Faculté de Gestion

Bachelor of Business Administration

Hybrid & Eng
99 crédits
For students entering the program at the Sophomore level
(holders of a recognized Baccalaureate or Freshman diploma - equivalent to 30 credits)


General Education
Behavioral, Social Sciences and History
3 credits
DRT223Business Law
3 credits
This course provides a fundamental knowledge of business, particularly at the developed levels of business activity and human capital management. It aims to understand and assimilate the various legal institutions related to the company, and familiarize students with the concepts of social law, including labor law and social security law. It also teaches them how to understand legal texts related to the establishment, and about the operation and extinction of different types of businesses.
Civic Engagement
2 credits
English and French Communication
6 credits
MAT216General Mathematics
3 credits
This course provides students with the solid base they need to be successful in their specialty courses. Topics covered include: function of a real variable, elementary functions, Taylor's expansion, simple integral and methods of integration, differential equations, multivariable functions, continuity, partial derivative, chain rule, differential, introduction to double integrals, methods of integration, Matrix calculus, determinants, and linear systems.
CSC204Information Technology and Networking
3 credits
This course introduces the basics of the integration of information technology and networking in professional life. Subjects treated include: application software; systems software; system unit; Excel spreadsheets; HTML language; physical architecture of a network; internet; internet services; internet protocols (TCP/IP, HTTP, FTP, SMTP et POP );  the IPV4 addressing classes; and applications.
ECO222 or MGT225Macroeconomics or Foundations of Entrepreneurship
3 credits
STA220Probability and Applied Statistics
3 credits    |    Pré-requis: MAT213 Or MAT215 Or MAT216 Or MAT218 Or NUT210 Or NTR210
This course prepares students for the practical use of probability and statistics. Topics covered include: elements of descriptive statistics, population, statistical unit, frequency distribution characteristics of central tendency and dispersion. The course explores concepts of probability and combinatorics, conditional probability and Bayes' formula, applications, discrete and continuous random variables, expectation and moments, the weak law of large numbers, empirical frequencies and probabilities customary laws (Binomial, Multinomial, Poisson, Normal) and asymptotic behavior, the law of large numbers, sampling and estimation, an introduction to the use of hypothesis tests, and the Chi­2 contingency table.
Religious Sciences
3 credits
Science and Health
3 credits
1 credits
Common Core
BUS303Business Planning
3 credits    |    Pré-requis: MGT220 And MKT220 And FIN310
Generating a business plan needs a methodological approach that provides students with a road map to follow to create new business ideas or develop existing ones. As most businesses seek financial sources, it helps students and future entrepreneurs to introduce potential investors to business opportunities.
BUS303Business Planning
3 credits    |    Pré-requis: MGT220 And MKT220 And FIN310
Generating a business plan needs a methodological approach that provides students with a road map to follow to create new business ideas or develop existing ones. As most businesses seek financial sources, it helps students and future entrepreneurs to introduce potential investors to business opportunities.
ENG290Business Professional
3 credits    |    Pré-requis: ENG240
The study of communication theory and its application to business is the main focus of this course. Emphasis is placed on composing basic forms of business communication, including correspondence and reports. Attention is also given to the ethical objectives of communicating in the managerial environment.
ACT210Financial Accounting I
3 credits
The course explains the principles of general accounting and related applications, explains how to record business transactions, and allows students to read and understand financial statements.
ACT220Financial Accounting II
3 credits    |    Pré-requis: ACT210
The course explains in detail the main components of a balance sheet and explains the nature, classification, and treatment of accounting for long term assets, current assets, liabilities and stockholders’ equity. The main objective of the course is to provide students with a general knowledge of the preparation of financial statements, in addition to the analysis of the financial figures with the key ratios and comments, and the preparation of the company’s cash flow.
FIN315Financial Analysis
3 credits    |    Pré-requis: ACT220
The evaluation of the health of a business is an essential component of financial analysis. Shareholders, creditors, and managers are questioning the value establishment by the company. Techniques and appropriate methods help them to form their opinion. Consequently, the content of this course follows an approach that is based on the annual accounts, including the study of the income statement, the study of time record, plus the study of changes in positions between two periods.
FIN310Financial Management
3 credits    |    Pré-requis: BUS211 And STA205 and STA220
Financial management includes all the activities of an organization aimed at planning and controlling the use of cash (money) and assets (property) that are owned by the company to achieve its strategy.
MGT330Human Resources Management
3 credits    |    Pré-requis: MGT220
This course provides students with the basic principles and theories of human resource management. It expands on the five functions of human resources management: staffing, training and development, safety and health, compensation and benefits, and employee labor relations. This course is the foundation for students majoring in human resource and the course material is translated into practice through relevant discussions of the topic at hand and an analysis of cases, thus requiring a logical integration of learning to the business context. Lectures are used to introduce the key concepts and theories, and articles and cases provide an opportunity to clarify and reinforce students’ understanding of the subject.
