Actualités et médias

November 24 and 29, 2011
Course-Conference on “Latin America in the Middle East: between intensification of relations and reactions on the regional conflicts”

The Center of Studies and Cultures of Latin America (CECAL) and the Higher Institute of Political and Administrative Sciences (ISSPA) at the Holy Spirit University of Kaslik (USEK) organized a course-conference on “Latin America in the Middle East: between intensification of relations and reactions on the regional conflicts”, given by Elodie Brun, Researcher at the Center of Studies of International Research (CERI) at Sciences Po – France and at the Interdisciplinary Research Network on the Arab World and Latin America (RIMAAL).

This course-conference took place on Thursday, November 24 and Tuesday, November 29, 2011 at the meeting room of the Main Library – USEK Main Campus.

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