
Bourses et aides financières

Réduction des frais
1. The USEK management has identified several categories of students who may apply for a reduction of their tuition fees (no reduction is granted for registration fees and NSSF fees).

The list below provides details about these categories; however, the FAO reserves the right to cancel the allotted reduction if the student is on probation.

Categories of students who are eligible for a reduction:
  • Students who are members of the same family and are simultaneously registered at USEK;
  • Brother, sister, nephew, or niece of a Lebanese Maronite Order (OLM) member;
  • USEK employee;
  • Son or daughter of a USEK employee;
  • Full-time faculty at USEK / Son or daughter of a full-time faculty at USEK (fully engaged);
  • Full-time faculty at USEK / Son or daughter of a full-time faculty at USEK (partially engaged);
  • Part-time faculty at USEK / Son or daughter of a part-time faculty at USEK (1 hour and more);
  • Son or daughter of a USEK employee / Son or daughter of a full-time faculty at USEK / Son or daughter of a part-time faculty at USEK who is enrolled in the School of Music;
  • Students who are members of one of USEK’s sports teams;
  • Students who are members of the USEK Choir;
  • INDEVCO employees and their children;
  • Students covered by agreements signed between USEK and the Lebanese Army, the Internal Security Forces or the General Security Forces;
  • Students enrolled in the Financially Supported Master Programs;
  • Students who submit a Financial Aid Application.

2. If more than one category applies to a student, only the higher reduction will be applicable. In other words, a student cannot cumulate reductions and will only benefit from the highest amount.

If a student benefits from a reduction granted by the FAO and is later on eligible for another discount, such as a merit-based scholarship, the FAO sets the amount of the overall reduction, considering the socioeconomic situation of the concerned student.

3. The FAO reserves the right to cancel the allocated reductions in the following cases:
  • Falsification of data given by the student to the FAO;
  • Disciplinary measures taken against the student;
  • On-probation student.
Processus de demande d'aide financière


Every student who wants to apply for a financial aid must submit a Financial Aid Application by following the link. This application is totally confidential and should be completed carefully by the student and his/her parents (or tutor) and submitted online by set deadline, with all the required documents clearly scanned. It is imperative to fill in all the relevant fields. Only complete applications will be processed.

Reduction requests are submitted beforehand:
  • Current students are required to submit/renew their Financial Aid Application between April 1 and June 30 of the ongoing year so that they can benefit from a reduction for the following year.
  • First-year students submit the Financial Aid Application following their registration between September 1 and October 31.
  • Applicants submit the Financial Aid Application after completing the Admission procedure between July 1 and 31.


The student must contact or visit the Secretariat of the FAO during the aforementioned period to set an appointment. The presence of the parent(s) (or tutor) may be required during this meeting. The information provided in the application or verbally during the meeting remain confidential. Any false data given to the FAO may, however, result in a cancellation of the reduction on tuition fees granted beforehand to the concerned student.


The final decision regarding the financial aid is taken by the FAO’s Committee. No reduction is automatically renewed; approved reductions are valid for one academic year only.


If more than one of the aforementioned categories applies to a student, only the higher reduction will be applicable. In other words, students cannot cumulate reductions and will only benefit from the highest amount.

If a student benefits from a reduction granted by the FAO and is later on eligible for another discount, the FAO sets the amount of the global reduction, considering the socioeconomic situation of the concerned student.


The FAO reserves the right to cancel given reductions in the following cases:
  • Falsification of data given by the student to the FAO;
  • Disciplinary measures against the student;
  • Students on probation.
Échelonnement des frais
1. Students must pay their tuition fees within the deadlines set beforehand by the Financial Administration of the University. However, in some particular cases, the FAO is entitled to spread the payment of a student’s tuition fees over several months according to a payment calendar set in keeping with the student’s financial capacities. The spreading of payment should not extend beyond the end of the current semester. However, in some extreme cases and upon close examination of the student’s situation, the Director of the FAO may grant a spreading plan that extends beyond the ongoing semester or academic year.

2. Students who wish to spread their tuition fee payments according to another calendar than the one established by the USEK Financial Administration should obtain the prior agreement of the FAO. Students should proceed to the FAO at the beginning of each semester to set a personalized payment calendar.

Disponibilité des services aux étudiants
The FAO is always present to listen to the students’ concerns (orientation, analysis, reflection, etc.). It provides regular support for students who need it, by means of:
  • Individual intervention according to needs and requests. It is worth mentioning that this follow-up is entirely confidential and without any cultural, religious, or nationality-related discrimination;
  • Family intervention depending on situations, upon request and according to needs (meeting with the parents, home visits, orientation, etc.).

The FAO collaborates with several specialists and various units within and outside the University.
Université Saint-Esprit de Kaslik
Tel.: (+961) 9 600 000
Fax : (+961) 9 600 100
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