BUS211Mathematics of Finance
3 credits    |    Pré-requis: BUS210 Or MAT206 Or MAT213 Or MAT310 or MAT216
This course will provide students with knowledge on the funding problems, discount, financial amortization, and bonds, through concrete cases.
3 credits    |    Pré-requis: BUS210 Or MAT206 Or MAT213 Or MAT310 Or MAT217 or MAT216
This course gives students an insight into microeconomics, which is a key component to designing and understanding public policy and is an essential tool for managerial decision­-making, while offering an understanding of the operation of modern economy.
MGT220Principles of Management
3 credits    |    Pré-requis: ENG120
An introductory course explaining the definition of management as a set of activities, including: planning and decision-making, organizing, leading, and controlling, directed at an organization’s resources, including the human, financial, physical, and informational, with the aim of achieving organizational goals in an efficient and effective manner.
MKT220Principles of Marketing
3 credits    |    Pré-requis: ENG211 Or ENG240
This course is designed to help the students learn about and apply the basic concepts and practices of modern marketing as they are used in a variety of settings. It is intended for business students who wish to become the decision-makers of tomorrow at the middle or upper levels of management since it gives students a comprehensive and innovative managerial and practical introduction to marketing.
MIS320Quantitative Techniques Applied to Business
3 credits    |    Pré-requis: STA220 Or STA205 Or STA220 Or STS205
Business quantitative methods help students understand the business world better, so they can search for variables, in order to translate them into mathematical models to help solve them. These methods are used to assist managers in decision-making by performing provisions such as sales, sales turnover, and benefits in an uncertain world as well as helping in testing and assessing decisions with respect to the organization’s performance. Furthermore, this course considers linear programming techniques and analyzing decisions in uncertain conditions, as well as helping managers maximize short-term and long-term company profit. This course has a pre­requisite course of probability and statistics for engineers. By the end of the course students should have knowledge of Excel and SPSS.
FIN450Enterprise Simulation - Finance
3 credits    |    Pré-requis: FIN 430
This course focuses on key principles of technical analysis necessary to make successful investment decisions. Individual investors and traders are increasingly recognizing the importance of technical analysis in decision-making. With the advancement of the technical analysis profession, many sophisticated techniques have also developed. This course, which revolves around price analysis, will provide students the basic knowledge to read charts and identify specific patterns and shapes. This includes how to identify the right price to enter and exit the financial markets to maximize profits in several asset classes (FX, equities, bonds, futures, commodities, ETF, etc.).
MKT415Brand and Product Management
3 credits    |    Pré-requis: MKT220
A brand is a company’s most visible (intangible) asset in a market. It is the company’s main product connection channel with customers who are searching for value in their purchases. Brands are created in the minds of consumers. This perceived value by a consumer of a brand and product results in brand equity. This course will outline the theories and framework that are used to build and manage a brand for the long term mutual benefits of the consumer and the supplier. Brand equity is the core element of the course and it will be examined through the strategic brand management process, including: positioning, marketing programs, measuring brand performance, and product lines.
ACT320Cost Accounting
3 credits    |    Pré-requis: ACT220
This course is intended to explain the role of the management accountant in an organization and to illustrate the different methods of costs and revenue calculation, in addition to the budget preparation and the analysis of variance.
3 credits    |    Pré-requis: CSC204
This course is dedicated to exploring the characteristics of data to enable students to design a database and use these characteristics to solve common business problems. Students will also learn how to design database components (tables, forms, queries, reports and macros) by using Microsoft Access as a tool. In addition, they will acquire the skills to create and maintain database information, including sorting, indexing, and relating tables. Students will think about data input and retrieval, and how it is displayed and manipulated in order to create a useful, efficient, and coherent design. Since this is an application oriented course, no access programming code is expected from the students.
MKT350Digital Marketing
3 credits
The internet is gaining an increasing impact on today’s world. Companies are this shifting from traditional channels to new online channels. In this context, comes Digital Marketing as a key activity that supports and supplements traditional marketing activities across all sectors. The course examines digital practices from online listening and monitoring, to SEO, social media, and mobile marketing, among others. The course develops students’ knowledge and skills in digital marketing concepts and the latest technologies.
3 credits    |    Pré-requis: MKT220
This course provides a basic understanding of e­Business, mainly over the internet. It introduces the types of e­Business and its various revenue models, and the driving technologies, as well as the driving sociocultural and environmental aspects behind the increase in demand for e­Business. The course gives students a good foundation in understanding the potential of e­Business without neglecting the challenges it faces. Both technical and strategic aspects of e­Business are discussed.
