Faculté de Droit et des Sciences Politiques

Concours de compétences juridiques

Legal skills competitions are an important method of developing and practicing a wide variety of legal competencies, including research and analysis, legal writing, teamwork, and oral argument. Another equally important side of those competitions is the opportunity it provides for building friendships and professional networks throughout the global legal community.

USEK Faculty of Law highly encourages interested and eligible students to participate in local, regional, and national competitions.

Faculty of Law Established Legal Skills Competitions

Each year, USEK Faculty of Law authorizes student teams to participate in the following competitions:
  • The Annual Willem C. Vis International Commercial Arbitration Moot – Vienna, Austria
  • The Annual Willem C. Vis Middle East International Commercial Arbitration Moot – Pre-Vis Moot Middle East
  • Monroe E. Price Media Law Moot Court Competition – Oxford University, United Kingdom
  • International Criminal Court (ICC) Moot Competition – The Hague, The Netherlands

Other Legal Skills Competition Opportunities

From year to year, the Faculty of Law also authorizes teams of students to participate in other Legal Skills Competitions. Students interested in participating in a competition other than one of the "established" competitions must first seek approval from the Faculty of Law by submitting an application no later than 90 days before the first submission deadline.


The Faculty of Law pays reasonable travel expenses for participants to attend the regional round of the approved legal skills competition.

The Annual Willem C. Vis International Commercial Arbitration Moot – Vienna, Austria
The Annual Willem C. Vis International Commercial Arbitration Moot is one of the most renowned moot competitions, dedicated to international commercial arbitration and cross-border litigation, drawing lawstudents from more than 300 law schools from around the world every year. The competition is judged by some of the world’s preeminent arbitrators, litigators, judges, and international law scholars.

The competition is a simulation of a fictitious dispute over a sale of goods between companies in two imaginary countries. The applicable law will include law governing international arbitration, as well as the United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods (“CISG”).

Teams prepare written and oral pleadings arguing both the Claimant and Respondent positions.

USEK Faculty of Law team consists of six participants, four of whom are oralists and two of whom are "of counsel"; the latter’s objective is to help with research and written submissions (Memoranda). The "of counsel" is also a backup oralist at the competition.

Serving on the team is a two-semester commitment, beginning in the fall semester.

Coach / Faculty Contact:
Mrs. Myriam Eid

Successful completion of the International Arbitration Course

Tryouts for the team are held in summer, usually around end of August-beginning of September, and are open to students in good standing in their third or fourth year of law studies.

Candidates should satisfy the following prerequisites:
  • Be fluent in English, both written and spoken
  • Be used to public speaking
  • Have good research skills and sense of legal analysis
  • Have a high sense of discipline and dedication

Competition Timeline (25th Edition of the Vis Moot):
(Check the competition website for exact dates.)
  • Problem released: 6 October 2017
  • Deadline for submission of Claimant’s Memorandum: 7 December 2017
  • Deadline for submission of Respondent’s Memorandum: 18 January 2018
  • International Rounds: 23 till 29 March 2018

Academic credit:
Five credits units (three credits in the fall semester; two credits in the spring semester)

Team members meet with their professor at least twice a week, but will be expected to meet additional times, including weekends, on an as-needed basis. Meetings will involve a combination of instruction, discussion, and practice.

USEK Faculty of Law pays reasonable travel expenses for participants to attend the international round of the competition in Vienna and at least one prior Pre-moot Round.

24th Annual Vis Moot - 7-14 April, 2017, Vienna
Preceded by the Permanent Court of Arbitration Premoot, 3-4 April, 2017, The Hague
Team Members: George El Khoury, Michel Mansour, Adel Bou Younes, Nathalie Matta, Joyce Abi Abboud and Joan Samaha.

25th Annual Vis Moot – 23-29 March, 2018, Vienna
Upcoming event.
The Annual Willem C. Vis Middle East International Commercial Arbitration Moot – Pre-Vis Moot Middle East
The Annual Willem C. Vis Middle East International Commercial Arbitration Moot is a sister moot to the Annual Willem C. Vis International Commercial Arbitration Moot that takes place every year in Vienna.

USEK sends one team to compete in both, the Vis Moot in Vienna and the Middle East Pre-Moot.

The same problem is used for both the Vienna and the Middle East moots, and USEK team typically present the same briefs for the two competitions.

Serving on the team is a two-semester commitment, beginning in the fall semester.

Coach / Faculty Contact:
Mrs. Myriam Eid

8th Annual Vis Middle East Pre-Moot 2018, Bahrain
19 - 23 February 2018
Team Members: Albert Dakar, Stephanie Bou Chalhoub, Ingrid Ghanem, Rosabelle Saba, Fidele Kamel, Marina Ibrahim
Awards: Runner Up (second place)

7TH Annual Vis Middle East Pre-Moot 2017, Kuwait
07 - 11 February 2017
Team Members: Michel Mansour, Adel Bou Younes, Nathalie Matta, Joyce Abi Abboud and Joan Samaha.
Awards: Semi Finalists (third place), Award for Best Oralist for Respondent (Joan Samaha)
Monroe E. Price Media Law Moot Court Competition – Oxford University, United Kingdom
Every year, the University of Oxford organizes the "Price Media Law Moot Court Programme", a competition that challenges students to engage in comparative research of legal standards at the national, regional and international levels, and to develop their arguments (in written and oral forms) on cutting-edge questions in media and Information, Communication and Technology law.

