210
This course consists of a study of the structure of carbohydrates, simple and complex lipids, and amino acids and proteins. It also introduces enzyme kinetics and examines the metabolism of carbohydrates, lipids and proteins.
BCH272Introduction to Biochemistry Laboratory
1 credits
These laboratory sessions, which accompany BCH215, apply methods of purification, recrystallization, and esterification. They provide students with hands­on experience in the laboratory preparation of a buffer, determination of its pKa and capacity, and tea’s caffeine extraction. Topics covered include: qualitative and/or quantitative studies of carbohydrates, lipids, amino acids and proteins, determination of the kinetic parameters of the invertase, and the effect of temperature and pH variation on its activity.
GAA212Introduction to the Food Industry
1 credits
This course provides an introduction to the food sector from both historical and modern perspectives. It highlights the important role of food scientists in bringing a product from farm to fork. This course also offers a summary of the different areas of study (food processing, food safety, food analysis, food product development, food management and food engineering) and career opportunities within this industry, with a special focus on Lebanon and the Middle East.
CHM270Laboratory of General Chemistry
1 credits    |    Pre-requisite: CHM212 Or CHE212 Or CHM210 Or CHE210
The general chemistry laboratory aims to develop different skills for the practical application of theoretical knowledge of general chemistry. Techniques to be learned: preparation and dilution of solutions, experimental verification of the Nernst equation, realization of different types of acid­ base and redox titration by volumetric, calorimetric, pH­metric or potentiometric monitoring, and the study of solubility and precipitation reactions and characterization of ions present in a given matrix. The goal of the lab course is to ensure that students are capable of understanding the chemical concepts and to carry out experiments safely and carefully in the laboratory, to obtain data accurately and to manipulate the data correctly.
GAA275Laboratory of Molecular Diagnostics in Food Science
1 credits    |    Pre-requisite: BIO211
These laboratory sessions, which accompany GAA 225, enable students to extract, quantify and qualify DNA in a bacterial culture using electrophoresis. PCR using specific and non­specific primers, in addition to RAPD and SDS­PAGE protein extraction techniques, are performed. Methods of data interpretation and basic principles of bioinformatics are explained as well.
GAA225Molecular Diagnostics in Food Science
2 credits    |    Pre-requisite: BIO211
This course deals with the structure and properties of nucleic acids, the basic principles involved in the transmission and the repair of genetic material, as well as gene expression and its regulation. It also discusses the most common techniques of molecular biology applied to research or exploration of genetic material.
STA220Probability and Applied Statistics
3 credits    |    Pre-requisite: MAT213 Or MAT215 Or MAT216 Or MAT218 Or NUT210 Or NTR210
This course prepares students for the practical use of probability and statistics in the biomedical field (agronomy, chemistry, biochemistry, nutrition, medicine, etc.). Topics: Elements of descriptive statistics, population, statistical unit, frequency distribution characteristic of central tendency and dispersion. Notions of probability and combinatorics, conditional probability and Bayes' formula, applications, discrete and continuous random variables, expectation and moments, weak law of large numbers, empirical frequencies and probabilities customary laws (Binomial, Multinomial, Poisson, Normal ) and asymptotic behavior, law of large numbers, sampling and estimation, introduction to the use of hypothesis tests, Chi­2 contingency table.
GAG333Rural Engineering and Technical Drawing
3 credits    |    Pre-requisite: CSC205 Or CSC204
This course discusses the different fundamentals of architecture and drawing instruments. It integrates them into nature and explores the elements of rural construction. This course also deals with farm, silage forage, housing, water supply and reservoir designs, as well as drawing instruments, scales, lettering with orthographic projections and AutoCAD.
GAA425Agri-Food Economy
2 credits
This course examines tools of the economics discipline applied in agricultural and food sectors. It details the roles and functions of economic factors and their interaction. Topics covered include: theory of consumer behavior, market demand, economics of input and product substitution, market equilibrium and product price, government intervention in agriculture, impacts of macroeconomic policy and trade actions and feasibility studies.
