Faculté de Médecine et des Sciences Médicales

Bachelor of Science in Health Fundamental Sciences

110 crédits
For students entering the program at the Sophomore level
(holders of a recognized Baccalaureate or Freshman diploma - equivalent to 30 credits)


Behavioral and Social Sciences
3 credits
More and more, human beings have acquired power over nature due to scientific development and advances in techniques. As a result of progress in biology, we are trying to master health problems, reproduction and genetics. As for an essential question: Is all possible desirable? This biological - techno - scientific upheaval, which is causing effective medicine to meet another socio-cultural and ideological upheavals, influence the representations of life and death, health and sickness, care and preventive care, curative and palliative treatment. These changes are causing a huge social phenomenon that was materialized under the term ‘Bioethics’ in 1971.
SOC217Citizen and Civic Engagement
2 credits
The course aims to teach USEK students notions, concepts and practical applications indicative of a civic and citizenship commitment which would contribute to the development of society. This course is built on theoretical and practical learning areas as follows: a) acquiring the concept of commitment and its forms (contract, charity work, activism, promise, voluntarism, giving, love of the other, etc..),; b) adopting the fundamental values of citizens such as: freedom of religion and expression, justice, equality, togetherness, family and social solidarity, patriotic and world collective identity, the place of religion in society, etc. ..); c) integrating the components of social life: democracy, laws, rights, civil society, communal life, social and community diversity, participation in political and public life, elections, individual, institutional and collective security, municipal activities, union activities, etc…) d) addressing and dealing with social issues such as sustainable development, community health, social discrimination, work ethics, the integration of people with special needs, etc. (a description of performed observation and action is provided with the course, based on concepts covered in class).
PSY201Introduction to Psychology
3 credits
This course will provide students with the basic concepts in psychology and will facilitate their access to knowledge through their academic curriculum. It includes the following objectives: understanding psychology from a historical and a theoretical perspective (Gestalt, phenomenological, experimental, scientific, psychoanalytic and cognitive, etc.); understanding the various fields of psychology (clinical, experimental, developmental, educational, social, etc.) and the different methods used (experimental, clinical, psychometric, projective, etc.); providing an appropriate approach to personality issues - basic needs, affective and emotional (feelings, emotions), intellectual (cognition, memory) and social (social influence).
General Education
English Communication
3 credits
History of Lebanon
3 credits
Religious Sciences
3 credits
1 credits
Basic Sciences
INF308Applied Computer Sciences
3 credits
BIO377Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Laboratory
1 credits
This lab is divided into two parts: a biochemistry part and a molecular biology part. In the biochemistry sessions, the students are initiated into the methods used to measure the levels of lipids, proteins and carbohydrates in the serum of patients. In the second part of this lab, the students are introduced to molecular biology methods. They are allowed to practice most of the concepts covered in the course of molecular biology: genomic and DNA plasmid extractions, PCR amplification, enzyme digestion, SDS­PAGE, Western blot and bacterial transformation.
CHM212General Chemistry
3 credits
In its chemistry parts the objective of the course is to introduce the students to the basic techniques used in a chemistry laboratory, including solution preparations, titration, distillation and recrystallization and aspirin synthesis. The physics part of this lab aims to achieve: the experimental measurement of the latent heat of vaporization at constant volume, the experimental study of the magnetic field, the operational amplifiers and the RLC circuit.
CHM377General Chemistry and Physics Laboratory
1 credits
MAT216General Mathematics
3 credits
This course provides the solid basics needed by students to be able to handle their specialty courses. Topics covered include: function of a real variable, elementary functions, Taylor's expansion, simple integral and methods of integration, differential equations, multivariable functions, continuity, partial derivative, the chain rule, differential, introduction to double integrals, methods of integration, matrix calculus, determinants, and linear systems.
PHY210General Physics
3 credits
The objective of this course is the introduction of various laws, principles and physical mechanisms, whose understanding is essential to students pursuing studies in various branches of science. This course consists of several independent parts. The first deals with dynamics, the different types of motion, Newton's laws, and conservation of energy. The second part deals with hydrostatics and fluid dynamics. The third part deals with thermodynamics, calorimeters, the first principle and the basic transformations, the ideal gas, and thermodynamic cycles. The fourth part concerns the analysis of simple electrical circuits using Kirchhoff laws and the movement of a particle in an electromagnetic field. In the fifth part we talk about relativity, the theory of photons, and the photoelectric effect. Upon completion of this course the students will have acquired sufficient knowledge of several basic principles in physics and be familiar with these various topics.
BCH421Metabolic Biochemistry
3 credits    |    Pré-requis: BCH415 Or BCH410 Or BCH300 Or BCH320 Or BCM320
Understanding all vital processes requires knowledge of the biochemical reactions and their integration in metabolic pathways. This course covers two basic areas of molecular biochemistry which are the production and storage of energy, and the biosynthesis of macromolecules. The course starts with the metabolism of carbohydrates, the main producer of energy in the cell. Several topics are devoted to the study of glycogen metabolism, glycolysis, the Krebs cycle and the pentose phosphate pathway. Then lipid metabolism (β oxidation, fatty acid synthesis, cholesterol synthesis), and on to protein metabolism (transamination, urea cycle) and then nucleotide metabolism.
BIO413Molecular Biology
3 credits    |    Pré-requis: BIO411 Or MEDL200
The course begins with a review of nucleic acids and looks at the methods for their extraction, separation and analysis. Then the course moves onto extensive studies in the regulation of gene expression and provides an update on the changes to the nucleic acids transcriptionally, post­ transcriptional and translational. Finally, detailed molecular analysis techniques, cloning, PCR, sequencing and development of DNA banks are described.