FIN421Financial Markets
3 credits    |    Pré-requis: BUS211 or MAT312 or MAH312
This course enables students to understand the concepts, terminology, instruments, and investment strategies when dealing with money. This includes the introduction of the broad and closely related areas of financial markets and investments, including the various tools used to determine the value of different investment vehicles. The risk inherited with investing as well as the risk return trade­off will be considered. Accordingly, the principles of modern portfolio management, including diversification, will be addressed. Particularly, common stocks will be analyzed and valued using multiple valuation techniques. Within the context of fixed income valuation, the concept of bond duration and the yield curve will be examined. Financial derivatives, including options and futures, will also be considered as a hedging tool in the overall investment strategy. Practical application will be emphasized throughout the course using Thomson Reuters Eikon.
ACT225Internal Audit
3 credits    |    Pré-requis: ACT220 And MGT220
This course explains all the procedures and recommendations that provide the safeguarding of assets, reliability and integrity of financial and operational information, and the effectiveness and efficiency of operations designed to improve the performance of an organization. The course allows the participants to obtain an understanding of the concepts, methodologies and tools of internal auditing, to understand the role of internal auditing in identification and evaluation of risks and in improving governance processes of organizations.
FIN420International Finance
3 credits    |    Pré-requis: BUS211
This course provides a conceptual framework that can be used to understand how recent events have affected the financial environment. Each type of financial market is described with a focus on its utilization by financial institutions, its internationalization, and recent events that have affected it. It will also cover the different economic causes and risk factors of the foreign exchange for enterprises, financial institutions, and households.
LCB200Introduction to Hospitality Management
3 credits
This course offers a comprehensive tour of the fascinating areas of the hospitality industry. Some of the topics that will be covered in this course include the concept of service, the lodging industry, the restaurant business, institutional foodservices, tourism, gaming entertainment, leisure and recreation. Students will be introduced to the basic managerial functions and how they relate to the hospitality industry. The course also familiarizes students with career opportunities and introduces them to large hospitality organizations and companies.
MKT405Media Planning
3 credits    |    Pré-requis: MKT410
Today media planning constitutes one of the most respected, strategic, highly sought after, and very well paid professions in advertising. This course is designed to introduce students to this industry, while aiming to provide a firm grounding in its fundamentals. It will describe the links between media, society, advertising, and business. It will thoroughly investigate the foundations of media planning and check the media planning process in action, based on true business/media/communication problematics. The course will also explore the business aspects of media and media planning through a global industry overview, the media transactions organizations, with illustrations of advertisers, advertising agencies and media agencies. Finally, the course will focus on the Lebanese market realities in order to allow the students to have a practical link with business life and to bridge the gap between the theoretical aspect and the professional side of media planning.
BUS410Operations Research
3 credits    |    Pré-requis: MIS320
Operations Research is an art and science at the same time. The art part is acquired through experience, while the science part is based on the mathematical tools of Operations Research (OR). When facing a real life problem the OR practitioner should be able to create a mathematical model that represents his/her problem, and then use mathematical techniques to resolve the model and analyze the optimum solution. The learning objectives of this course include the introduction of optimization thinking and its importance in competitive business management. Also, training on technological tools to solve complex problems will help students in real world applications.
MGT320Organizational Behavior
3 credits    |    Pré-requis: MGT220
Organizational behavior is the study of actions and attitudes that people exhibit within the organization and their impact on the organization. The effective design and management of organizations require the thoughtful application of knowledge concerning the behavior of people at work.
MGT405Project Management
3 credits    |    Pré-requis: BUS410 And ENG240
This course identifies specific challenges facing the project manager and explains how to address those challenges. It will take the students, step by step, through the life cycle of a project, explaining how projects exist, how they are planned, how they are executed and controlled and how they must be formally closed. It is based on the Project Management Framework Version 4 of the Project Management Institute (PMI).
MGT415Small Business Management
3 credits    |    Pré-requis: MGT220
This course focuses on recognizing a business opportunity, starting or acquiring a business based on the recognized opportunity, and operating that business. Entrepreneurship is necessary not only for students who will become entrepreneurs, but also for individuals working in the increasingly competitive corporate world.
TRA310Transport and Logistics
3 credits    |    Pré-requis: ENG240
Transport involves the physical movement of products between the providers and the receivers. It is a critical activity, performed, at most stages, in the supply chain process. In pure financial terms it is the second largest element, next to storage, in total distribution costs. Transportation also represents the physical operation's interface with the customer and is often classed as the "ambassadorial" activity of the supply chain. The primary objective of transportation is to deliver the right goods, to the right place, at the right time, in the right condition at the minimum cost.
BUS390Verbal and Non-Verbal Communication for Business
3 credits    |    Pré-requis: ENG290
This business English language course is a workshop course, which includes mostly task­based activities, along with theory sessions, team and individual research projects, role playing, questionnaires, team building experiences and team oral presentations. The course teaches practical skills and the rules of conduct needed within the business environment where English is spoken.
Emphasis: Audit - Specialization
ACT312Advanced Accounting
3 credits    |    Pré-requis: ACT220
This course will teach students how to prepare constitution legal entity accounting transactions, liquidation accounting transactions and any unusual accounting items. The objective of the course is to train the students how to understand financial statements and how to prepare the four statements and disclosures under IFRS.
