School of Engineering

Engineering Diploma in Agricultural Engineering (Open for Admission)

Engineering Accreditation Commission
190 credits
For students entering the program at the Freshman level
(Please click here for more info on the Freshman program)
160 credits
For students entering the program at the Sophomore level
(holders of a recognized Baccalaureate or Freshman diploma - equivalent to 30 credits)


General Education
BIO211Cell Biology
3 credits
In this course students will study the structures and functions of prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells. We will focus on eukaryotic cells by examining different areas of cell biology including: the plasma membrane and organelles structures and functions, cellular communication, the cell cycle and its regulation, as well as synthesis and function of macromolecules such as DNA, RNA, and proteins.
CHM212General Chemistry
3 credits
The purpose of this course is to present a general outline on chemistry. Through this course chemistry is introduced in its various aspects: the structure of the atom, the various models, and the properties of the elements in the periodic table; various chemical bonds, the Lewis structure, VSEPR rules; thermochemistry, thermodynamics and chemical equilibrium; kinetic chemistry, reactions rate orders, the Arrhenius law; solutions chemistry, acids and bases and various acid­base equilibrium; complexation, liquid solid equilibrium and solubility product; and redox titration and electrochemical cells.
MAT216General Mathematics
3 credits
This course provides the basics needed by students to progress in their specialty courses. Topics covered include: function of a real variable, elementary functions, Taylor's expansion, simple integral and methods of integration, differential equations, multivariable functions, continuity, partial derivative, the chain rule, differential, introduction to double integrals, methods of integration, Matrix calculus, determinants, and linear systems.
PHY210General Physics
3 credits
The objective of this course is the introduction of various laws, principles and physical mechanisms, whose understanding is essential to students pursuing studies in various branches of science. This course consists of several independent parts. The first one deals with dynamics, the different types of motion, Newton's laws, and conservation of energy. The second part deals with hydrostatics and fluid dynamics. The third part deals with thermodynamics, calorimeters, the first principle and the basic transformations, the ideal gas, and thermodynamic cycles. The fourth part concerns the analysis of simple electrical circuits using Kirchhoff laws and the movement of a particle in an electromagnetic field. In the fifth part we talk about relativity, the theory of photons, and the photoelectric effect. Upon completion of this course the students will have acquired sufficient knowledge of several basic principles in physics and be familiar with these various topics.
Common Core
BCH215Introduction to Biochemistry
3 credits    |    Pre-requisite: CHM212 Or CHE212 Or CHM210 Or CHE210
This course consists of a study of the structure of carbohydrates, simple and complex lipids, and amino acids and proteins. It also introduces enzyme kinetics and examines the metabolism of carbohydrates, lipids and proteins.
BCH272Introduction to Biochemistry Laboratory
1 credits
These laboratory sessions, which accompany BCH215, apply methods of purification, recrystallization, and esterification. They provide students with hands­on experience in the laboratory preparation of a buffer, determination of its pKa and capacity, and tea’s caffeine extraction. Topics covered include: qualitative and/or quantitative studies of carbohydrates, lipids, amino acids and proteins, determination of the kinetic parameters of the invertase, and the effect of temperature and pH variation on its activity.
BIO228General Botany
3 credits
The course has two parts: Plant histology and biology. Histology is the study of meristems, parenchyma and plant tissues, their origins, their characteristics, and role. Plant biology treat the lower and higher plants, their characteristics and their classifications.
CHM270Laboratory of General chemistry
1 credits    |    Pre-requisite: CHM212 Or CHE212 Or CHM210 Or CHE210
The general chemistry laboratory aims to develop different skills for the practical application of theoretical knowledge of general chemistry. Techniques to be learned: preparation and dilution of solutions, experimental verification of the Nernst equation, realization of different types of acid­ base and redox titration by volumetric, calorimetric, pH­metric or potentiometric monitoring, and the study of solubility and precipitation reactions and characterization of ions present in a given matrix. The goal of the lab course is to ensure that students are capable of understanding the chemical concepts and to carry out experiments safely and carefully in the laboratory, to obtain data accurately and to manipulate the data correctly.
