École d’Ingénieurs

Bachelor of Engineering in Mechanical Engineering

Engineering Accreditation Commission
146 crédits
for students entering the program at the Sophomore level
(holders of a recognized Baccalaureate or Freshman diploma - equivalent to 30 credits)


General Education
Behavioral, Social Sciences and History
3 credits
Civic Engagement
2 credits
ECO350Engineering Economics
3 credits
This course presents the theory and application of the fundamentals of Engineering Economy and the methodology of economic decision analysis. Students will be required to learn the theoretical foundations of various principles of economic analysis and how they can be applied to solve problems encountered in industry and business.
GEN302Engineering Ethics
1 credits
This course studies the theories of rational justification, of the moral judgments and the relationship between the concept of liberty, and the concept of responsibility, while covering the basic principles of deontology of an engineer's profession.
GEN410Engineering Projects Management
2 credits    |    Pré-requis: GEN350
This course covers the basics of project management where students learn what project management involves and how to approach it successfully and why a plan is so important to the success of a project and how to implement risk management successfully in each phase of the project We define all tools and techniques for planning and controlling. We cover the major subject areas of the topic of quality of project management and provide valuable information. This course is essential for future engineers working in industrial environments needing to gain a recognized qualification within project management. This course prepares students to apply proven methodologies to projects within their individual fields.
English Communication
3 credits
GEN303Innovation and Entrepreneurship for Engineers
2 credits
In all sectors, innovation and entrepreneurship (as a form of innovation) have become an important source of sustainable competitive advantage for firms around the world. However, innovation management and the capability of managers and owners to build innovative organization is quite a challenge. In this course, we will address the role of innovation and entrepreneurship for macro and micro levels and focus on practices and processes to successfully manage it. The course will focus on entrepreneurial firms (start-ups and corporate ventures of established firms) and analyze success and failure cases of innovation. This course provides good grounding in technology and innovation management for students interested in becoming entrepreneurs or managers in innovation driven firms. Students will learn based on lectures, case analysis, external experts and own research and presentations. In innovation management it is impossible to separate organizational strategy from implementation since a great idea will only become an innovation if managers are capable to commercialize and monetize it. Therefore, much of the material discussed and analyzed within the course relates to strategy and organizational behavior.
GEN301Law for Engineers
2 credits
This course is designed to provide the students with fundamental knowledge of legal principles and terminology, to understand the basic foundations and theories of law, and to explain the legal concepts and terminology in substantive areas of law (i.e., Contract Law, Liability Law, Labor Law, Commercial Law, etc.) It is also designed to help prepare engineering students for careers in fields which are impacted by the law and to demonstrate an understanding of the interaction between the fields of law and the application of laws and legal strategy in engineering. This course will also help engineering students to understand their rights and responsibilities as a contractor (application of Contract Law), an employee (application of Labor Law) and as a partner (application of Commercial Law).
Religious Sciences
3 credits
1 credits
Mathematics and Sciences
MAT207Algebra for Engineers 1
3 credits
The course aims at providing the necessary tools and the mathematical maturity for engineers, for the design and analysis of abstract mathematical models. Subjects covered: complex numbers, logic and proofs, propositional calculus, sets and mappings, relations and ordered sets, an introduction to algebraic structures, groups, rings and fields, polynomials, counting, finite and transfinite cardinals.
MAT307Algebra for Engineers 2
3 credits    |    Pré-requis: MAT207
The main objective of this course is to continue the study of algebra, covering mainly linear systems and matrices, matrix algebra, inverses, Gauss elimination, elementary matrices, computing inverses, determinants, vector spaces, definition and examples of spaces and subspaces, linear independence, basis and dimension, change of basis, linear applications, reduction of an endomorphism, eigenvalues, eigenvectors, characteristic polynomial, solving linear systems of differential equations, diagonalization and applications, bilinear and quadratic forms, Gauss method, scalar and cross product, euclidean and Hermitian spaces, Gram-Schmidt Orthogonalization process, geometric transformations.
MAT217Calculus for Engineers 1
3 credits
The course covers integration methods to compute integrals and improper integrals. We will study the infinite series, Taylor expansion, Parametric curves and Polar curves, and double integrals.
MAT227Calculus for Engineers 2
3 credits    |    Pré-requis: MAT217
This course teaches basic theory and techniques of Ordinary Differential Equations (ODEs). Topics include: solution of non-linear first-order ODE's; linear ODE's, especially second order with constant and variable coefficients; delta functions, convolution, and Laplace transform methods; power series and resolution of differential equations using power series; real and complex Fourier series; and an introduction to partial differential equations.
MAT337Calculus for Engineers 3
3 credits    |    Pré-requis: MAT217
The main objective of this course is to continue the study of calculus, covering mainly parametric and polar curves, three dimensional analytic geometry, differentiation and integration of functions of several variables, and vector calculus. Line integrals, and Green's theorem are also covered.