GAA434Agri-Food Marketing
3 credits
This course provides an experimental-based approach to theoretical and practical applications of food and agricultural marketing. It also deals with the analysis of the agricultural market, supply, demand, modeling and prices of products. Topics covered include: the evolution of marketing, the significance and use of marketing research, marketing segmentation, product and/or service positioning, case studies, distribution, pricing and a variety of structures, and policies and strategies for agri­food products marketing communication and promotion.
GAA444Beverages and Enology
2 credits
This course describes the production methods of both alcoholic and non­alcoholic beverages with respect to formulations, processes and equipment. It highlights the basics of juice processing including quality assurance and control, extraction, pigments and pigment preservation, a regulatory overview, research standards and regulations. The course also emphasizes the enzymes used in juice production, the degradative chemistry of juice, advanced processing technologies, and the pros and cons of antioxidants. It finally covers the different enology aspects from selecting grapes to bottling the finished product, wine aging, preservatives, and storage and laboratory tests.
GAA474Beverages and Enology Laboratory
1 credits
These laboratory sessions, which accompany GAA 444, enable students to measure the different quality attributes of drinking water, juice drinks and alcoholic beverages. It allows them to actually produce a beverage out of raw materials using conventional and emerging processing technologies. A field trip to a winery or brewing facility is organized as well.
GAG432Field Trips S1
1 credits
This course involves visiting agricultural, animal and food manufacturing facilities. It provides an enriching experience and an opportunity for students to explore agricultural, animal and food sector operations. The course improves students’ professional capabilities and communication skills. A special linkage is created between students and stakeholders, enhancing a significant professional discussion.
GAA334Food Composition and Transformation
3 credits    |    Pre-requisite: CHM212
This course describes food as a complex system defined by an aqueous phase, a three dimensional matrix of a protein, fat and/or carbohydrate nature, in addition to dispersed elements. It deals with foods obtained from the primary processing of agricultural products, and their composition. The principles of extraction and characterization of some food biomolecules resulting from these products are developed, as well as the chemical and/or enzymatic methods used in order to develop new food products.
GAA374Food Composition and Transformation Laboratory
1 credits    |    Pre-requisite: CHM212
These laboratory sessions, which accompany GAA 334, enable students to evaluate the composition of various food products through different techniques used in the laboratories. Experiments include moisture and water activity, carbohydrate and protein analysis, fat analysis and characterization, rheology, and nitrite determination.
GAA277Food Microbiological Laboratory
1 credits    |    Pre-requisite: BIO211
These laboratory sessions, which accompany GAA 227, provide students with a technical experience of the preparation of liquid and solid culture media (differential, enriched, specific and selective). They deal with inoculation, incubation and enumeration of microorganisms found in liquid and solid food products. Staining procedures and biochemical tests such as ELISA and AGID are also performed.
GAA227Food Microbiology
2 credits    |    Pre-requisite: BIO211
This course is a study of the fundamentals of food microbiology, including its history, classifications, spores and their importance, and the most common and serious pathogenic food microorganisms. Fermentation, spoilage and control methodology are also discussed.
GAA342Food Packaging and Handling
2 credits
This course covers three parts: materials, systems and their applications. The first part describes the properties, manufacture and function of metal, glass, paper and plastic packaging. The second part covers food packaging systems and equipment, including cleaning, forming, filling and assembly of packaging materials. The final part of the course focuses on the food packaging applications including aseptic packaging, food/packing interactions, sealing integrity, active packaging, studies on shelf life and packets handling.
GAA420Food Processing Technology
2 credits    |    Pre-requisite: GAA334
This course highlights different aspects of the processing of food commodities, of plant and animal origin. It deals with extraction and refining of different edible oils, fruits, vegetables, meat and dairy processing, and the technology of bread making. The course also covers the general procedures used in food preservation, auxiliary raw materials, specific processing technologies and packaging materials.
GAA476Food Processing Technology Laboratory
1 credits
These laboratory sessions, which accompany GAA 416, introduce students to the equipment used in food processing and allow them to gain a hands­on experience in the manufacturing of major food commodities of plant and animal origin. In the pilot plant, students prepare canned food products, fruit jams, bread, yogurt and different types of cheese.