CHM317Organic Chemistry
3 credits    |    Pré-requis: CHM212
Organic chemistry is an introduction to the structure, reactivity, and properties of organic compounds. This course is intended to introduce students to the major concepts in organic chemistry and prepare them for the upper level classes in chemistry and biochemistry and the organic requirements for medical schools. Topics include: introduction and review, electronic structure and bonding in organic molecules; nomenclature of organic compounds; structure and properties of alkanes, cycloalkanes, and alkyl halides; stereoisomerism and chirality of organic compounds; and the structure, properties and reactivity of alkynes and alkenes.
BCH320Structural Biochemistry
3 credits    |    Pré-requis: CHM317 Or CHM311 Or CHE311
This course is based on an understanding of the different biochemical processes taking place in the human body. Students will learn about the basic formations in biochemistry, so they are then able to competently address all areas related to medical biochemistry. Structural biochemistry defines the structure of the various molecules of living matter such as carbohydrates, lipids, amino­acids, proteins, enzymes, nucleotides and vitamins.
Basic Medical Sciences
3 credits    |    Pré-requis: PHY210 And MAT218 Or MAT216
This course introduces the students to different types of radiation, explains their effects on the organism and defines the basic principles of radioprotection. It illustrates the physics of the different imaging modalities (XRay, US, CT, MRI, PET), their utility in clinical practice and their optimal usage. Molecular imaging enables visualization of the cellular function and the follow up of the molecular process in organisms by using biomarkers. It has numerous potentialities and helps diagnose cancer and neurological diseases.
MEDL215Biostatistics and Introduction to Epidemiology
3 credits    |    Pré-requis: MAT218 Or MAT216
This course introduces statistical information. It includes: information regarding how to organize and summarize data, how to reach decisions about a large body of data by examining only a small part of the data, the use of statistical data in medical literature and using frequently used statistical methods of data analysis.
MEDL321Cytology and Histology Laboratory
1 credits
This course will initiate students into recognizing the histological structure of primary tissues in the human body. They will learn the basic functions of each tissue and the place it occupies in the organs. They will become aware of the importance of each structure for the good functioning of the organs.
MEDL200Cytology and Human Cell Pathologies
3 credits
This course aims to introduce concepts of molecular biology, cell biology, biochemistry, and genetic to medicine students. The topics include introduction to cell, organelles and cytoskeleton, DNA, membrane structure and transport, cell communication, cell cycle control, cell death, citric acid cycle, ATP production and electron transport/oxidative phosphorylation. In addition, the course will discuss the basis of the development of certain important diseases such as cancer, diabetes and mechanisms of therapeutic intervention.
MEDL445Economics and Health Management
3 credits
This course is an introduction to theoretical health systems in the world giving students an insight into different economic, social and ethical aspects. The course covers principles of management focusing on hospital management.
MEDL455Emergency First Aid and Introduction to Hospital
1 credits
This course is for students entering the medical professions. This class is divided in two sessions: 1. Emergency first aid including CPR, first aid care of dislocation and neck fracture and back injuries, and bleeding emergencies; 2. Introduction to the different wards of a teaching hospital, and rotating in small groups to surgical and medical wards - ICU, pain, emergency, pediatrics requiring primary and essential skills.
3 credits    |    Pré-requis: STA220 Or MEDL215
This integrated course is a multi­disciplinary series of lectures and tutorials covering basic issues in epidemiology and biostatistics. The overall aim of this course is to familiarize students with concepts and measures of vital events, health, disease, disability and death. It also introduces students to epidemiologic methods related to identification of disease risk and protective factors, and to the assessment of causal associations and inferences. Special attention is given to presenting the contents in the context of the situation in Lebanon where possible. The statistical component of the course will present an overview of statistical estimation and hypothesis­testing procedures, and an introduction to relevant probability models.
MEDL205General Histology
3 credits
The purpose of this course is the theoretical and practical acquisition of the fundamental basics in general functional histology. Outline: the histology techniques, supporting tissues, epithelial, muscle tissue, nerve tissue, hematopoietic tissue.
Methodology: theoretical acquisitions in lectures, tutorials and practical TD TP. Personal research work to strengthen and deepen these acquisitions. This course prepares the students for the understanding of the histology of organs.
MEDL400General Pathology
3 credits    |    Pré-requis: MEDL320 Or SCS320
The students will become aware of the lesions related to morbid processes and their morphological appearances in tissues. This will be carried out with some clinical, biological, physiopathological and epidemiological data. An overview of the different anatomo­pathological techniques will be provided.
MEDL430General Pharmacology and Toxicology
3 credits    |    Pré-requis: MEDL325 And MEDL330
The objective of this course is to familiarize the students with medications. It explains the different phases the medication has to go through before being manufactured and used on the market, the fate of medications in the body as well as the mechanism of action of the medications. The students will become familiar with major side effects of medications, drug­drug interactions and precautions to be taken while prescribing medications in specific populations.
MEDL320Histology of Organs
3 credits    |    Pré-requis: SCS211 Or MEDL205
This course will familiarize the students with the structure of different organs in the human body. It will integrate the data learned in the general histology courses. Some physiological hints will be explained.
MEDL330Homeostasis Physiology
3 credits    |    Pré-requis: MEDL310 Or SCS325