ACT320Cost Accounting
3 credits    |    Pré-requis: ACT220
This course is intended to explain the role of the management accountant in an organization and to illustrate the different methods of costs and revenue calculation, in addition to the budget preparation and the analysis of variance.
ACT345Enterprise Internship
1 credits    |    Pré-requis: ACT320
This course allows students to apply knowledge and skills acquired at the University in a real life setting. The main goal is to obtain hands-on experience necessary to qualify for a good entry level position in audit. Moreover, students will learn how to create and write a professional report with emphasis on their experience in the audit industry. The course is thus practical and theoretical in the sense that students will participate in theoretical classes at the University and at the same time partake in a 120 hour training program at a recognized corporate establishment.
ACT455Enterprise Simulation
3 credits    |    Pré-requis: ACT312
The objective of this course is to explain the mission and objectives of the International Accounting Standards Board (IASB), the scope of the International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS), processes for developing IFRS and interpretations, and policies. IFRSs apply to general purpose financial statements and other financial reporting by profit-¬oriented entities; those engaged in commercial, industrial, financial, and similar activities, regardless of their legal form. Moreover entities other than profit-¬oriented businesses may also find IFRSs appropriate. Students will learn to understand how the IASB framework works, some of the standards listed in IFRS, and how the whole conceptual framework and embedded standards work.
ACT410Groups Accounting
3 credits    |    Pré-requis: ACT312 And BUS320
Corporate acquisitions, mergers and the formation of other strategic alliances, and international transactions are staples of today’s business environment. The objective of this course is to provide students with an understanding of financial reporting for these complex business transactions and the entities they create. Specific topics include accounting for business combinations, consolidated financial statements, financial reporting for partnerships, and foreign currency transactions. This class is taught from the perspective of a preparer of financial statements (as opposed to a user) and involves a significant amount of technical detail. This course requires students to solve complex problems, use information technology and to communicate clearly and concisely in writing to enable them to prepare consolidated financial statements as per IFRS.
ACT225Internal Audit
3 credits    |    Pré-requis: ACT220 And MGT220
This course explains all the procedures and recommendations that provide the safeguarding of assets, reliability and integrity of financial and operational information, and the effectiveness and efficiency of operations designed to improve the performance of an organization. The course allows the participants to obtain an understanding of the concepts, methodologies and tools of internal auditing, to understand the role of internal auditing in identification and evaluation of risks and in improving governance processes of organizations.
ACT425Management Control
3 credits    |    Pré-requis: ACT320
The course illustrates how costs work and presents some analysis and key performance indicators, in addition to capital budgeting models useful for business decisions. The main objectives include detailed descriptions of cost behavior, pricing decisions, balanced score card, sales variance analysis and capital budgeting decisions. The student will be able to assess the business key performance indicators and handle capital budgeting.
3 credits    |    Pré-requis: FIN310
This course allows the participants to obtain an understanding of the concepts, methodologies and tools of the tax system. It will enable them to gain a sufficient knowledge of the government financial organization and an overview of the public economic sector.
Emphasis: Audit - Capstone
ACT330External Audit
3 credits    |    Pré-requis: ACT312 And ACT320
Financial Statement Auditing is accumulation and evaluation of evidence according to established criteria (ISA’s, IFRS, GAAP, accounting policies, etc.). This course is intended to introduce the auditing profession and explain the auditing processes and their application on all the transaction cycles, with the objective to express an opinion on the fair presentation of the financial statements of a company. The course will enable students majoring in auditing to differentiate between assurance and non-¬assurance services, type of audits, type of auditing opinions and the preparation of a complete audit file. It will explain the auditing process from planning to closing a meeting.
Emphasis: Finance - Specialization
ECO410Banking and Finance
3 credits
This course aims at expanding knowledge in economics with an emphasis on accounting, financial intermediaries, banking and their public policies.
FIN425Company Valuation
3 credits    |    Pré-requis: FIN310
The main aim of this course is to initiate students to the methods and techniques of business valuation; underlining strongly the fact that the business valuation practice is a half art and half­ science practice. The whole is presented within a context where we can discuss the theoretical implication of a firm’s value by different valuation methods, illustrated by case studies aiming at showing students (future managers) what the concepts of business valuation mean in practice, and initiating them to practicing the techniques and the negotiation processes.
FIN412Corporate Finance
3 credits    |    Pré-requis: FIN310
The course will focus on the problems facing a financial manager in any business. In particular, students will examine how to obtain adequate funds to allow a firm to operate, and how to decide on the optimal allocation of funds obtained by the firm. To obtain funds, the financial manager must participate in markets for debt and equity securities. Thus, there will be discussions on how these markets work and how they can be most efficiently used by the firm. In allocating funds, students will learn how to assess the economic benefits of long‐lived projects and how to make optimal choices between projects. Students will also spend time developing basic financial tools that will assist them in the decision‐making process.
