School of Engineering

Master of Science in Biomedical Engineering

30 credits


Specialization Courses – Approved electives
GBM512Biochemistry for Biomedical Engineers
2 credits    |    Pre-requisite: CHM212
This course is devoted to the study of the relationship between structure, interaction and function of fundamental cell macromolecules (proteins, sugars, lipids, nucleic acids). It will also present the usual biochemical techniques useful to the engineer from the purification of these macromolecules to detection and quantification (application, optimization, and limitations). Mechanisms and enzymatic kinetics (industrial applications of enzymes) as well as the major metabolic pathways (catabolism, anabolism and energy storage) will be discussed. The course also covers protein engineering (protein chimeras and induced kinetic/thermodynamic changes) and DNA engineering (cloning, PCR, RT - PCR).
GBM513Biochemistry for Biomedical Engineer Lab
1 credits
This laboratory provides students with the basic biochemistry methods used to extract, detect or quantify the macromolecules of the cell. Students will use spectrophotometer, liquid chromatography, gas chromatography, and thin layer chromatography. DNA extraction, its amplification by PCR and qualification by horizontal electrophoresis will also be conducted as well as genetic transformation.
GBM517Biocompatibility and Biomaterials of Medical Devices
3 credits
This course gives the students an overview of biomaterial sciences. It covers different biomaterials used in the medical domain. It describes the structures and the proper properties of biomaterials and their biocompatibility properties emphasizing the different clinical usage in the human organism.
GBM518Applied Medical Image Processing
3 credits
The course will give students a good understanding and design principles for several effective techniques used for medical image processing. The course covers the main sources of medical imaging data (CT, MRI, PET, and ultrasound). Students will learn the fundamentals behind image processing and analysis methods and algorithms with an emphasis on biomedical applications. They will learn medical image reconstruction and multi modalities medical image registration.
GBM519Applied Medical Image Processing Lab
1 credits
The laboratory will give students a good understanding and design principles for several effective techniques used for medical image processing. The course covers the main sources of medical imaging data (CT, MRI, PET, and ultrasound). Students will learn the fundamentals behind image processing and analysis methods and algorithms with an emphasis on biomedical applications. They will learn medical image reconstruction and multi modalities medical image registration.
GBM529Artificial Organs and Rehabilitation Engineering
3 credits
This course covers the basics of artificial organs, their functionality and how they could help in the rehabilitation of patients. Rehabilitation engineering and artificial organs are the application of engineering analysis and design expertise to overcome organ failure and disabilities and improve quality of life.
GBM612Modeling of Physiological Systems
3 credits
This course provides the students with the basics of physiological models and basic biofeedback in medicine. It introduces them to the importance of cardiac modeling and respiratory modeling. The students will be able to understand and analyze respiratory anomalies in modeling and simulation and design. They will be aware of the artificial pancreas, anesthesia machine and the different control loops found in medical devices.
GBM613Modeling of Physiological Systems Lab
1 credits
The students will be able to design, simulate, implement and control physiological models and medical devices in the laboratory sessions and deliver projects (cardiac, respiratory, functional electrical stimulation, robotic hand and others).
3 credits
This course provides students with an introduction to genomics, the information flow in biology, exploring DNA sequence data, the experimental approach to genome sequence data, and genome information resources. It then goes on to describe: functional proteomics (protein sequence and structural data, protein information resources and secondary databases); computation genomics (internet basics, biological data analysis and application, sequence and databases, NCBI model, file format, Perl programming, bioperl, introduction and an overview of the human genome project); sequence alignment and database search (protein primary sequence analysis, DNA sequence analysis, pair wise sequence alignment, FASTA algorithm, BLAST, multiple sequence alignment, DATA base searching using BLAST and FASTA); and structural databases (small molecules databases, protein information resources, protein databank, genebank, swissport, and enterz).
GBM621Bioinformatics Lab
1 credits
The purpose of this lab is to introduce students to use of computers to solve biological problems. The following will be included: use of the LINUX operating system; use of the PERL programming language for bioinformatics analysis; and use of bioinformatics programs on a desktop computer (local, BLAST, REPEATMASKER, CLUSTALW).
GBM632Regulation of Medical Devices
1 credits
Medical devices, essential for patient care, are currently one of the fastest growing industries in the world. However, the dramatic increase in faulty medical devices that were able to enter the market over the last decades has caused Medical Devices Policy to become increasingly important. Governments and international organizations started putting in place regulations for the safe and appropriate design, use and disposal of these products. The aim of this course is to provide an overview of international medical device regulations. Country-specific regulatory requirements for the USA, EU, and Canada etc. are mentioned and students will learn the general requirements for Risk Management (ISO 14971), Quality Management (ISO 13485) and the CE marking of products.
GBM636Nuclear Medicine and Radiotherapy
3 credits
This course covers the basics of Nuclear Medicine Imaging, Gamma Camera principles including modern digital designs, SPECT, coincidence imaging principles, PET instrumentation, radionuclide and X-ray CT transmission scanning techniques.