CSC205Information Technology and Database Management
3 credits
This course introduces the role of information systems in business organizations with a focus on their application. It also emphasizes the fundamentals of database development and provides hands­on experience in designing and developing databases to meet organizational goals through instruction in database management and design. The scope of instruction will include database concepts, data modeling, relational and database development.
GAA225Molecular Diagnostics in Food Science
2 credits    |    Pre-requisite: BIO211
This course deals with the structure and properties of nucleic acids, the basic principles involved in the transmission and the repair of genetic material, as well as gene expression and its regulation. It also discusses the most common techniques of molecular biology applied to research or exploration of genetic material.
GAA227Food Microbiology
2 credits    |    Pre-requisite: BIO211
This course is a study of the fundamentals of food microbiology, including its history, classifications, spores and their importance, and the most common and serious pathogenic food microorganisms. Fermentation, spoilage and control methodology are also discussed.
GAA275Laboratory of Molecular Diagnostics in Food Science
1 credits    |    Pre-requisite: BIO211
These laboratory sessions, which accompany GAA 225, enable students to extract, quantify and qualify DNA in a bacterial culture using electrophoresis. PCR using specific and non­ specific primers, in addition to RAPD and SDS­PAGE protein extraction techniques, are performed. Methods of data interpretation and basic principles of bioinformatics are explained as well.
GAA277Food Microbiological Laboratory
1 credits    |    Pre-requisite: BIO211
These laboratory sessions, which accompany GAA 227, provide students with a technical experience of the preparation of liquid and solid culture media (differential, enriched, specific and selective). They deal with inoculation, incubation and enumeration of microorganisms found in liquid and solid food products. Staining procedures and biochemical tests such as ELISA and AGID are performed as well.
GAA334Food Composition and Transformation
3 credits    |    Pre-requisite: CHM212
This course describes food as a complex system defined by an aqueous phase, a three dimensional matrix of a protein, fat and/or carbohydrate nature, in addition to dispersed elements. It deals with foods obtained from the primary processing of agricultural products, and their composition. The principles of extraction and characterization of some food biomolecules resulting from these products are developed, as well as the chemical and/or enzymatic methods used in order to develop new food products.
GAA374Food Composition and Transformation Laboratory
1 credits    |    Pre-requisite: CHM212
These laboratory sessions, which accompany GAA 334, enable students to evaluate the composition of various food products through different techniques used in the laboratories. Experiments include moisture and water activity, carbohydrate and protein analysis, fat analysis and characterization, rheology, and nitrite determination.
3 credits    |    Pre-requisite: STA515 Or GAG646
This seminar course helps students to develop the analytical skills required to evaluate scientific work. It teaches students to organize, design, and deliver formal presentations, to formulate research questions and an hypothesis, to use appropriate research design and methods and to write a literature review and a thesis proposal in agricultural, nutritional and food sciences disciplines.
GAAC617Modeling of Food Systems
3 credits
This course covers the mathematical modeling of food engineering processes used in the industry in order to reduce the number of experiments, and optimize and improve the automation and control capabilities. It includes topics such as: the roles and applications of modeling in agricultural and food processes based on conservation principles of momentum, heat and mass; a systematic approach to model building; and formulation of a differential equation for modeling, applied to various agricultural and food engineering problems.
GAG242Agricultural Zoology
3 credits
This course is designed to introduce students to the study of zoology at the organismal and organ function levels. The lecture section will review the general principles of modern zoological theory and provide the students with an introduction to recent advances in zoology in the areas of systematics, evolution, reproduction, development, animal diversity, and animal ecology. The laboratory section is designed to allow students to become familiar with the form and function of major animal phyla through observation of living animals, study of prepared slides, examination of model specimens and museum mounts and dissection of preserved specimens.
GAG274Agricultural Zoology Laboratory
1 credits
These laboratory sessions, which accompany GAG 242, include an examination of cellular organelles, types of tissues, unicellular protozoa, sponges and multicellular animals. It provides students with hands­on experience in dissection of invertebrates and mammalian vertebrates.
GAG333Rural Engineering and Technical Drawing
3 credits    |    Pre-requisite: CSC205 Or CSC204
This course discusses the different fundamentals of architecture and drawing instruments. It integrates them into nature and explores the elements of rural construction. This course also deals with farm, silage forage, housing, water supply and reservoir designs, as well as drawing instruments, scales, lettering with orthographic projections and AutoCAD.