FIN345Enterprise Internship
1 credits    |    Pré-requis: BUS320
This course allows students to apply knowledge and skills acquired at the University in a real life setting. The main goal is to obtain hands-on experience necessary to qualify for a good entry level position in finance. Moreover, students will learn how to create and write a professional report with emphasis on their experience in the banking and finance industry. The course is thus practical and theoretical in the sense that students will participate in theoretical classes at the University and at the same time partake in a 120 hour training program at a recognized corporate establishment.
FIN430Financial Engineering
3 credits    |    Pré-requis: FIN420 And (STA205 Or BUS317 Or STA220 Or STS205)
The course enables the students to understand the main derivative products traded on financial markets (futures, forward contracts, options and swaps), as well as their use for hedging, speculation and arbitrage. They also acquire practical knowledge on the mechanics of organized markets and learn how to price a derivative: forward price calculation, premium calculation, P&L calculation, and NPV calculation.
FIN421Financial Markets
3 credits    |    Pré-requis: BUS211 or MAT312 or MAH312
This course enables students to understand the concepts, terminology, instruments, and investment strategies when dealing with money. This includes the introduction of the broad and closely related areas of financial markets and investments, including the various tools used to determine the value of different investment vehicles. The risk inherited with investing as well as the risk return trade¬off will be considered. Accordingly, the principles of modern portfolio management, including diversification, will be addressed. Particularly, common stocks will be analyzed and valued using multiple valuation techniques. Within the context of fixed income valuation, the concept of bond duration and the yield curve will be examined. Financial derivatives, including options and futures, will also be considered as a hedging tool in the overall investment strategy. Practical application will be emphasized throughout the course using Thomson Reuters Eikon.
FIN420International Finance
1 credits    |    Pré-requis: BUS211
This course provides a conceptual framework that can be used to understand how recent events have affected the financial environment. Each type of financial market is described with a focus on its utilization by financial institutions, its internationalization, and recent events that have affected it. It will also cover the different economic causes and risk factors of the foreign exchange for enterprises, financial institutions, and households.
3 credits    |    Pré-requis: FIN310
This course allows the participants to obtain an understanding of the concepts, methodologies and tools of the tax system. It will enable them to gain a sufficient knowledge of the government financial organization and an overview of the public economic sector.
Emphasis: Finance - Capstone
FIN455Enterprise Simulation
2 credits    |    Pré-requis: FIN421
This course focuses on key principles of technical analysis necessary to make successful investment decisions. Individual investors and traders are increasingly recognizing the importance of technical analysis in decision-making. With the advancement of the technical analysis profession, many sophisticated techniques have also developed. This course, which revolves around price analysis, will provide students the basic knowledge to read charts and identify specific patterns and shapes. This includes how to identify the right price to enter and exit the financial markets to maximize profits in several asset classes (FX, equities, bonds, futures, commodities, ETF, etc.).
Emphasis: Business Computing - Specialization
CSC225Business Programming I
3 credits    |    Pré-requis: INF204 Or CSC204
This course facilitates the acquisition of a practical method to solve problems using the Visual Basic .NET programming language. Students will be taught methods for problems analysis, structural and detailed conception of solutions, base concepts of pseudo code and flow­chart, coding and verification of programs. Topics include: an introduction to Visual Basic .NET language, basic concepts of the language, types, expressions, control structures (selection, repetition), one and two dimensional arrays, strings, functions, and text files. The course is completed by lab workshops.
CSC325Business Programming II
3 credits    |    Pré-requis: CSC225 And ITB321
This course is an introduction to the basic concepts of object­-oriented programming. It focuses on the concepts of inheritance, polymorphism, and exception handling. It enables students to acquire a good knowledge in the concepts of event­-driven programming and the Windows environment. Topics include applications to databases, new technologies of XML, SQL, and ADO. NET
3 credits    |    Pré-requis: CSC204
This course is dedicated to exploring the characteristics of data to enable students to design a database and use these characteristics to solve common business problems. Students will also learn how to design database components (tables, forms, queries, reports and macros) by using Microsoft Access as a tool. In addition, they will acquire the skills to create and maintain database information, including sorting, indexing, and relating tables. Students will think about data input and retrieval, and how it is displayed and manipulated in order to create a useful, efficient, and coherent design. Since this is an application oriented course, no access programming code is expected from the students.
CSC450Database Design and Programming
3 credits    |    Pré-requis: CSC407
This course aims to design a database based on a specific case study. Students will learn about the database components, including tables, queries, and views, by using Microsoft SQL Server as a tool. In addition, students will learn how to create and maintain database information, including sorting, indexing and relating tables. Furthermore, how data are to be input and retrieved, displayed and manipulated in order to create a useful, efficient, and coherent design. Since this is an application oriented course, the student should be familiar with Microsoft SQL Server.