3 credits
CHM212General Chemistry
3 credits
The purpose of this course is to present a general outline on chemistry. Through this course chemistry is introduced in its various aspects: the structure of the atom, the various models, and the properties of the elements in the periodic table; various chemical bonds, the Lewis structure, VSEPR rules; thermochemistry, thermodynamics and chemical equilibrium; kinetic chemistry, reactions rate orders, the Arrhenius law; solutions chemistry, acids and bases and various acid­base equilibrium; complexation, liquid solid equilibrium and solubility product; and Oxydoreduction titration and electrochemical cells.
CHM270Laboratory of General Chemistry
1 credits    |    Pré-requis: CHM212 Or CHE212 Or CHM210 Or CHE210
The general chemistry laboratory aims to develop different skills for the practical application of theoretical knowledge of general chemistry. Techniques to be learned: preparation and dilution of solutions, experimental verification of the Nernst equation, realization of different types of acid­ base and redox titration by volumetric, calorimetric, pH­metric or potentiometric monitoring, and the study of solubility and precipitation reactions and characterization of ions present in a given matrix. The goal of the lab course is to ensure that students are capable of understanding the chemical concepts and to carry out experiments safely and carefully in the laboratory, to obtain data accurately and to manipulate the data correctly.
GEN350Mathematics for Engineers
3 credits    |    Pré-requis: MAT227 And MAT307 And MAT337
The main objective of this course is to complete the knowledge of mathematics for the student engineer. It mainly covers the following themes: functions of a complex variable; analytical functions; Cauchy-Riemann conditions; harmonic functions; Cauchy integrals formulae; Taylor series; singular points; inverse Laplace transformation; special functions (Gamma and Beta functions); Bessel function; orthogonal functions (Tchebychev, Legendre, Hermite, Laguerre); and discrete-time Markov Chains.
GEN428Numerical Analysis
3 credits    |    Pré-requis: MAT227 And MAT307 And GIN221
The purpose of this course is to provide numerical concepts and methods needed by students to solve different engineering problems. Topics covered include: resolution of non-linear equations; numerical integration; data approximation and interpolation and numerical resolution of differential equations. Many numerical methods are implemented and tested using Matlab software.
GEN270Physics Laboratory
1 credits
Tell me, I'll forget. Show me, I may remember. But, involve me, and I'll understand. Chinese proverb. The laws of physics are based on experimental and observational facts. Laboratory work is therefore an important part of a course in general physics, helping students develop skills in fundamental scientific measurements and increasing understanding of the physical concepts. It is valuable for students to experience the difficulties of making quantitative measurements in the real world and to learn how to record and process experimental data.
STA307Probability and Statistics for Engineers
3 credits    |    Pré-requis: MAT217
This course aims to provide students with the most common concepts of probability theory and statistical inference, with a unique balance between theory and methodology. Interesting relevant applications using real data will be used to show how the concepts and methods can be applied to solve problems in the different fields of engineering in practice.
Engineering courses
GEL320Analog and Digital Electronic Circuits
3 credits    |    Pré-requis: GEL211 and GIN221
This course introduces the fundamentals of electronics to non-majors: it treats the basic concepts of electronic components and introduces the student to the basic analog and digital electronic circuits. The course covers the fundamentals of semiconductor, p-n junction and Zener diodes, transistors, combinational and sequential digital systems, as well as basic instrumentation. At the end of the course, students work in teams to implement a digital system.
GMC420Applied Thermodynamics
3 credits    |    Pré-requis: GMC340
This course is the second part of Thermodynamics. It prepares the students to analyze and design preliminary thermodynamic plants by applying and examining the following concepts: the generation of electric power using steam and gas power plants; refrigeration and air conditioning and heat pumps; cogeneration facilities; gas turbines and their use in the aerospace industry; gas mixtures and psychrometrics; reacting mixtures and combustion.
GMC330Dynamics of Rigid Bodies
3 credits    |    Pré-requis: MAT307 And GMC310 And GMC320
Dynamics of rigid bodies is a sub-branch of the general field of study known as engineering mechanics. It is very closely related to—and often combined with—the study of statics, which you encountered in GMC 310, with the study of the Mechanics Engineering Dynamics GMC 320 where we have covered the dynamics of particles. In this subject, we will thus study accelerated motion of rigid bodies. We will then take a step towards the more realistic engineering problems by considering the size, shape, and orientation of objects as they accelerate. We term this type of motion “Rigid Body Motion.” We begin, with the kinematics of rigid bodies, looking first at the rotational motion of objects. We will then introduce the possibility that objects can move (and accelerate) by translating and rotating at the same time. Furthermore, GMC 330 covers many of the three-dimensional kinematics and kinetics of rigid body principles. Finally, an introduction to vibrational motion, or what happens when objects oscillate about a neutral state, will be covered.