GAG434Field Visits II
1 credits    |    Pre-requisite: GAG360B
This course involves visiting agricultural, animal and food manufacturing facilities. It provides an enriching experience and an opportunity for students to explore agricultural, animal and food sector operations. The course improves students’ professional capabilities and communication skills. A special linkage is created between students and stakeholders, enhancing a significant professional discussion.
GAG445Special Topics in Agriculture and Food Sciences
This course is designed to provide students with key concepts, current issues, research and new trends that are pertinent to professionals working in agricultural sectors, food industries, academia, government and NGOs. This seminar course is given by invited national and international speakers.
GAG447Special Topics in Agriculture and Food Sciences
This course is designed to provide students with key concepts, current issues, research and new trends that are pertinent to professionals working in agricultural sectors, food industries, academia, government and NGOs. This seminar course is given by invited national and international speakers.
GAG202Introduction to Agricultural Sciences
1 credits
This course introduces students to a broad spectrum of topics exploring agriculture and illustrating applied principles of biological systems and how they relate to agriculture. Topics presented include plant science, animal science, biotechnology, soil science, food security, natural resource management, and sustainable agriculture. It also describes the different Lebanese agricultural governmental and non­governmental organizations.
GAG218Field Work I S1
1 credits
This course introduces students to the basics of fieldwork techniques such as greenhouses and preparation of agricultural land. It covers topics such as potting, transplanting, fertilization, pruning, grafting, and plant propagation. It also includes technical farm visits.
GAG219Field Work I S2
1 credits
This course covers topics such as pruning, grafting, different insect pests and diseases, proper pesticide applications, fertilization, plant propagation nurseries, field crops and ornamental plants. It also includes technical applications in bovine and poultry farms.
GAG222Geology + Laboratory
2 credits
This course explores basic geological concepts, principles and processes that shape the planet and the environment. It covers topics such as the history of life on earth, the solar system, the earth’s structure, composition and evolution; and the nature of the processes that resulted in its formation and its present state.
GAG260AInternship I
1 credits
This introductory internship is an individualized program whereby students are apprenticed to proper officials to gain practical experience in agricultural and/or food facilities. It provides opportunities to apply skills, concepts and theories in a practical context.
GAG303Introduction to Ecology and Environment
3 credits
This course develops an understanding of the principles of ecology, the life supporting and resource generating structures and functions of the ecosystems. It explores the role of atmosphere, hydrosphere and lithosphere in sustaining life. The course also analyses reasons and effects of current and future environmental problems as well as different aspects of sustainable development.
GAG310Botany and Systematics
2 credits    |    Pre-requisite: BIO228
This course introduces students to the basic structural, reproductive and evolutionary patterns seen in the plant kingdom. It focuses on plant systematics with emphasis on the phylogenetic, evolutionary history, diversity and structure of plants. Topics covered include a survey of botanical life forms, taxonomy, structure, development and function. The course also highlights the classification and identification of plants by the use of dichotomous keys.
GAG324Agrometeorology and GIS
3 credits
This course explores the theoretical and practical aspects of agricultural meteorology and geographic information systems (GIS). It provides basic knowledge in agrometeorology related to the agricultural operational applications. It also exploits the climatic data in various agricultural activities in terms of designing and mapping products based on spatial analysis tools, particularly the GIS.
GAG325Animal Physiology and Anatomy
2 credits    |    Pre-requisite: GAG242
This course describes the functioning of living organisms and their adaptation mechanisms. It covers the digestive system, its motricity and secretion, the digestion and absorption particularly in monogastric and polygastric mammals, the excretory system and the maintenance of osmolarity and composition of water and ions. The course also focuses on different phases of reproduction, with a particular emphasis on mammalian spermatogenesis and oogenesis, fertilization, pregnancy, lactation, puberty and menopause.
GAG328Field Work II S1
1 credits    |    Pre-requisite: GAG218 or GAG219
This course aims to develop innovative principles and practices in the areas of crop and animal production and protection. It covers crop rotation, fruit trees, seedbed preparation, installing of irrigation systems and greenhouses, turf grass and farm management, proper pesticide applications, apiculture and organic farming systems.