GBM637Design of Medical Equipment
2 credits
This course is designed to educate students about medical devices design and concentrates on the diagnostic modalities fundamentals in addition to hardware design. It is divided into two parts: the aim of the first part is to provide an overview of the design life cycle of medical equipment and to present the essential procedures and methodologies required by medical engineers and designers to develop and release new efficient products to the market; and the aim of the second part is to describe the typical system requirements for the design of medical devices and to be able to understand each system’s functionality.
GBM638Control of Biological and Drug Delivery Systems
3 credits
This course describes the modeling and the control of biological, biomedical and drug delivery systems used in biomedical and pharmaceutical engineering. The control of biological and drug-delivery systems is critical to providing a long and healthy life to millions of people worldwide. In living systems, maintenance of homeostasis is credited to several mechanisms (positive and negative feedback loops). This course covers the basics of mathematical modeling and control of biological, chemical and pharmaceutical systems, in order that the students will be able at the end to design control-release devices, to control drug delivery rate, to design feedback controllers such as infusion control in vasoactive drugs, in gaze control systems, in insulin infusion and others.
GBM639Control of Biological and Drug Delivery Systems Lab
1 credits
This laboratory describes the modeling and the control of biological, biomedical and drug delivery systems used in biomedical, chemical and pharmaceutical engineering. This course covers a set of models, pharmacy-kinetics, and a set of simulations and dynamic behaviors of typical plants, and feedback controller designs. This laboratory will be delivered in Matlab, Mathematica, LabVIEW, E-Health Kits and other software.
GBM650Hospital and Medical Equipment Planning
3 credits
The course covers the basics of hospital and medical equipment planning. The different topics include: reading and designing maps, electro-mechanical legends, mapping and planning of the different hospital departments (Emergency, Operating Department, Intensive Care Unit, Medical Laboratory, Radiology, Anesthetic). Applied projects will be discussed and designed in an interactive classroom environment.
Common Core
GBM600Special Topic in Biomedical Engineering
3 credits
GBM605Statistics and Clinical Cases
3 credits
The course provides students with the statistics skills that are applied to clinical and medical data. Topics include descriptive statistics, theoretical and statistical distributions, statistical estimation methods and hypothesis testing, parametric and non-parametric tests, analysis of variance (ANOVA) and covariance (ANCOVA). Statistical data, models and analysis will be applied on real data sets. The SPSS computer program will be used to perform analysis. Clinical case studies and real case studies will be implemented during this course.
GBM633Biomedical Signal Analysis
3 credits
This course covers a number of topics in acquisition and processing of biomedical signals. It explains the basics of digital signal processing then develops the different methodologies used in cardiological signal processing, in neuronal signal processing, in ultrasound signal processing, and in molecular and bio signal processing, from the theory to the clinical diagnosis.
GBM634Biomedical Signal Analysis Lab
1 credits    |    Pre-requisite: GBM633
This lab covers a number of topics in acquisition and processing of biomedical signals. The students study the required knowledge to acquire and process different biomedical data. It covers the different methodologies used in cardiological signal processing, in neuronal signal processing, in ultrasound signal processing, and in molecular and bio signal processing, from the theory to the clinical diagnosis.
GEN516Scientific English
2 credits
The English 516 is designed for students working on their thesis. It gives them the opportunity to enhance their writing abilities and develop their critical thinking. It is designed to provide rigorous training in advanced reading, critiquing, synthesizing and researching. It attempts to help students achieve greater competency in reading, writing, reflection, and discussion emphasizing the responsibilities of written inquiry and structured reasoning. Students are expected to investigate questions that are at issue for themselves and their audience and for which they do not already have answers. In other words, this course should help students write about what they have learned through their research rather than simply write an argument supporting one side of an issue or another. In addition, students deliver one oral powerpoint presentation based on their writings.
GBM691Thesis I
1 credits
GBM692Thesis II
5 credits    |    Pre-requisite: GBM691


The Master of Science in Biomedical Engineering program aims to prepare students for advanced study and research in biomedical engineering. The mission of the program is to sculpt engineering with skills of designing, creating, analyzing innovative solutions and knowledge for improving healthcare lifestyle, devices, structures and facilities in Lebanon, the Middle East, and beyond. To achieve our educational mission, we reinforce our students with problem-solving and communication skills, we fortify their ability to think and analyze critically, we strengthen their creative and experimentation skills and we support them to discover the innovative scientific and engineering solutions.

Program Educational Objectives

1. Advance the students in their careers through innovation, critical thinking, leadership, lifelong learning, proactivity and integrity.
2. Prepare students to succeed in post‐graduate studies and industry employment in biomedical engineering or related fields.

Program Outcomes

a. Ability to shape careers by critical thinking, leadership and managerial skills combined with innovation and proactivity.
b. Ability to tackle challenges in postgraduate or in industry employment in several biomedical fields.
Holy Spirit University of Kaslik
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