ITB345Enterprise Internship
1 credits    |    Pré-requis: CSC325
This course allows students to apply knowledge and skills acquired at the University in a real life setting. The main goal is to obtain hands-on experience necessary to qualify for a good entry level position in information technology. Moreover, students will learn how to create and write a professional report with emphasis on their experience in IT. The course is thus practical and theoretical in the sense that students will participate in theoretical classes at the University and at the same time partake in a 120 hour training program at a recognized corporate establishment.
CSC359Internet Development and Technology
3 credits    |    Pré-requis: CSC225 And ITB321
The main objective of this course is to build database-­driven web applications using Visual Studio .NET. Students will learn how to: ­ develop web applications based on the ASP.NET Web Forms model; ­ and program using ADO.NET and SQL Server to provide the site access to the database. It also provides the website proper authorization and authentication using the .NET security model.
CSC407Systems Analysis and Design
3 credits    |    Pré-requis: ITB321
This course introduces students to an analytical framework that involves analyzing organizations as systems, or the process of systematically and objectively gathering information about business systems and subjecting that information to formal analysis. This includes identifying broad organizational goals and supporting business areas and processes, and business process definition and deconstruction.
CSC319Technology and Networks Infrastructure
3 credits    |    Pré-requis: INF204 Or CSC204
This course aims to introduce the basics of computer networks. This studies infrastructures, features and network topologies, transfer techniques, switching, encoding, transmission and routing, the reference model, the protocols of different layers, including deepening the study on the TCP / IP architecture used in the internet.
Emphasis: Business Computing - Capstone
ITB455Enterprise Simulation
2 credits    |    Pré-requis: CSC450 and CSC359
Increasingly organizational survival and/or efficiency are related to the ability to acquire and maintain excellent information about itself and competing organizations. Information treated as a resource for strategic planning and operational management has a value like other assets in the organization. Once information is placed in the proper perspective, management issues regarding all the departments and units of the entity become strongly handled. More than ever there appears a need for faster access to critical information by all of the decision makers to make better decisions. The impact of information technology (IT) on firms’ performance and efficiency has been repeatedly stated. Firms have found opportunities to use IT in products and processes to reduce costs and increase product value, as well as to improve organizational effectiveness, through enhanced coordination, communication and control. It is claimed that these uses have allowed firms to gain competitive advantages over other firms. All levels of management have the burden of insuring that appropriate information systems are in place to bring about a productive profitable organization. Therefore, this course will explore necessary management actions which will ensure that information is available, correct, manipulatable, protected, and archived in proper forms.
Emphasis: Management and Entrepreneurship - Specialization
FIN425Company Valuation
3 credits    |    Pré-requis: FIN310
The main aim of this course is to initiate students to the methods and techniques of business valuation; underlining strongly the fact that the business valuation practice is a half art and half­ science practice. The whole is presented within a context where we can discuss the theoretical implication of a firm’s value by different valuation methods, illustrated by case studies aiming at showing students (future managers) what the concepts of business valuation mean in practice, and initiating them to practicing the techniques and the negotiation processes.
MGT345Enterprise Internship
1 credits    |    Pré-requis: MGT320
This course allows students to apply knowledge and skills acquired at the University in a real life setting. The main goal is to obtain hands-on experience necessary to qualify for a good entry level position in management. Moreover, students will learn how to create and write a professional report with emphasis on their experience in management. The course is thus practical and theoretical in the sense that students will participate in theoretical classes at the University and at the same time partake in a 120 hour training program at a recognized corporate establishment.
ECO315Managerial Economics
3 credits    |    Pré-requis: ECO221
Managerial economics is an applied branch of microeconomics. It gives insight on the development of tools and models of analysis assisting managers and consultants with resource allocation, and strategic and tactical decision-making in private and public companies.
MGT320Organizational Behavior
3 credits    |    Pré-requis: MGT220
Organizational behavior is the study of actions and attitudes that people exhibit within the organization and their impact on the organization. The effective design and management of organizations require the thoughtful application of knowledge concerning the behavior of people at work.
MGT415Small Business Management
3 credits    |    Pré-requis: MGT220
This course focuses on recognizing a business opportunity, starting or acquiring a business based on the recognized opportunity, and operating that business. Entrepreneurship is necessary not only for students who will become entrepreneurs, but also for individuals working in the increasingly competitive corporate world.
MGT420Strategic Planning
3 credits    |    Pré-requis: FIN310 And MGT220
This course will take the students on a journey where they will learn to analyze a company's business environment, select a strategy, and construct the organization structure necessary to put the strategy into action. The course will allow students to bring together all of their learned functional skills, such as accounting, finance, and marketing, etc., and use them to study organizational problems within the context of real­ world business case studies.
Emphasis: Management and Entrepreneurship - Capstone
MGT455Enterprise Simulation
2 credits    |    Pré-requis: MGT420
This course is specifically designed for the upper level undergraduate students in Management. During this course, students will be asked to handle several virtual situations pertaining to international companies in which immediate managerial actions are required.