GEL211Electric Circuits
3 credits
This course presents the basics of electric circuits’ analysis: introduction to theory, circuit variables and elements (dependent and independent voltage and current sources, resistors, inductors, capacitors); basic analysis and design of resistive circuits and different analysis techniques (Node-Voltage analysis, Mesh-Current analysis, source transformations, Thevenin’s and Norton’s equivalent, maximum power transfer, and Superposition methods); an introduction to capacitance, inductance, and mutual inductance; current-voltage relation; RC, RL and RLC circuits analysis (natural and step responses). Topics also include ideal operational amplifiers circuit simplification, steady-state and transient analysis, phasors, frequency response, Kirchhoff’s laws and Thevenin’s and Norton’s equivalent represented in the frequency domain, Laplace transform and an introduction to Transfer functions.
GEL271Electric Circuits Lab
1 credits
Introduction to the laboratory devices. Introduction to Pspice (simulation software). Simple electric circuits like voltage and current-divider and resistance measurements are implemented and analyzed. Then, students are faced to Thevenin's theorem and Norton equivalent circuit. Ideal Operational Amplifier circuits like the inverting, non-inverting, integrator … are also studied. The Bode and phase diagrams of first order passive filters are determined and simulated. Finally, the Kirchoff's law in the frequency domain and Thevenin theorem and power measurement are done.
GEL430Electric Machines
3 credits    |    Pré-requis: GEL320 or GEL 410 or GEL312
This course is designed to provide the student with the fundamental principles of the control of dynamical systems. It covers the following topics: Linear system modelling (electrical systems, mechanical systems, electro-mechanical systems), transfer function and state space modelling; time response of first order and second order linear systems and error calculation; Frequency response, Bode and Nichols diagrams, Nyquist diagram; System stability technics (Routh, Nyquist, placement of poles and zeros of the closed loop); Root locus analysis; System behaviour in frequency domain (phase and gain margins, robustness); Correction of linear systems, P, PI, PD and PID corrections; lead and lag correctors, correction via state space.
GEL473Electric Machines Lab
1 credits    |    Pré-requis: GEL430
The aim of the practical work is the implementation of the various theoretical concepts learned in the course (DC generators and motors, synchronous generators, synchronous and asynchronous motors). Simulation problems and practical examples will be studied.
GMC596Final Project I
1 credits
This course encourages the students to demonstrate preparedness to start their careers as professional engineers. This is done by investigating a research topic relevant to the profession and, further, by assessing its practical experience.The research topic will give the student the opportunity to apply knowledge and skills from various courses and laboratories throughout the investigation of an approved research topic.
GMC597Final Project II
3 credits    |    Pré-requis: GMC596
This course encourages the students to demonstrate preparedness to start their careers as professional engineers. This is done by investigating a research topic relevant to the profession and, further, by assessing its practical experience.The research topic will give the student the opportunity to apply knowledge and skills from various courses and laboratories throughout the investigation of an approved research topic.
GMC471Fluid and Thermal Lab
1 credits    |    Pré-requis: GMC435 And GMC451
The objective of this laboratory is to show the students different experiments in thermal sciences. The students will investigate the laws and theories of thermodynamics, fluid mechanics, and heat transfer using diverse methods of measurements including limitations and boundaries of each theory.
GMC464Fluid II
3 credits    |    Pré-requis: GMC430
This course covers the potential flow and boundary layer analysis; lift and drag; flow separation; the use of computational techniques to solve boundary layer problems; viscous internal channel flow and lubrication theory; one-dimensional compressible flow in nozzles and ducts; normal shock waves and channel flow with friction or heat transfer; fluid machinery including pumps and hydraulic turbines.
GMC430Fluid Mechanics
3 credits    |    Pré-requis: GMC340
This course provides a concise and clear presentation of fundamental topics in fluid mechanics, which deals with energy transportation by a fluid. These topics concern the development and application of control volume and differential form analysis and applications of fluid flows. Topics include fundamental concepts, basic equations in integral form for a control volume, introduction to differential analysis of fluid motion, potential flow, incompressible flow, and internal and external viscous flows including boundary layer concepts.
GMC451Heat Transfer
3 credits    |    Pré-requis: GMC430
The objective of this course is to extend the knowledge of thermodynamics and fluid analysis by considering the rates of the heat transfer modes, namely, conduction, convection, and radiation and their applications. Thus, the course will cover steady and transient heat conduction, extended surfaces, external and internal forced convection of laminar and turbulent flows, natural convection, heat exchanger principles, thermal radiation, view factors and radiation exchange between diffuse and gray surfaces. Further, numerical simulations in one and two-dimensional problems will be developed.