This course is given to medical students who have taken basic cell physiology and body anatomy. At this point of their training, the students will be introduced to the detailed functions of three major organs: the kidneys, the lungs and the heart. These three organs maintain the homeostasis of the body, namely the body fluid status, the acid/base balance, blood pressure, and gaseous exchanges.
MEDL220Human Anatomy
3 credits
This course introduces the students to the human body and its many complex structures. The structure and function of important organs will be demonstrated, discussed and related to common surgical scenarios and current research. Each part of the course will focus on a specific area of the human body. This will help the students to apply their understanding of basic anatomy to common clinical scenarios and research.
MEDL310Human Cellular Physiology
3 credits    |    Pré-requis: BIO211 Or MEDL200
This class is a cellular human physiology course for students entering the medical professions. The students will study human cell functions and relate them to cell structure. Furthermore, this course involves the structure and function of the principal systems of the human body, as it pertains to how the body systems relate to one another in organization, adaptation, and homeostasis. While the course will focus on examining basic mechanisms in cell physiology, there will be a thread of discussion of disease mechanisms throughout preparing the students for the clinical physiology courses.
MEDL300Human Embryology
3 credits
This course helps the students understand how a well-organized and complete individual develops from the zygote (single totipotent) following inductions in chains. The aim is also to understand that the development of the human body is dependent on endogenous factors (regulatory genes) and is also dependent on external or environmental factors. This course is closely related to anatomy and also helps students to understand the anatomy of the adult.
MEDL315Human Parasitology and Mycology
3 credits
Human parasitology and mycology involves the study of animals or fungal organisms that might be pathogenic to their host. The course will explore the importance of parasites and fungi, their biological classification and the diagnostic techniques used in their identification. Opportunistic diseases (such as toxoplasmosis, cryptococcal disease, and aspergillosis in the setting of HIV) will be of particular importance in this course. Furthermore, there will be a focus on tropical parasitic diseases that are common to our region and that require the ability to make a rapid diagnosis and initiate the appropriate specific treatment (as is the case with malaria and amebiasis). The course will include clinical cases that will be discussed to maximize the understanding and grasp of relevant content and ideas
3 credits
This class is a fundamental immunology course for students entering the medical professions. The students will study immune system physiopathology which is typically divided into two categories: innate and adaptive responses. This course includes the anatomy of central and peripheral lymphoid organs and functions of immune cells (T and B lymphocytes, NK cells, dendritic cells) and molecules (MHC, TCR, BCR, complement system) in physiological and pathological situations such as transplantation, infections, tumors and autoimmunity. The second part of the course provides the core information required to understand diseases with an immunological basis. It covers the underlying pathophysiology, the signs and symptoms of disease, the investigations required (mainly the immunologic laboratory tests intended to aid in clinical diagnosis). It also includes a brief review of immunohematology and blood transfusion issues.
MEDL435Medical Genetics
3 credits
The course will focus on human genetics: fundamental aspects, applications and methods. It will include principles of classical genetics and genomics, chromosomal studies, cytogenetic and molecular approaches, genetic variations, population genetics and patterns of inheritance (monogenic, polygenic, and complex).
MEDL450Medical Semiology
3 credits
The objectives of this course are to teach the students about the basics of physical exam, the signs and symptoms along with the associated biological and radiological signs related to the different syndromes and diseases in medicine.
3 credits
The course will provide a foundation for the infectious diseases course. To achieve this the course has the following objectives to: understand the mechanisms by which pathogens cause infectious diseases at the environmental, molecular and cellular levels and the implications that these mechanisms have on both treatment and prophylaxis; identify the main pathogenic bacteria, their epidemiology, the infections that they cause, as well as the notions of pathogen­specific antibiotic treatment and prophylaxis; explore the general laboratory techniques and methods used in the diagnosis of infections and in the identification of specific disease­causing pathogens.
MEDL210Musculoskeletal Anatomy
3 credits
The teaching of the anatomy of the musculoskeletal system has changed in recent years in the direction of simplification, a return to the essential, eliminating many unnecessary details. The program of the musculoskeletal system concerns the descriptive and topographic anatomy of the upper limbs and lower spine including the sacrum and the anatomy of the skull and rib cage.
MEDL411Parasitology and Microbiology Laboratory
1 credits
The experimental work supports the ideas explained in the course and introduces microbiological and experimental approaches. It includes bacteriological analysis of samples and a review of cytobacteriological bronchopulmonary secretions as well as blood culture. It deals with the cytobacteriological examination of urine and urethral smears.
MEDL325Physiology I
3 credits    |    Pré-requis: MEDL310 Or SCS325
The course is a complete review of the different systems in their normal and physiological situation. Neurology: the motor, somatosensory, vegetative reflexes, cortical, and vigilance states, emotions and fluid studies (CSF circulation) and metabolism. Endocrine: regulating the release and action of different hormones with clinical implications of their excesses and their disability. Gastric, intestinal and hepatic: general concepts, digestive, liver and biliary secretion, intestinal absorption, digestive motility and continence mechanism. The purpose of this course is to enable the students to thoroughly study the nervous, endocrine, gastric and hepatic systems functioning in normal conditions. It prepares students for the understanding of semiology (endocrine, neurology, gastric, hepatic) and their pathology.
MEDL420Surgical Semiology
3 credits    |    Pré-requis: SCS405 And SCS410 And SCS430 And SCS435 And SCS440 And SCS445 Or (MEDL325 And MEDL330)
This course discusses and explains the different signs and symptoms related to surgical pathologies as well as providing an introduction to how to take a medical history and do a physical exam.


