
exceptional academic performance

USEK Merit Scholarships are awarded to undergraduate and graduate students who demonstrate exceptional academic performance and conduct.

  • Merit scholarships are granted to undergraduate and graduate students in the fall and spring semesters. (The Summer GPA will be calculated, if applicable, in combination with the Spring Semester for the merit scholarships for the upcoming Fall semester.)
  • Merit scholarships are calculated at the end of the fall and spring semesters. Qualifying undergraduate and graduate students will be notified by email (sent to their USEK email account).
  • Merit Scholarships apply to first major programs.
  • Merit Scholarships cover full-tuition fees, excluding registration fees and the annual National Social Security Fund (NSSF) membership fees.
  • All Merit Scholarship awardees will have to pay the first payment of their tuition fees. Merit scholarship amounts will be deducted from the remaining tuition fees.
  • Merit Scholarship does not apply to non-credit semesters (remedial courses and Thesis B).
  • Merit Scholarships do not cover majors at the Pontifical Faculty of Theology, teaching diplomas, second majors, minors, continuing education course, and academies (Ecoles).
  • USEK reserves the right to change the Merit Scholarship terms and conditions at any time and without prior notice.

Undergraduate Studies
At the beginning of each semester, the university grants different levels of merit scholarships to students who have completed a minimum of 30 credits at USEK (excluding Diploma programs and Freshman) with a cumulative CGPA 88.00/100 as follows:

 Cumulative GPA      Percentage
 88.00 – 88.99      15%
 89.00 – 89.99      20%
 90.00 – 90.99      25%
 91.00 – 91.99      30%
 92.00 – 92.99      35%
 93.00 – 93.99      40%
 94.00 – 94.99      45%
 95.00 – 95.99      50%
 96.00 – 100      60%

Graduate Studies
At the beginning of each semester, the university grants different levels of merit scholarships to students who have completed a minimum of 6 credits at USEK with a cumulative CGPA 90.00/100 as follows:

 GPA (Graduate Studies)  Percentage
 90.00 – 90.99  10%
 91.00 – 91.99  15%
 92.00 – 92.99  20%
 93.00 – 93.99  25%
 94.00 – 94.99  30%
 95.00 – 95.99  35%
 96.00 – 96.99  40%
 91.00 – 100   50%

Merit scholarships are forfeited in the following cases:

a. Academic probation
b. Interruption of studies
b. Course(s) Withdrawal (W)
d. Term Withdrawal (WW)
e. Failing a course
f. Part-time enrollment (less than 12 credits per semester for undergraduate studies or less than 6 credits per semester for graduate studies)
g. Enrollment in an exchange program (grade P or R)
h. Upon the decision of the disciplinary council.

Undergraduate-to-Graduate Merit Award

The Merit Undergraduate to Graduate Scholarship, initiated by USEK, is designed to support outstanding undergraduate students who wish to pursue their master's degree at USEK. This initiative aims to facilitate access to higher education, making it more affordable for individuals facing financial constraints.

Recognizing the challenges that students often encounter in achieving their educational goals due to financial limitations, USEK, as an institution committed to inclusivity and equal opportunities, believes in breaking down financial barriers, especially for high-performing students.

Rules and Conditions
  • The scholarship is offered to graduating students for the first year of graduate enrollment only – two consecutive semesters.
  • The scholarship offer is valid for two consecutive semesters following the graduation semester.
  • After the first year of enrollment, students will become eligible for the Merit Scholarship based on their cumulative GPA.
  • The scholarship is offered to all graduate programs, except for the Doctor of Medicine program.
  • A full scholarship of (100% on tuition fees) is offered to students (graduating from all undergraduate majors, except for the Law Degree and the Bachelor of Architecture) who graduate with a cumulative GPA of 90 and above:
    - If a Cumulative GPA of 90+ is maintained, the full scholarship (100%) is automatically renewed for the 2nd semester.
    - If the Cumulative GPA falls between 87 and 89.99, the scholarship is reduced to 50% for the 2nd semester.
    - If the Cumulative GPA falls below 87, the scholarship is cancelled.
  • A scholarship of 50% on tuition fees is offered to students who graduate with a Cumulative GPA between 87 and 89.99:
    - If the Cumulative GPA of 87+ is maintained, the scholarship with a 50% reduction on tuition fees is automatically renewed for the 2nd semester.
    - If the Cumulative GPA falls below 87, the scholarship is cancelled.

For students graduating with a Law Degree or a Bachelor of Architecture, the following conditions are applied:
  • A full scholarship (100% on tuition fees) is offered to students who graduate with a Cumulative GPA of 88.5 and above:
    - If the Cumulative GPA of 90+ is maintained, the full scholarship (100%) is automatically renewed for the 2nd semester.
    - If the Cumulative GPA falls between 87 and 89.99, the scholarship is reduced to 50% for the 2nd semester.
    - If the Cumulative GPA falls below 87, the scholarship is cancelled.
  • A scholarship of 50% on tuition fees is offered to students who graduate with a Cumulative GPA between 87 and 88.49:
    - If the Cumulative GPA of 87+ is maintained, the scholarship with a 50% reduction on tuition fees is automatically renewed for the 2nd semester.
    - If the Cumulative GPA falls below 87, the scholarship is cancelled.
  • The discount applies to master’s studies only (including dual degrees program).
  • Students can choose any master's program, provided they fulfill its specified admission requirements.
  • The discount does not cover summer sessions.
  • The discount does not apply to registration fees, and the annual National Social Security Fund (NSSF) membership fees in case of a 100% scholarship.
    - The discount does not apply to registration fees, operational fees, and the annual National Social Security Fund (NSSF) membership fees in case of a 50% scholarship.
  • The discount is not applicable to the first payment, except for students benefiting from a 100% scholarship.
  • Merit scholarship recipients are ineligible for cumulative discounts, excluding siblings' discount. In the case of eligibility for multiple discounts, only the higher percentage will be applied.
  • Students must actively engage in leadership roles, extracurricular activities, and scholarship-related events or programs.

Conditions to Maintain the Discount
  • Students must register each semester (without any interruption).
  • The discount is cancelled in the following cases:
    - Change of program.
    - Interruption of studies.
    - Course failure or withdrawal
    - Disciplinary Council decision.

Procedure Between week 7 and 9 of every semester
  • The Office of the Registrar shares with the Admissions Office the list of potential graduating students who have a Cumulative GPA > 87.
  • The Admissions Office initiates contact with the students/potential graduates, before the end of the semester, to inform them about the scholarship opportunity and to encourage them to apply for graduate programs at USEK (conditions apply and if they maintain the required Cumulative GPA).

At the end of each semester
  • The Office of the Registrar sends a final report of the students who graduated and who are eligible for the scholarship (to confirm the Cumulative GPA).
  • The Admissions Office confirms the type of scholarship and its conditions, and follows up on any changes (occurring to the final Cumulative GPA).
  • The Office of the Registrar audits, at the end of every semester, the Cumulative GPA of students already benefiting from the scholarship, to check their eligibility for renewal, and notify the students of any changes.

At the beginning of each semester
  • The Admissions Office shares with the Financial Aid Office the list of enrolled students who are eligible for the merit discounts.
Holy Spirit University of Kaslik
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