GMC461HVAC Systems
3 credits    |    Pré-requis: GMC451
This course is intended to introduce the sanitary, plumbing and heating systems applied in the construction field. For the heating aspect, it prepares the students to become familiar with the preliminary rules and standards for analyzing, calculating and designing a complete hot water heating system with all its components, ranging from the mechanical room equipment to the distribution piping networks and ending with the heat emitters. For the sanitary and plumbing systems it aims to provide the know-how to design and calculate the cold, hot, hot water return, waste, sewage and storm systems with all necessary equipment as pumps, cold storage tanks, hot water heaters, valves, pipe sizing and layouts.
GMC425Instrumentation and Measurements for Mechanical Engineers
3 credits    |    Pré-requis: GMC471 And GMC472 And (GEL410 Or GEL320)
A course on the general concepts of measurement systems; classification of sensors and sensors types; interfacing concepts; data acquisition, manipulation, transmission, and recording; introduction to LABVIEW; applications; and a team project on design, and implementation of a measuring device.
GMC480Internship I
1 credits
This training enables the students to face new challenging engineering practice in the real world. Further, this training permits the students to discover how to meet desired needs within realistic constraints such as economic, environmental, social, ethical, manufacturability, and sustainability. The students will communicate effectively and have an understanding of professional and ethical responsibility, and the impact of engineering solutions. The students will, at the end of their training session, submit a report for evaluation.
GMC581Internship II
1 credits    |    Pré-requis: GMC596
This is a training course done in industry. It enables the students to discover the working world to meet desired needs within realistic constraints such as economic, environmental, social, ethical, manufacturability, and sustainability. The students will communicate effectively and have understanding of professional and ethical responsibility, and the impact of engineering solutions. The students will, at the end of their training session, submit a report to be evaluated by a departmental committee.
GIN221Introduction to Programming
3 credits
This introductory course in programming enables engineering students to learn the methods of rigorous software development solutions in the object-oriented paradigm. The course is supplemented by laboratory sessions for the application of programming concepts studied in the Eclipse integrated development environment.
GEL425Linear Control Systems
3 credits    |    Pré-requis: GEN428
This course is designed to provide the student with the fundamental principles of the control of dynamical systems. It covers the following topics: Linear system modelling (electrical systems, mechanical systems, electro-mechanical systems), transfer function and state space modelling; time response of first order and second order linear systems and error calculation; Frequency response, Bode and Nichols diagrams, Nyquist diagram; System stability technics (Routh, Nyquist, placement of poles and zeros of the closed loop); Root locus analysis; System behaviour in frequency domain (phase and gain margins, robustness); Correction of linear systems, P, PI, PD and PID corrections; lead and lag correctors, correction via state space.
GMC475Linear Control Systems lab For mechanical Engineers
1 credits    |    Pré-requis: GEL425
This course is to emphasize the use programing and software tools of a dynamical system; design models to understand its performance; evaluate various strategies for its operation. Apply proper working methods of modeling mechanical systems, so that can be applied to solve problems in the field of mechanical engineering but also in general engineering covering techniques of analysis of linear control system, such as root locus method, stability considerations, and phase-gain-frequency diagrams, and design using compensating networks and optimization. Students are also expected to have knowledge of State Variables in Automatic Control covering applications of vector-matrix equations related to control systems, stability, controllability and observability.
GMC541Machinery Design
3 credits    |    Pré-requis: GMC460 Or GMC444
This is an advanced course on modeling, design, integration and best practices for use of machine elements such as bearings, springs, gears, cams and mechanisms. Modeling and analysis of these elements is based upon extensive application of physics, mathematics and core mechanical engineering principles (solid mechanics, fluid mechanics, manufacturing, estimation, computer simulation, etc.).
GMC470Manufacturing and Workshop Lab
1 credits    |    Pré-requis: GMC455 Or GMC454
Students will apply the techniques of traditional machining (lathing, sharpening, drilling, milling and rectifying), looking at the choice of the appropriate materials for cutting tools, the sharpening of the lathing cutting tools and how to prepare the technical sheet of machining. They will also apply some techniques and positions for MMA welding.
GMC454Manufacturing Technology
3 credits    |    Pré-requis: GMC445
This course introduces the organizational and functional requirements for effective production. Tolerance charts and work piece control are used to plan the manufacturing sequence, select the preferred manufacturing equipment and the operational sequence. The course deals with production tooling requirements and tooling cost estimates. Design of tooling for turret lathes, automatic screw machines, multiple spindle lathes, and production milling machines is treated.
GMC260Mechanical Engineering Graphics
3 credits
This course covers the basic knowledge of engineering drawing techniques and the basic concepts in product design. It introduces standard engineering drawing methods, including orthographic and pictorial projections, dimensioning and tolerance, limits and fits. Features, functionality and representation method for screws, fasteners, cam and gear will also be covered. This course also introduce the 3D CAD modeling information using standard engineering drawing methods and include: engineering drawing techniques; orthographic and pictorial projections; dimensioning and tolerance; limits and fits; screw fasteners; cam; gears.