The mission of the Bachelor of Science program in Fundamental Health Sciences is to help students acquire knowledge allowing them to pursue medical studies or other health specialties, particularly those in public health, by providing knowledge, general education and ethical skills for an appropriate foundation for further education. The department is committed to providing quality and innovative teaching through expertise in the disciplines of anatomy, physiology, pharmacology, and pathology in the servicing of undergraduate and postgraduate programs. For the fulfillment of its mission, the department of basic health sciences finds its anchor point in the mission of the Lebanese Maronite Order (O.L.M) and the social teaching of the Catholic Church on universities.

Program Educational Objectives

1. Graduates will have the basic knowledge, skills, behaviors, and attitudes that will enable them to go on to pursue their education to become capable physicians.
2. Graduates will be able to pursue careers in the fields of health management, public health and scientific branches.
3. Graduates will be able to pursue postgraduate and PhD studies.

Program Outcomes

a. An ability to apply knowledge of mathematics and natural sciences to areas relevant to the discipline
b. An ability to design and conduct experiments, or test hypotheses, as well as to analyze and interpret data.
c. An ability to formulate or design a system, process, procedure or program to meet desired needs.
d. An ability to function on multidisciplinary teams.
e. An ability to identify and solve technical or scientific problems.
f. An understanding of professional and ethical responsibility.
g. An ability to communicate effectively.
h. The broad education necessary to understand the impact of technical and/or scientific solutions in a global and societal context.
i. A recognition of the need for and an ability to engage in life-long learning.
j. Knowledge of contemporary issues.
k. An ability to use the techniques, skills, and modern scientific and technical tools necessary for professional practice.
Université Saint-Esprit de Kaslik
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