GAG329Field Work II S2
1 credits    |    Pre-requisite: (GAG218 Or GAG219)
This course covers topics such as fertilization, insect pests and diseases, pruning and management of fruit and forest trees and vines. It also includes technical applications in seasonal plant nurseries, cut flower nurseries, mushroom cultivation and milk processing farms.
GAG340Soil Sciences
2 credits    |    Pre-requisite: GAG222
This course illustrates processes controlling the distribution and formation of soils. It also examines their chemical, physical, and biological properties covering chemical composition and morphological properties, interaction between solid, liquid, and gaseous components, and relationships between plant, soil, and water. It also focuses on soil properties in managing the quality and fertility of agricultural terrains.
GAG342Plant Physiology
2 credits    |    Pre-requisite: BIO228
This course provides the basic plant physiological principles and the interactions with their environment. It is designed to survey contemporary aspects of plant physiology with emphasis on recent research progress in related fields. Topics covered include water transport, mineral and organic nutrition, phytohormones, development and stress physiology.
3 credits    |    Pre-requisite: GAG340
This course discusses principles and innovations in irrigation management. It provides a mastery of aspects determining the water balance of cultivated fields and the calculations of crop water requirements. Topics covered include soil­water relations, evapotranspiration, chemigation and technical aspects of pumps, pipes, drips, sprinklers and irrigation systems scheduling and feasibility.
2 credits    |    Pre-requisite: GAG340 or
This course presents the principles of nutrient management as related to soil, growth media, plant requirements and fertilizer management systems. It discusses the use, manufacture, properties and fate of common organic and chemical fertilizers. The course also describes the methods of application and their effects on soil reactions.
GAG360ASpecialized Internship
1 credits
This specialized internship involves off­campus work providing training opportunities for the practicum experiences with specific hands­on training and know­how in almost every discipline of agricultural and food sectors. It allows students to apply skills, concepts and theories in a practical context.
GAG370Pedology Laboratory
1 credits
These laboratory sessions, which accompany GAG 340, provide hands­on practical experience with the main techniques used in physical, chemical, and morphological characterizations of soils. This laboratory also explains the calculations performed utilizing the data collected from soil testing procedures.
GAG371Plant Physiology Laboratory
1 credits    |    Pre-requisite: BIO228
These laboratory sessions, which accompany GAG 342, contribute to the understanding of how plants function. It provides students with hands­on experience in basic physiological principles related to nutrient deficiencies, membrane permeability and composition, water/nutrient absorption and translocation, transpiration, photosynthesis and physiological functions of growth regulators.
GAG372Anatomy and Animal Physiology Laboratory
1 credits
These laboratory sessions, which accompany GAG 325, provide hands­on practical experience in identification, characterization and counts of blood and sperm cells. This laboratory also examines the structure of the skeleton, glands, female and male reproductive organs.
GAG411Agricultural Entomology
2 credits    |    Pre-requisite: GAG242
This course focuses on the study of the biology of insects. It deals with morphology, physiology, phylogeny, behavior, ecology, and population dynamics of insects. The course also highlights the importance of insects as agricultural pests and their chemical, integrated, biological and cultural methods of control. Complementary laboratory sessions given in addition to lectures include an examination of the different orders, families of insects as well as a preparation of an insect collection. It provides students with insect dissection skills and examination of the digestive, reproductive, nervous and circulatory systems.
3 credits    |    Pre-requisite: BIO228
This course is divided into two main parts. The first part consists of presenting plant pathology, bacteriology, virology and nematology as well as their importance and utility. It includes topics on disease origins and classifications, disease development, spread and epidemiology, the relationship between disease progress and yield reduction, classification, reproduction and dissemination of fungi, bacteria, mollicutes, viruses and nematodes. It also presents mechanisms of plant invasion by pathogens and those of plant resistance. The second part is subdivided into five themes. The first one is an introduction to pesticides and the four other themes look at fungicides, insecticides, herbicides and biopesticides. Active ingredients will be presented according to chemical family, mode of action and targeted plant pests.
GAG428Field Work III S1
1 credits    |    Pre-requisite: GAG329 or GAG328
This course covers topics such as fertilization, insect pests and diseases, pruning and management of tomato, cucumber, potato, egg plants, pepper, banana, strawberry, and citrus production. It also includes technical applications in goat and swine farms.
