William Clements, Ph.D. currently serves as Vice-President and Dean of the College of Graduate Studies, and Professor of Criminal Justice at Norwich University. Prior to assuming the role of Dean (2005) and Associate Vice-President of Academic Affairs (2009) he was Director and creator of the Master of Justice Administration program (2002-2005) and Executive Director of the Vermont Center for Justice Research (1994-2007). He received a B.S. from Clarkson University, and M.A. and Ph.D. degrees in sociology from the University of Delaware before joining Norwich University in 1987. Dr. Clements was a pioneer in integrating online instruction for undergraduate classes, and in 1999 he piloted a mobile computing initiative with undergraduates majoring in criminal justice.
Dr. Clements’ professional research interests and experience includes a variety of criminal justice system studies evolving around program evaluation, data systems development, and adjudication patterns, and he has served as a consultant to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration and various agencies in the state of Vermont. He was also appointed to the National Academy of Sciences - Justice Statistics Review Panel (2006-2009) and contributed to two volumes on victimization and justice statistics. In addition, he has worked on and published in the area of incident-based crime data, juvenile detention utilization, evaluation of court docket delay reduction, criminal court adjudication and sentencing trends, and several studies pertaining to juvenile delinquency, firearms violence and criminal justice in Vermont. Dr. Clements has served in various capacities and as President of the Northeast Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences as well as on the Executive Committee of the Justice Research and Statistics Association for twelve years, including two terms as President, and he served as Co-Editor of the journal Justice Research and Policy.
In 2014 Dr. Clements helped form and still serves as founding President of the Crime Research Group, Inc., a Vermont non-profit justice research organization. In addition, Dr. Clements has served as a member for an accreditation team, and has been the Chair for site visits for the New England Association of Schools and Colleges.