École d’Ingénieurs

Champ expérimental

The experimental fields of FAFS are divided into eight divisions: Arboriculture, Forestry, Greenhouse production, Viticulture, Vegetable Crop production, Field Crop production, Medicinal and Aromatic plants, Animal production. They represent a real educational and training tool that assists students to put their theoretical knowledge into practice. The experimental fields of the faculty aim to develop innovative techniques in the research area of plant and animal production and protection. The diverse location of experimental fields from the coastline (Hboub-Jbeil), to the medium altitude (Bsarma) and the high altitude (Bkaakafra), offer a wide range of agricultural resources to students.

Mission Statement
The experimental fields prepare future agricultural engineers to apply the theoretical knowledge of agricultural sciences and engineering in production, farm management, handling and safe use of pesticides, fertilization, and biodiversity in the context of sustainable development.

Experimental Fields Educational Objectives
The experimental fields train graduates of USEK in:
  • Acquiring techniques, skills, and modern engineering tools necessary for best agricultural practices;
  • Achieving a high level of technical agricultural practices which enable them to succeed in agricultural farms and firms;
  • Ensuring a teamwork spirit and utilizing appropriate communication tools;
  • Designing, conducting and analyzing experiments in an ethical way;
  • Identifying, stipulating and solving agricultural problems taking into consideration health, safety and environmental impacts.

Experimental Fields Program Learning Outcomes
The experimental fields teach graduates of USEK to:
  • Apply mathematics and physics to design irrigation systems;
  • Identify and manage plant diseases and insect pests;
  • Master basic agricultural practices as ploughing, seeding, grafting, thinning and pruning;
  • Manage the fruit trees orchards;
  • Respect the environment and preserve ecosystems;
  • Assess the performance of the new crop varieties;
  • Apply the concepts of organic farming and sustainable agriculture;
  • Measure quantitatively and qualitatively, organize data, compute and interpret results;
  • Plan crop specific fertilizing programs;
  • Manage and operate animal husbandry.
Université Saint-Esprit de Kaslik
Tel.: (+961) 9 600 000
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