GAG429Field Work III S2
1 credits    |    Pre-requisite: (GAG328 Or GAG329)
This course covers topics such as fertilization, insect pests and diseases, integrated pest management, pruning and crop management of cucumber, melon, tomato, strawberry, eggplants, and cut flowers. It also includes feasibility studies, experimental designs, calculation and installation of irrigation systems, and new technologies in tomato grafting.
3 credits    |    Pre-requisite: GAG242
The course identifies the scientific art of maintaining and improving animals under domestication including breeding, genetics, nutrition, and housing. It covers the production of animal meat, the general conditions of fattening, and livestock farming systems. The course also deals with animal genetics and various methods of reproduction.
3 credits    |    Pre-requisite: GAG344
This course describes the principles and practices of fruit trees. It deals with tree selection and planting to fit climatic, space and edaphic conditions as well as diagnosing abnormalities. The course also covers modern commercial fruit science, mineral nutrition, flower and fruit development, pollination, dormancy and winter injury, cultural responses and pest management practices.
GAG444Crop Production Systems
3 credits    |    Pre-requisite: GAG342
This course examines the development, implementation, management, production, marketing and enterprise operations across a range of agricultural plant industries. It emphasizes the sustainability of plant and animal production to meet human needs. This course is also oriented towards the production of quality forage for herds in farms.
GAG446Animal Nutrition
2 credits    |    Pre-requisite: GAG325
This course focuses on the different digestive systems and nutritional requirements for bovine, cattle, and poultry. It also deals with optimal formulations of feed supplies for lactation, growth, work, and maintenance and egg production, regarding breeds and farming systems. The course also examines the classification and function of nutrients and deficiency symptoms. Complementary laboratory sessions included in addition to lectures provide hands­on practical experience and dissection of different digestive systems. This laboratory also deals with the main techniques utilized in physical and chemical characterizations of nutrient compounds (protein, fat, energy) as well as feed rations calculations.
GAG472Agricultural Entomology Laboratory
1 credits
These laboratory sessions, which accompany GAG 411, include an examination of the different orders, families of insects as well as preparation of an insect collection. It provides students with insect dissection skills and examination of the digestive, reproductive, nervous and circulatory systems.
GAG474Animal Nutrition Laboratory
1 credits
These laboratory sessions, which accompany GAG 446, provide hands­on practical experience and dissection of different digestive systems. This laboratory also deals with the main techniques utilized in physical and chemical characterizations of nutrient compounds (protein, fat, energy) as well as feed rations calculations.
2 credits    |    Pre-requisite: GAG411 and GAG413
This course presents the role and use of synthetic and natural pesticides and their effects on biological activities in the environment. It explores the main chemical groups of pesticides and their chemical, physical and biological properties as well as their role and use in contemporary society, agriculture, urban pest control and public health. This course also covers the use of pesticides as a part of an integrated pest management program and their possible fate in the environment.
GAG542Hygiene and Veterinary Health
3 credits
This course describes the best ways to control zoonoses that impact human and animal health. It covers the nature and sources of infections, and deals with methods of hygiene and medical prophylaxis. The course also describes common methods used to diagnose, treat and control of these diseases.
GAG545Landscape and Plant Engineering
3 credits    |    Pre-requisite: GAG342
This course develops broad horticultural and floricultural foundations for landscape design. It focuses on seasonal and perennial plants, shrubs and trees as well as aspects of plant management. This course covers the production and maintenance of ornamental plants, creation of fences, windbreaks and other structures from a landscaping perspective. It also includes turf grass science and management, climatic adaptation and soil physics.
GAG546Poultry Sciences
3 credits    |    Pre-requisite: GAG325
This course integrates the principles of aviculture and poultry production. It focuses on poultry physiology, anatomy and genetics, as well as the hatchery and the establishment and management of farms. Topics covered include broilers, breeders and layers production from economical, management, nutritional, health and biosecurity standpoints.
GAG646Statistical Analysis Methods
3 credits    |    Pre-requisite: MAT216
This course enhances students' knowledge in the field of applied statistics and methodological aspects. It presents the main techniques of statistical tests used (descriptive statistics and differential explanatory methods and data analysis). Topics covered include approaches for data manipulation, quantitative analysis (descriptive statistics, hypothesis testing, linear models, time series, and spatial data analysis), analysis of Variance (ANOVA test), comparisons of samples, simple and multiple regression, the statistical methods (CRD, RBD, Latin squares), multivariate statistics (PCA, CA and discriminant analysis), and different statistical software (SPSS, Statistica, R).
