Reverend Father Talal Hachem graduated with a Bachelor degree in Theology from the Holy Spirit University of Kaslik in 1998. In 2002 he obtained a Bachelor degree in Law followed by a Masters’ degree in Canon Law in 2004 both from the University of Strasbourg in France. He completed his PhD in Canon Law in Ottawa, Canada in 2009 with a thesis in Oriental Law entitled “The juridical situation of the Maronite community in Montreal.” In 2012, he decided to top his education with an MBA degree from HEC Montreal.
Father Hachem has held numerous positions on both the national and international levels. In Dakar, Senegal, he served as Director of School Notre Dame de Liban from 1998 till 1999. In Suresnes, France, he served as Director of «Arabic School» and «Spiritual Center for Lebanese Community» from 1999 till 2000. Then, between 2004 and 2010, he was the Superior of the Monastery of Saint Anthony the Great in Montreal, Canada.
In 2010, he came back to Lebanon and served as Superior of the Monastery and Saint Antoine Hospital in Beit Chabab, Lebanon until 2013. Father Hachem has also held several key academic positions at USEK where in 2013, he was appointed Dean of the School of Law, then Vice President for Community Life in 2016. In 2019 he was named President of the University.