GMC452Mechanical vibrations
3 credits    |    Pré-requis: GMC330
This course covers the following topics: basic definitions; single degree of freedom systems (equations of motion, undamped and damped vibrations, free and forced vibrations, response of systems to external excitations, vibration isolation); two degrees of freedom systems (equations of motion, coordinate transformation, principal coordinates, vibration modes, torsional vibration); and an introduction to multi-degrees of freedom systems.
3 credits    |    Pré-requis: (CHM212 Or CHE212) And GMC440 and (GMC360 or GMC260)
The objective of this course is to give students basic knowledge about the available materials (ferrous and non-ferrous), the principles of material selection, and how to find suitable materials for their design projects based on the mechanical properties, and the choice of appropriate heat treatment procedure. Also covered will be the knowledge of welding procedures, focusing on the most common welding procedures for construction and maintenance.
GEN499Seminars and Conferences
Each semester, the Faculty of Engineering organizes several seminars and conferences in which leading figures in the professional and academic world target future engineers with a speech presenting scientific, technical, and/or industrial topics, etc. and showing them the various aspects of the engineering profession.
3 credits    |    Pré-requis: MAT217
The course covers fundamental concepts of mechanics relating to forces acting on rigid bodies. It includes problems involving actions and reactions on structures and machines in two and three dimensions, shear and moment diagrams, centroids, center of mass/gravity, moments of inertia, friction, dry friction and friction forces on screws. There is also an introduction to the principle of virtual work.
GMC440Strength of Materials
3 credits    |    Pré-requis: MAT227 And GMC310
This course presents the theory and application of the fundamentals of mechanics of materials: stress and strain; tension, compression, and shear; Hooke's law, Mohr's circle, combined stresses, strain-energy; beams, columns, shafts, and continuous beams; deflections, shear and moment diagrams. Thin-walled structures, buckling and columns and energy methods (Castiglianos).
GMC472Strength of Materials Lab
1 credits
This course starts with a brief introduction about the safety procedures of the lab. Reliability of measurements and statistical analysis for experimental data is provided to the students. They will also study: verification of theoretical models through testing; trusses, tension test (stress-strain diagram, determination of yield strength, ultimate strength, modulus of elasticity, percentage elongation and percentage reduction in areas); buckling test; hardness tests; impact tests; parabolic arc; and suspension bridges.
GMC444Stress Analysis and Design
3 credits    |    Pré-requis: GMC445
This course covers the robust analysis techniques to predict and validate design performance and life. We will start by reviewing critical material properties in design, such as stress, strength, and the coefficient of thermal expansion. We then transition into static failure theories such as von Mises theory, which can be utilized to prevent failure in static loading applications such as the beams in bridges. Thin and thick-walled pressure vessels, shrink fit, contact stresses, Energy Methods, and other special topics. Types of loading on machine elements and allowable stresses. Concept of yielding and fracture. Different theories of failure. Construction of yield surfaces for failure theories. Optimize a design comparing different failure theories. Stress concentration, safety factors, steady and repeated loading. Fatigue and endurance strength, shaft design & analysis.
GMC450Theory of Machines
3 credits    |    Pré-requis: GMC440
Mechanical engineers come across many machines. Therefore, the knowledge of various mechanisms, power transmission, linkages and dynamical forces are offered in this subject. The study of kinematics is concerned with understanding relationships between the geometry and the motions of the parts of a machine. The overall objective of this course is to learn how to analyze the motions of mechanisms, and design mechanisms to give desired motions. This course includes relative motion analysis, design of gears, gear trains, cams and linkages, graphical and analytical analysis of position, velocity and acceleration, clutches, brakes and dynamometers. Students will be able to understand the concepts of displacement, velocity and acceleration of a simple mechanism, drawing the profile of cams and its analysis, gear kinematics with gear train calculations, theory of friction, clutches, brakes and dynamometers.
GMC555Thermal System Design
3 credits    |    Pré-requis: GMC451 and GEN428
3 credits    |    Pré-requis: CHM212 Or CHE212
This course is designed to provide a fundamental understanding of the transformation of thermal energy and the behavior of its physical quantities. Such transformation is the conversion of heat into work. Engineers are generally interested in studying systems and how they interact with their surroundings. Its use becomes indispensable in our society.
Technical Electives
GMC5753D Modeling and Graphics Lab
1 credits    |    Pré-requis: GMC360 or GMC260
Students will learn about product development and design processes and methods, including product specifications, concept development, engineering drawings, design for prototyping, and manufacturing. This course also covers the fundamentals of 3D modeling, basic manufacturing processes, engineering design, proof of concept, rapid prototyping, assembly model, assembly drawing, manufacturing process planning, electromechanical assembly, and testing and troubleshooting electromechanical systems.