Emphasis: Marketing - Specialization
MKT415Brand and Product Management
3 credits    |    Pré-requis: MKT220
A brand is a company’s most visible (intangible) asset in a market. It is the company’s main product connection channel with customers who are searching for value in their purchases. Brands are created in the minds of consumers. This perceived value by a consumer of a brand and product results in brand equity. This course will outline the theories and framework that are used to build and manage a brand for the long term mutual benefits of the consumer and the supplier. Brand equity is the core element of the course and it will be examined through the strategic brand management process, including: positioning, marketing programs, measuring brand performance, and product lines.
MKT410Communication Strategy
3 credits    |    Pré-requis: MKT310
This course details the Integrated Marketing Communications (IMC) within the FMCG and consumer service sectors in addition to the business ­to ­business sector. We will explore IMC’s role within the marketing process, consumer behavior, the role of ad agencies, creative strategy, advertising, sales promotion, direct marketing, and electronic commerce. The main objective of this course is to help students understand how different companies communicate with internal and external customers and how communication strategy can facilitate the exchange. By the end of this course, students will have the skills needed to develop an effective communication plan.
MKT310Consumer Behavior
3 credits    |    Pré-requis: MKT220 Or LCB221
Consumer behavior reflects numerous social sciences, such as psychology, anthropology, and sociology. In this course, students will discover and learn how perceptions, memory, learning, personality, and attitudes affect consumption behavior, how consumption changes during one’s life cycle, and how powerful cultural and sub­cultural influences are on consumers. From these aspects, marketers can then properly build their brands to appeal to various customers’ needs, and to formulate the adequate marketing strategies that ensure consumers satisfactions and loyalties.
MKT325Distribution Strategy and Sales Management
3 credits    |    Pré-requis: MKT220
This course is designed to introduce students to issues related to the management of a sales program, the role and responsibilities of sales management, and the relationship of the sales management process to the broader issues of managing demand, the marketing process, as well as the distribution channels. This course will focus on the role of the sales manager in developing and implementing strategic and tactical decisions, and on administrating the sales force operations. Moreover, it focuses on building and maintaining relationships with partners in order to establish an effective distribution network.
MKT345Enterprise Internship
1 credits    |    Pré-requis: MKT310
This course allows students to apply knowledge and skills acquired at the University in a real life setting. The main goal is to obtain hands-on experience necessary to qualify for a good entry level position in marketing. Moreover, students will learn how to create and write a professional report with emphasis on their experience in marketing. The course is thus practical and theoretical in the sense that students will participate in theoretical classes at the University and at the same time partake in a 120 hour training program at a recognized corporate establishment.
MKT320Marketing Research
3 credits    |    Pré-requis: MIS320 And MKT310
The purpose of the course is to introduce students to the role of marketing research and to the process of marketing research. The emphasis in this course is on how to actually conceptualize and conduct a marketing research project as well as how to use research as an aid for marketing management decisions. A fundamental skill possessed by successful marketing managers is the ability to obtain and use factual information within the managerial decision-making process.
MKT422Marketing Services
3 credits    |    Pré-requis: MKT220
The marketing services and retail management course presents an integrated approach to studying services that places marketing issues within a broader general management context. This course is suitable for students who are interested in learning more about the problems and possibilities related to the marketing of service companies, and other service organizations. In addition, it introduces the basics of retail management, which will introduce students to retailing theories, retailing operations, and the vital aspects of retail management at both the strategic and operational level.
MKT430Pricing Strategy
3 credits    |    Pré-requis: MKT220
Price is the most sensitive marketing element in the supplier­ customer relationship. It has an immediate and direct effect on a company’s bottom line, and it’s perceived by the customer as a signal of the value of a product offering, thus strongly influencing his/her purchase decisions. The course will introduce the participants to various strategies and steps that are used by companies for pricing their offerings. The notion that “price equals perceived value” is the basis of this course. The process of establishing price and value, and the importance of communication under different product and market conditions, are presented in detail. The framework of the course will follow the concept of the “Pricing Pyramid”. Practical examples, through real life case studies, will be employed to assist participants in a deeper understanding of the strategies behind pricing decisions.
Emphasis: Marketing - Capstone
MKT455Enterprise Simulation
2 credits    |    Pré-requis: MKT410 & MKT415 & MKT430
The main objectives of the course are to explain to students the specific and original marketing contribution to the company’s management, and give them the opportunity to use the strategies and apply the main concepts relating to the market analysis, including environment, consumers behavior, demand and segmentation. The second part of the course covers various marketing decisions, namely the ones pertaining to mix marketing variables: product, price, distribution, promotion. The outcome of the course would be the development of a marketing plan for a local business.
Emphasis: Transport and Logistics - Specialization
TRA325Commercial Contract and Transport Law
3 credits    |    Pré-requis: BUS223
This course provides a thorough understanding of transport-related contracts as well as transport-related insurance covers. In its first part, the course discusses the different parties involved in the transportation industry and the interaction between them that is secured by different types of contracts specific to the industry. In its second part, the course discusses transport insurance covers and their constituents, while explaining how different parties mitigate their risks.