GAA333Food Production Management
3 credits
This course helps students to understand strategic issues related to the management of a food chain, and to consider the elements of management that make up this chain. It also aims to train responsible staff for the production units as well as decision-makers in terms of cost, time, quantity and quality. The course provides students with an ability to lead a team and a capacity for analysis and synthesis.
GAA338Food Quality Management
3 credits
This course introduces the importance of quality management for an organization and the necessity for orientation towards total quality. It deals with the main tools of quality assurance which are used both at the product design and operational levels of the firm, such as HACCP (Hazard Analysis Critical Control Points) and ISO series (International Standard Organization). The course also covers preliminary strategies, risks, internal control and the responsibilities of auditors.
GAA436Food Toxicology
3 credits
This course provides a general review of toxicology related to food and the human food chain. Fundamental concepts are covered, including dose‐response relationships, absorption of toxicants, distribution and storage of toxicants, biotransformation and elimination of toxicants, target organ toxicity, teratogenesis, mutagenesis, carcinogenesis, food allergy, and risk assessment. The course also examines the chemicals of interest to food, such as food additives, natural products, mycotoxins, and pesticides.
GAG260AInternship I
1 credits
This introductory internship is an individualized program whereby students are apprenticed to proper officials to gain practical experience in agricultural and/or food facilities. It provides opportunities to apply skills, concepts and theories in a practical context.
GAA337Legislation and Standardization
3 credits
This course provides in detail knowledge of national and international legislation, the integration of concepts of hygiene and food safety in production procedures, and the standards applied to each food product. It is concerned with traceability and specifically highlights the role of traceability in food safety. The course deals with the importance and development of food related legislation, standards and the Codex Alimentarius among others.
GAA357Molecular Gastronomy
2 credits
This course deals with introductory concepts in the culinary arts (formulation, food habits of consumers), and is a midway between gastronomy and food science. It enables students to understand the physico­chemical principles of culinary processes and the main interactions with ingredients, in order to acquire analytical thinking on culinary innovation.
GAA377Molecular Gastronomy Laboratory
1 credits
These laboratory sessions, which accompany GAA 357, give students the opportunity to understand the functional properties of ingredients and the mechanical changes taking place in them. Stability of emulsions, particle shaping using substances such as sodium alginate and proteolytic enzymes are covered as well. At the end of the course, the students are expected to present an innovative culinary project.
GAA312Physical Chemistry and Sensorial Properties of Foods
3 credits    |    Pre-requisite: CHM 212
This course deals with the concepts and principles of physico­chemical experiments and analysis, in addition to the analytical techniques and instruments used in this type of analysis. It includes all the theoretical and practical information related to the implementation of sensory sessions and tests, and the collection and interpretation of sensory information, including statistical treatments. This course also emphasizes the industrial approach to follow in order to design a new food product and the sensory analysis involved in this step.
GAA372Physical Chemistry and Sensorial Properties of Foods Laboratory
1 credits    |    Pre-requisite: CHM212
These laboratory sessions, which accompany GAA 312, give students a hands­on experience of the laboratory tests performed to assay the vitamins and minerals in selected food products. Determination of lipids, carbohydrates and ethanol using chromatography is carried out as well. Furthermore, sensory analysis sessions are organized and statistical analysis of sensory data is performed.
GAG447Special Topics in Agriculture and Food Sciences
This course is designed to provide students with key concepts, current issues, research and new trends that are pertinent to professionals working in agricultural sectors, food industries, academia, government and NGOs. This seminar course is given by invited national and international speakers.
GAG445Special Topics in Agriculture and Food Sciences
This course is designed to provide students with key concepts, current issues, research and new trends that are pertinent to professionals working in agricultural sectors, food industries, academia, government and NGOs. This seminar course is given by invited national and international speakers.
GAA445Special Topics in Agriculture and Food Sciences
2 credits    |    Pre-requisite: GAA334
This course is designed to provide students with key concepts, current issues, research and new trends that are pertinent to professionals working in agricultural sectors, food industries, academia, government and NGOs. This seminar course is given by invited national and international speakers.