2 credits    |    Pré-requis: GMC452
The objective of this course is to introduce the students to acoustics and noise. It constitutes a self-contained and practically useful body of knowledge in the field of acoustics. Important matters such as the measurement of sound and the effect of noise on people are considered. This course covers advanced topics too, such as: the three dimensional wave equation; solutions to the three dimensional wave equation; the monopole sound source; sound power; acoustic levels; energy density on a room; reverberation time; Statistical Absorption coefficient; steady state room acoustics; transmission loss; effective intensity in a diffuse field; composite transmission loss; noise levels outside enclosures; and transmission loss characteristics.
GMC509Advanced Energy Systems Lab
1 credits    |    Pré-requis: GMC 471 And (GMC 466 Or GMC 453) And GMC 420
The course covers domestic water heating systems, domestic boilers, simple compression refrigeration cycle, test stand for single cylinder engines, oil and fuel Internal combustion engines, gas turbine, hydraulic and pneumatic systems.
GMC503Advanced Heat transfer
3 credits    |    Pré-requis: GMC451
The course is intended to instruct the student in the three modes of heat transfer (conduction, convection and radiation) and develop the problem solving skills in energy-related mechanical engineering areas and understand the role of heat transfer in everyday life. Combined conduction, convention and radiation heat transfer, Heat transfer with phase transformation, film type condensation of vapours over vertical surfaces and inclined tubes, melt solidification, Heat exchangers, Analysis of heat transfer equipment efficiency, Pinch analysis, Selection and design of equipment with phase transformation, Numerical method for convective heat transfer Simultaneous solution of velocity and temperature fields, solutions on complex geometry, Transport analogies.
GMC511Advanced Manufacturing Techniques
2 credits    |    Pré-requis: GMC455 And GMC470
The objective of this course is to expand on the preliminary industrial development and show the students how to design, and work on the planning, scheduling, and control of manufacturing systems with emphasis on information flow and decision-making within the field of manufacturing. Additionally, the course is designed to present to students a number of interpersonal skills and competencies necessary for a sustained career in manufacturing such as system simulation, simulation models of manufacturing systems and system performance under different production planning and control policies.
GMC512Advanced Manufacturing Techniques Lab
1 credits
The objectives of this course is to provide an integrated treatment of the analysis and applications of advanced manufacturing techniques. The theory of GMC 511 is reviewed to control machines numerically. Algorithms are developed to program NC machines. The lab work includes operation of machines to demonstrate the programming skills using the LabView software.
GMC462Advanced Transport Phenomena
3 credits    |    Pré-requis: GMC451
The course provides a theoretical and practical basis for understanding and quantifying mass, momentum and energy transport motivated by examples and applications relevant to environmental engineering problems. Both molecular and macroscopic principles will be discussed highlighting unifying principles underlying transport processes and properties. Students will develop proficiency in problem formulation, making simplifying assumptions, and using a range of analytical and numerical solution methods. Coupled transport processes will be explored primarily through self-study as part of class project requirements.
GMC536Air Conditioning
2 credits    |    Pré-requis: GMC451
This course is intended to introduce the air conditioning systems applied in the construction field. The first part covers the calculation procedure and methodology for determining the air conditioning load necessary for the studied application; the second part introduces and discusses the humid air evolution on the psychrometric chart to finally select the required and suitable air conditioning unit.
GIN222Applied Programming for Engineers
3 credits    |    Pré-requis: GIN221
This course emphasizes problem solving, algorithms, and an introduction to object-oriented programming. By the end of this course, students will be able to: break down computational problems into a series of easily managed steps; process data and perform input and output operations on it; implement, test, and debug a designed solution to a problem in Java, Matlab or the C language; and demonstrate a good understanding of libraries and use them for program development.
3 credits    |    Pré-requis: (GMC360 Or GMC260) And (GMC460 or GMC444)
An introductory course that demonstrates the integration of Computer-Aided-Design (CAD) and Computer-Aided-Manufacturing (CAM). This is a study of modern prototyping and machining methods, teaching the use of specific software for converting 2D and 3D CAD drawing geometry directly into toolpath information used to drive numerically controlled turning and milling machines.
1 credits
3D geometric modeling, STL file generation – reverse engineering, computer aided part programming, multi-axial machining in CNC machining.
GMC539Computational Fluid Dynamics
3 credits    |    Pré-requis: GMC465 or GMC464
This course is a straightforward introduction to the practical details involved in computational activity for numerical heat transfer and fluid flow analysis. Intended as an introduction to the field, the course emphasizes physical significance rather than mathematical manipulation, and carries a description of the numerical method to the point where students can begin to write and test computer programs using Matlab. Beginning with consideration of heat conduction, the course discusses the interaction of convection and conduction leading to analysis of the procedure for fluid flow calculation.