GAG647Biodiversity and Natural Resources Management
2 credits    |    Pre-requisite: GAG305 or GAG303
This course covers the biological diversity of living organisms, the reasons behind the loss of biodiversity, the ecological importance of human disturbance and the methods applied in the field of conservation biology. It presents different levels of variability (inter­ and intra­specific diversity) in terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems. This course also emphasizes the need for sustainable management of natural resources in terms of ecosystem goods and services. Lebanese biodiversity is examined in detail along with possible applicable management practices.
GAG651Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology
3 credits    |    Pre-requisite: GAG342
This course covers the principles and applications of genetic engineering and biotechnology in agricultural related fields. It describes the latest technologies applied to plant biotechnology, plant and mutation breeding, genetic resources, gene cloning and transfer.
GAG652Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology Laboratory
1 credits
These laboratory sessions, which accompany GAG 651, provide hands­on practical experience in the tissue culture of plants. They also deal with the main techniques for the preparation of plant growth media and all necessary solutions and dilutions under sterile conditions.
GAGC560AAdvanced Specialized Internship
1 credits    |    Pre-requisite: GAG360B
This advanced internship is an individualized program whereby students acquire hands­on training experience and know­how in specific agricultural and food sectors. It provides students with knowledge of career opportunities and helps them to gain advanced experience and understanding of agriculture’s role in today’s society. This internship also provides opportunities to apply skills, concepts and theories in a practical context.
GAGC645Accounting and Management of Agricultural Businesses
3 credits    |    Pre-requisite: CSC205 or CSC204
This course describes the business and economics of the agriculture and food industries including the agricultural producer, consumer and food systems. It examines the management principles encountered in the day­to­day operation of an agricultural enterprise and their influence on the decision-making process. Topics also covered include preparation of feasibility studies, balance sheets, tracking systems, consumption and marketing of agricultural products, policies designed to achieve efficiency and welfare goals in agriculture.
ENOC511Viniculture Practices
3 credits
GAA342Food Packaging and Handling
2 credits
GAA425Agri-food Economy
2 credits
This course examines tools of the economics discipline applied in agricultural and food sectors. It details the roles and functions of economic factors and their interaction. Topics covered include theory of consumer behavior, market demand, economics of input and product substitution, market equilibrium and product price, government intervention in agriculture, impacts of macroeconomic policy and trade actions, and feasibility studies.
GAA434Agri-food Marketing
3 credits
This course provides an experimental-based approach to theoretical and practical applications of food and agricultural marketing. It also deals with the analysis of the agricultural market, supply, demand, modeling and prices of products. Topics covered include: the evolution of marketing, the significance and use of marketing research, marketing segmentation, product and/or service positioning, case studies, distribution, pricing and a variety of structures, and policies and strategies for agri­food products marketing communication and promotion.
GAAC527Machinery and Food Industrial Control
3 credits
This course develops the concepts of industrial automation and control of food industrial process. The first part of the course, industrial automation, covers modeling of industrial processes through physical principles and identifying these processes using time and frequency domain techniques. The second part, process modeling and control, involves Programmable Logic Controllers (PLC) with an explanation of their hardware and software and special attention to Ladder Programming.
GAG420Renewable Energy
2 credits
This course provides fundamentals of energy systems and renewable energy resources related to social, economicand environmental issues. It emphasizes alternative energy sources and their technology and application. The course explores society’s present needs and future energy demands. Topics covered include conventional energy sources and systems (fossil fuels and nuclear energy) as well as alternative and renewable energy sources (biomass, hydro, geothermal, wind, solar and tidal powers).
2 credits
2 credits
GAG448Agriculture and Sustainable Development
2 credits
This course examines the economical, ecological, and social dimensions of sustainable agriculture. It covers the influence of specific agricultural technologies, organic farming and land use practices on the productivity of agricultural ecosystems, environmental quality, and human health. The course also develops problem­solving skills for seeking eco­friendly alternatives in environmental and production issues.