GAG360ASpecialized Internship
1 credits
This specialized internship involves off­campus work providing training opportunities for the practicum experiences with specific hands­on training and know­how in almost every discipline of agricultural and food sectors. It allows students to apply skills, concepts and theories in a practical context.
GAA475Techno-functionality of Ingredients and Additives
2 credits    |    Pre-requisite: GAA334
These laboratory sessions, which accompany GAA 443, provide students with the technical aspects related to the use of emulsifying agents and stabilizers in foams. In addition, extractions and characterization of food colors and aromatic compounds are carried out. Testing several types of additives in order to find the optimal formulation is covered as well.
GAA412Unit Operations in Food Engineering
2 credits
This course introduces the concept of process engineering applied to food engineering. The first part deals with the control of unit operations and processes. The second part covers the unit operations in the food industry taking place at room temperature, such as preparation of the raw material, size adjustment, membrane separation techniques and concentration, and mixing and biological processes.
GAA422Unit Operations in Food Engineering II
2 credits    |    Pre-requisite: GAA412
This course covers the unit operations in the food industry taking place at variable temperature. It includes thermal processes by adding heat (bleaching, sterilization, cooking, extrusion cooking, pasteurization, drying, evaporation, distillation, and spray­drying) and thermal processes by subtracting heat (cooling, freezing, freeze­drying, and crystallization). The last part of the course will present examples of production lines of some foods which include the different processes involved in product development.
GAG448Agriculture and Sustainable Development
2 credits
This course examines the economical, ecological, and social dimensions of sustainable agriculture. It covers the influence of specific agricultural technologies, organic farming and land use practices on the productivity of agricultural ecosystems, environmental quality, and human health. The course also develops problem­solving skills for seeking eco­friendly alternatives in environmental and production issues.
NTR327Community Nutrition
2 credits
This course studies the influences of country parameters in general and community ones in particular on the eating trends and habits of a population, in addition to the training and nutritional information means. It also introduces concepts, study methods and interventions (food and nutrition projects and policies) on food security within the context of the FAO.
NTR435Preventive Nutrition and Public Health
2 credits    |    Pre-requisite: NTR331
This course gives students the opportunity to understand nutritional public health, in addition to the tasks of nutrition professionals and the programs used to promote nutritional public health in the community. The course deals with public health problems with emphasis on alimentation and primary prevention of these problems by nutrition. It also shows the different types of foods linked to public health, together with the global strategies of preventive nutrition at an international level, adopted by the Organization of the United Nations.
MGT220Principles of Management
3 credits
GAG420Renewable Energy
2 credits
GAA414Waste Management in Food Industry
3 credits
This course deals with the waste produced by the food industry. It is designed to provide an overview of the various sample collection, analytical, and data analysis techniques related to detection and control of waste. Topics covered include: technical and regulatory aspects of the handling and control of different waste types, effluent treatment, and management of hazardous and nonhazardous wastes in different categories of the food processing industry.


The Bachelor of Science in Engineering Sciences supports the mission statements of both the Department of Agri-Food Sciences and the School of Engineering through multidisciplinary teaching, learning and research activities in food science. The mission of the Bachelor degree is to produce socially and ethically responsible graduates who are leaders in dealing successfully with national and global food and health challenges and who will have a positive impact on their communities and the food industries for the betterment of the quality of human life.

Program Educational Objectives

1. Demonstrate technical competence in the manufacturing process of food.
2. Manage production of safe food products and apply innovative solutions to problems related to agri­food.
3. Carry out physical, chemical, microbiological, and sensory analysis.
4. Implement quality systems in agri­food businesses. 

Student Learning Outcomes

a. Develop knowledge in appropriate concepts, theories, and emerging methodologies from the fundamental disciplines.
b. Design and conduct experiments, as well as analyze and interpret data.
c. Implement and verify quality and safety systems.
d. Function in multidisciplinary teams.
e. Apply management and business theory principles.
f. Understand professional and ethical responsibility.
g. Develop communication skills sufficient for entry into professional practice.
h. Acquire the broad education necessary to understand the impact of engineering solutions in a global, economic, environmental, and societal context.
Holy Spirit University of Kaslik
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