GMC508Computational Fluid Dynamics Lab
1 credits
This course aims to introduce students to the following industrial software used in computational fluid dynamics: GAMBIT (mesh generation), FLUENT (calculation) and Tecplot (results post-processing). Different exercises covering the different branches of fluid mechanics (incompressible, compressible, turbulence, two phase, 2D and 3D, unsteady) and heat transfer are treated numerically.
GMC517Computational Solid Mechanics Lab
1 credits    |    Pré-requis: GEN450
The course is designed for students in order to improve their understanding and training needed to solve problems using computational methods to better understand the fundamental principles on which computer simulations are based. Students will learn to develop and implement their own material constitutive models for deformation and failure using commercially available finite element codes more effectively. Experimental validation will be also discussed in this course.
GMC502Energy Production
3 credits    |    Pré-requis: GMC420 And GMC451
Students will learn about the generation of electric power using fossil and wind energy sources, power plant thermal cycle analysis, cogeneration and combined cycles, wind energy and capacity, economics, operations, and design of electric power stations.
GMC453Engine Technology and Related Components
3 credits    |    Pré-requis: GMC451
This course covers the introduction, theory of operation, and basic diagnostic procedures required to restore engine performance to vehicles equipped with complex engine control systems. Topics include an overview of engine operation, ignition components and systems, fuel delivery, injection components and systems and emission control devices. Moreover, this course covers study of the electronic engine control systems, the diagnostic process used to locate engine performance concerns, and procedures used to restore normal operation.
GEN450Finite Element Method
3 credits    |    Pré-requis: GEN428
The objective of this course is to analyze real world structural mechanics problems using the finite element method. The mathematical roots of FEA will be covered extensively in this course, on which nearly all structural analysis software is built. The course will provide for the specific challenges of engineers across all mechanical disciplines (aerospace, manufacturing, mechanical and mechatronic). Also, this course provides deep insight into the operation of finite element analysis software by training the students to implement a detailed FE study including planning, modelling, meshing, solving, evaluating results and validating against real world data.
GMC510Fluid Power Systems
3 credits    |    Pré-requis: GMC471 And (GMC465 Or GMC464)
This course presents basic concepts and operation of fluid power, demonstrating knowledge in maintenance, safety, and troubleshooting. Students will perform fluid power operation in the use of hydraulic power systems, symbols and schematic interpretation, industrial hydraulics, pressure control valves, directional control valves, check valves, flow control valves, actuators, pumps, oil conditioners and measuring instruments.
GMC466Internal Combustion Engines
3 credits    |    Pré-requis: GMC451 or GMC453
The design of the internal combustion engine is highly empirical science. This course is intended to demonstrate the application of engineering sciences applied to internal combustion engines, both spark-ignition and compression-ignition. Such applications include stoichiometry and thermochemistry of air-fuel mixtures, predictions of chemical equilibrium, heat transfer, fluid flow, and friction, lubrication processes relevant to ICE design, performance, efficiency, emissions, fuel requirements, air-pollution, fuel cost, and others.
GMC500Mechanical Systems Design Project
3 credits    |    Pré-requis: GMC460 Or GMC444
In this course, students will develop a novel mechanical system by the group work based on the design which was planned in the previous course "Creative Design of Mechanical Systems". Through brainstorming ideas, developing a machine, cyclically assessing and optimizing its performance, students will acquire skills to create, design and produce the machines and also learn about the group work, management, discussion and presentation. For this purpose, students will discuss in the group to establish the concept of mechanical system, will design and draft the system, will fabricate and purchase the parts if necessary and will manage the budget and schedule, supported by periodical reviews of the instructors. This course facilitates students ability to tackle unknown or unsolved problems and to successfully perform bachelor thesis researches.
GMC518Mechanics of Composite Materials
3 credits
Students will learn about the generation of electric power using fossil and wind energy sources, power plant thermal cycle analysis, cogeneration and combined cycles, wind energy and capacity, economics, operations, and design of electric power stations.
GMC519Mechatronic Systems Lab
1 credits    |    Pré-requis: GEL503
Mechatronics is a design philosophy involving a complete integration of mechanical engineering, electronics, control theory and computer engineering in order to design a product. It is based on an interdisciplinary approach involving concurrently many disciplines and allowing flexibility and adaptability by replacing some mechanical functions by electronic processing. The lab is a concrete proof of the importance of the interdisciplinary approach by applying instrumentation concepts and mechanical control using a PLC with its human to machine interface.
GMC467Mechatronics for Mechanical Engineers
3 credits    |    Pré-requis: GEL430 And GMC475 And GMC425
This course is an introduction to designing mechatronic systems, which require integration of the mechanical and electrical engineering disciplines within a unified framework. Topics covered in the course include: Low-level interfacing of software with hardware; use of high-level graphical programming tools to implement real-time computation tasks; digital logic; analog interfacing and power amplifiers; measurement and sensing; electromagnetic and optical transducers; control of mechatronic systems.