GAG450Integrated Water Resource Management
3 credits
This course discusses principles of integrated water management. It provides comprehensive coverage of watershed hydrology, planning and management through integrated approach. Topics covered include aspects of groundwater and surface water systems, different types of water pollution, wastewater treatment and reuse, saline water management, water demand management and climate change issues. Presented material is reinforced by national case studies.
GAG453Insect Pests and Diseases of Crops in Lebanon
3 credits
This course discusses the most important insect pests and diseases of crops in Lebanon. It focuses on the causal agents such as fungi, bacteria, viruses, mollicutes, nematodes and insects. The course also covers the economic importance, damage, identification, classification of causal agents, host‐plants, symptoms, biology, epidemiology and control measures.
3 credits
The course deals with the concepts and classifications of agroforestry ecosystems, as well as their origin, evolution, structure and functioning. Topics covered include the diversity in forestry development strategies, socio‐economic causes of deforestation, traditional and adaptive forest and tree management systems, non‐timber forest products, and the role of forestry organizations in rural development.
GAG554Livestock Farming Systems
3 credits    |    Pre-requisite: GAG325 and GAG442
This course teaches the principles of animal husbandry techniques. It includes behavior, restraint, basic feeding principles, animal handling, and principles of humane care, housing and management. Topics covered also include species and breed identification applied to bovine, ovine, caprine, swine, and horses.
GAG644Weed Science and Medicinal Plants
3 credits    |    Pre-requisite: GAG310 And GAG342
This course discusses the biology and ecology of weed and medicinal plants. It introduces the principles of weed science including its identification, management techniques and methodologies. Special attention is given to plants used for the treatment of human diseases with a review of toxic plants. The course also deals with Lebanese floral species identification and preparation of Herbarium specimens.
MGT220Principles of Management
3 credits
GAG690AFinal Year Project
6 credits    |    Pre-requisite: GAGC560B
The final year project is an original endeavor in agricultural engineering rearsch. It serves to synthesize, integrate and apply knowledge from earlier relevant courses in the program and to tackle significant genuine topics in agricultural engineering. The final year project demonstrates knowledge of the field and makes an innovative contribution to new theories and practices. It is designed and completed under the direction of a thesis supervisor according to Faculty guidelines and presented to an examining panel for defense.


This program is accredited by the Engineering Accreditation Commission of ABET,


The Engineering Diploma in Agricultural Engineering supports the mission statement of the Department of Agricultural and Food Engineering through high quality teaching, learning, research and services that benefit the future agricultural engineers and their community. It produces agricultural engineers with excellent education, strong engineering skills and ethics required to successfully meet the challenging and changing needs and demands of the sustainable agricultural domain. It also enables its students to become creative and innovative engineers, active leaders and dynamic citizens.

Program Educational Objectives

1. Graduates will perform agricultural engineering tasks at an appropriate level of expertise and use collaborative skills and be willing to accept the ethical responsibility for the social and environmental impacts of engineering practices.
2. Formulate and/or design a system, process, or program to meet desired needs in order to solve technological problems in the various branches of agricultural sciences.
3. Use their disciplinary knowledge, educational depth, and breadth to deal with changing career opportunities in agricultural and closely related industries.
4. Promote sustainable agriculture through the conservation of natural resources and provide advisory assistance and extension services to local and regional farmers on proper livestock production, processing and crop and animal production and protection, ecology and environment, landscaping, and climate change. 

Student Outcomes

1. An ability to identify, formulate, and solve complex engineering problems by applying principles of engineering, science, and mathematics.
2. An ability to apply engineering design to produce solutions that meet specified needs with consideration of public health, safety, and welfare, as well as global, cultural, social, environmental, and economic factors.
3. An ability to communicate effectively with a range of audiences.
4. An ability to recognize ethical and professional responsibilities in engineering situations and make informed judgments, which must consider the impact of engineering solutions in global, economic, environmental, and societal contexts.
5. An ability to function effectively on a team whose members together provide leadership, create a collaborative and inclusive environment, establish goals, plan tasks, and meet objectives.
6. An ability to develop and conduct appropriate experimentation, analyze and interpret data, and use engineering judgment to draw conclusions.
7. An ability to acquire and apply new knowledge as needed, using appropriate learning strategies.
Holy Spirit University of Kaslik
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