The USEK team has to participate first at the Regional Rounds for the Middle East. After they qualify, they will participate in the International Rounds held in Oxford, England.

Teams prepare written and oral pleadings arguing both the Applicant and Respondent positions.

USEK Faculty of Law team consists of six participants, four of whom are oralists and two of whom are "of counsel"; the latter’s objective is to help with research and written submissions (Memoranda). The "of counsel" is also a backup oralist at the competition.

Serving on the team is a two-semester commitment, beginning in the fall semester. The fall semester is mandatory as the team must pass through the Middle East Rounds. If the team is qualified, the International Rounds will be held during the spring semester.

Coaches / Faculty Contact:
Mr. Sean Mills
Dr. Marianne Hanna

Tryouts for the team are held in the beginning of the fall semester, usually around September, and are open to students in good standing in their second, third or fourth year of law studies.

Candidates should satisfy the following prerequisites:
  • Be fluent in English, both written and spoken
  • Be used to public speaking
  • Have good research skills and sense of legal analysis
  • Have a high level of discipline and dedication

Competition Timeline (11th Edition of the Price Media Moot Court):
(Check the competition website for exact dates.)
  • Problem released: August 2017
  • Deadline for submission of Applicant ‘s and Respondent’s Memoranda: 22 January 2018
  • Middle East Regional Rounds: 30 January till 2 February 2018
  • Qualification to the International Rounds Confirmed by: 19 February 2018
  • International Rounds: 9 till 13 April 2018

Academic credit:
Three credits units (fall semester).

Team members meet with their professor at least twice a week, but will be expected to meet additional times, including weekends, on an as-needed basis. Meetings will involve a combination of instruction, discussion, and practice.

USEK Faculty of Law pays reasonable travel expenses for participants to attend the Middle East Rounds and International Rounds of the competition in Oxford once qualified.

Price Media Competition – Middle East Rounds 2018: 30 January – 2 February, 2018, Lebanon

Team Members: Alina Korkomaz, Rafca Nawfal, Marilyne Zgheib, Roana Tarabay, Rosette Mouawad
The Team was the only Lebanese team nominated, after the Regional rounds, to participate in the International Rounds that will take place at Oxford University.

Price Media Competition – International Rounds 2018: 9-13 April, 2018, Oxford
Team Members: Alina Korkomaz, Rafca Nawfal, Marilyne Zgheib, Roana Tarabay, Rosette Mouawad
The International Criminal Court (ICC) Moot Competition – The Hague, The Netherlands
The Grotius Centre for International Legal Studies organizes annually in May “The International Criminal Court Moot Court Competition” in The Hague, in the Netherlands. During this competition, universities from all over the world are handed a problem with fictive facts, and they will stimulate the case as if the proceedings are held before the International Criminal Court (ICC).

The Competition involves collaboration with judges from international courts and tribunals, professors of international (criminal) law, and other legal professionals. This network makes the ICC Moot Court Competition a realistic replica of ICC proceedings. The Competition’s case addresses fundamental issues of substantive and procedural international criminal law.

Teams prepare written and oral pleadings arguing three positions: Defense Counsel, Office of the Prosecutor and Legal Representative for Victims.

USEK Faculty of Law team consists of six participants, three of whom are oralists and three of whom are "of counsel"; the latter’s objective is to help with research and written submissions (Memorials). The "of counsel" is also a backup oralist at the competition.

Serving on the team is a two-semester commitment, beginning in the fall semester.

Team Manager:
Dr. Ghada Karam

Tryouts for the team are held in the beginning of the fall semester, usually around September, and are open to students in good standing in their third or fourth year of law studies.

Candidates should satisfy the following prerequisites:
  • Be fluent in English, both written and spoken
  • Be used to public speaking
  • Have good research skills and sense of legal analysis
  • Have a high level of discipline and dedication

Competition Timeline (2018 Edition of the ICC Moot Court Competition):
(Check the competition website for exact dates.)
  • Problem released: 20 October 2017
  • Deadline for submission of the three memorials (Defense Counsel, Office of the Prosecutor and Legal Representative for Victims) : 26 February 2018
  • Oral Rounds: 27 May till 1 June 2018

Academic credit:
Three credits units.

Team members meet with their professor at least twice a week, but will be expected to meet additional times, including weekends, on an as-needed basis. Meetings will involve a combination of instruction, discussion, and practice.

USEK Faculty of Law pays reasonable travel expenses for participants to attend the Oral Rounds in The Hague – The Netherlands.

ICC Moot Court Competition – 2015 Edition: The Hague, The Netherlands
Team Members: George El Khoury, Joan Samaha, Vanessa Bejjani, Coralie Ziadeh, Samantha Doumit

ICC Moot Court Competition – 2016 Edition: The Hague, The Netherlands
Coach: Professor Théo Boutruche
Team Members: Maroun Mallah, Maria Zeidan, Rindala Zgheib, Rachid Chakhtoura, Mary Fahim
Université Saint-Esprit de Kaslik
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