GEL502Microprocessor Systems
3 credits    |    Pré-requis: (GEL410 Or GEL320) And GMC467
The purpose of this course is providing an introduction to microcontroller families: Motorola, Intel, Microchip. We will be studying the internal resources and programming of Microchip PIC microcontrollers, as well as developing multiple practical applications.
GEL503Microprocessor Systems Lab
1 credits
The main objective of this course is to apply different microcontroller topics and peripherals, introduced using the C language, physically. To do so, the PIC24FJ256DA210 Development Board is used along with the MPLAB program to build and make the program. Software Debugging using the ICD3 is also applied.
Pre-approved 500 level Engineering course
3 credits
2 credits    |    Pré-requis: GMC451
The course covers the following: a review of thermodynamics principles; fundamentals of heat and mass transfer; theoretical and actual vapor compression cycles; food storage conditions; main components (compressor, condenser, evaporator, expansion valves); refrigerants; cooling load calculation for refrigeration.
3 credits    |    Pré-requis: GEL425
By the end of this course the students must be able to imagine and describe the motion of any robot. They will learn the skills to be able to analyze the velocities, singularities and force transmissions involved.
GEL504Sensors and Acquisition Systems
2 credits    |    Pré-requis: GEL410
The aim of this course is to provide working engineers with the necessary skills and knowledge relevant to the process control and instrumentation industry. The students will be able to understand a whole acquisition system, and be able to design a process industry control from the sensor to the actuator.
GMC576Stability and Control Lab
1 credits    |    Pré-requis: GMC330 and GEL425
This course teaches the students the principles of robot dynamics through different computer simulation and experimental applications, and highlights the problems of controlling a robot motion. Static and dynamic stability and response characteristics are defined. Motion qualities of a robot, and disturbances affecting its motion, are to be tested and analyzed in the lab with stability and related sensor systems.
GMC513Steel Structures Design
3 credits    |    Pré-requis: GMC 460 Or GMC 444
The objective of this course is to introduce the students to the design philosophy, structural analysis and basis of codes of practice (i.e. ASME and BS). They will examine the design of steel components, local buckling, cross-section classification, design of tension members, compression members, beams and beam-columns. Also covered will be the design of steel connections, general consideration of bolts and welds, analysis and design of connections. At the end of this course students will have sufficient knowledge about the behavior of steel structures and how to design structural steel members and connections.
3 credits    |    Pré-requis: GMC451 And (GMC465 Or GMC464)
This course is aimed at introducing the students to the basic principles of modern turbomachinery. Emphasis will be placed on steam and gas turbine applications and design. Therefore, applications of the principle of the fluid mechanics, thermodynamics and aerodynamics to design and analysis of turbines, pumps and compressors will be covered.


This program is accredited by the Engineering Accreditation Commission of ABET, https://www.abet.org.


The mission of the Department of Mechanical Engineering is to educate our students for professional leadership as creative problem‐solvers in a diverse society including conducting research for societal advancement, and engaging with alumni, industry, government, and community partners through outreach activities. In order to produce engineers prepared for success across a range of career paths, our academic program integrates training in engineering principles, critical thinking, hands‐on projects, open‐ended problem solving, and the essential skills of teamwork, communication, and ethics.

Program Educational Objectives

After a few years from graduation, the mechanical engineering graduates will:
1. Demonstrate proficiency in the principles and methods in mechanical engineering through analytical and experimental solving problem.
2. Work in multifunctional and multicultural environments and teams to gain and transfer information using high level communication skills.
3. Be leaders and responsible citizens and demonstrate broad perspectives regarding ethics, professionalism, safety and social issues in mechanical engineering and related disciplines.
4. Understand the importance of professional growth and seek lifelong learning and continuous education.

Student Outcomes

1. An ability to identify, formulate, and solve complex engineering problems by applying principles of engineering, science, and mathematics.
2. An ability to apply engineering design to produce solutions that meet specified needs with consideration of public health, safety, and welfare, as well as global, cultural, social, environmental, and economic factors.
3. An ability to communicate effectively with a range of audiences.
4. An ability to recognize ethical and professional responsibilities in engineering situations and make informed judgments, which must consider the impact of engineering solutions in global, economic, environmental, and societal contexts.
5. An ability to function effectively on a team whose members together provide leadership, create a collaborative and inclusive environment, establish goals, plan tasks, and meet objectives.
6. An ability to develop and conduct appropriate experimentation, analyze and interpret data, and use engineering judgment to draw conclusions.
7. An ability to acquire and apply new knowledge as needed, using appropriate learning strategies.
Université Saint-Esprit de Kaslik
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