

The University’s regulations outlined here cover different sections of regulatory expectations. Applicants, new and continuing students should familiarize themselves with these documents, particularly those that are most likely to be relevant to them and their studies.

  • Règlement académique et vie estudiantine

    A comprehensive guide academic rule and student life outlining major aspects of studying at USEK : Admission | Registration | Tuition & Financial Aid | Assessment and Grading | Academics Rules and...
  • Code de conduite des étudiants et procédures du Conseil de Discipline

    USEK code of conduct for living, learning, and researching safely, fairly, and equally on campus. Includes disciplinary procedures for a breach of university regulations.
  • Politique Studio Culture

    Policy, rules, and regulations for improving and safeguarding the effectiveness of the studio environment.
Université Saint-Esprit de Kaslik
Tel.: (+961) 9 600 000
Fax : (+961) 9 600 100
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