MKT325Distribution Strategy and Sales Management
3 credits    |    Pré-requis: MKT220
This course is designed to introduce students to issues related to the management of a sales program, the role and responsibilities of sales management, and the relationship of the sales management process to the broader issues of managing demand, the marketing process, as well as the distribution channels. This course will focus on the role of the sales manager in developing and implementing strategic and tactical decisions, and on administrating the sales force operations. Moreover, it focuses on building and maintaining relationships with partners in order to establish an effective distribution network.
TRA345Enterprise Internship
1 credits    |    Pré-requis: TRA335
This course allows students to apply knowledge and skills acquired at the University in a real life setting. The main goal is to obtain hands-on experience necessary to qualify for a good entry level position in transport. Moreover, students will learn how to create and write a professional report with emphasis on their experience in the transport and logistics industry. The course is thus practical and theoretical in the sense that students will participate in theoretical classes at the University and at the same time partake in a 120 hour training program at a recognized corporate establishment.
BUS475Financing Import/Export
3 credits    |    Pré-requis: BUS223 or DRT223 or TRA310
The objective of this course is to familiarize students with the basic concepts of the various payment instruments used in the financing of imports and exports in Lebanon and deliberately moving towards banking instruments of international payment and the use made of it. They will be exposed to: documentary credits, standby letters of credit, documentary collections and bank guarantees internationally. The course also visits important issues such as the sales contract, the terms of international sales, checks, bank transfers and commercial papers.
TRA335Introduction to Air Transportation
3 credits    |    Pré-requis: TRA310
This course explores the history, management and future trends in air transportation. It covers the four principal segments of air transportation: major carriers, regional carriers, all-cargo carriers and general aviation. In each segment, the issues of aircraft design, market share, finance, insurance and operations are discussed. The course analyzes the development and application of national and international regulations that impact air transportation. Topics include, cost structure, air fares, flight crews and safety, environmental impacts of aircraft and airports, operating and service characteristics, technological advances, world competition and intermodal operations.
TRA440Shipping Economics and Management
3 credits    |    Pré-requis: ECO 221 and TRA 310
The course focuses on the economics of chartering, containerization, ship finance, international trade, political factors and ship manning. It concentrates on the marketing and management area which are so important nowadays for a successful ship management, whether in the liner cargo, bulk cargo or specialized tonnages. The course is essential as it connects the transport sector to the business industry, showing that transportation is a business sector by itself.
MGT400Supply Chain Management
3 credits    |    Pré-requis: MGT220
Logistics and supply chain management is unique and, to some degree, represents a paradox because it is concerned with one of the oldest and also the most newly discovered activities in business. The supply chain system activities of communication, inventory management, warehousing, transportation, and facility location ­have been performed since the start of commercial activity. It is difficult to visualize any product that could reach a customer without logistical support. Yet it is only over the last few years that firms have started focusing on logistics and supply chain management as a source of competitive advantage. There is a realization that no company can do any better than its logistics system. This becomes even more important given that product life cycles are shrinking and competition is intense. Logistics and supply chain management today represents a great challenge as well as a tremendous opportunity for most firms.
TRA310Transport and Logistics
3 credits    |    Pré-requis: ENG240
Transport involves the physical movement of products between the providers and the receivers. It is a critical activity, performed, at most stages, in the supply chain process. In pure financial terms it is the second largest element, next to storage, in total distribution costs. Transportation also represents the physical operation's interface with the customer and is often classed as the "ambassadorial" activity of the supply chain. The primary objective of transportation is to deliver the right goods, to the right place, at the right time, in the right condition at the minimum cost.
Emphasis: Transport and Logistics - Capstone
TRA455Enterprise Simulation
2 credits    |    Pré-requis: BUS475
The objective of this course is for students to gain skills and knowledge in all aspects and issues of logistics in a sustainable supply chain. The course offers a broad-based business education to undergraduate students, with a particular focus on transport, distribution, logistics and other transport-related industries and issues. The content covers the basic operations of a freight forwarding agency including types of cargo, trade lanes, terminology and abbreviations, equipment and facilities, and the various relationships that exist between the forwarder, clients, carriers and government agencies.
ITB450Enterprise Simulation
3 credits    |    Pré-requis: CSC 450 and CSC 359
Increasingly organizational survival and/or efficiency are related to the ability to acquire and maintain excellent information about itself and competing organizations. Information treated as a resource for strategic planning and operational management has a value like other assets in the organization. Once information is placed in the proper perspective, management issues regarding all the departments and units of the entity become strongly handled. More than ever there appears a need for faster access to critical information by all of the decision makers to make better decisions. The impact of information technology (IT) on firms’ performance and efficiency has been repeatedly stated. Firms have found opportunities to use IT in products and processes to reduce costs and increase product value, as well as to improve organizational effectiveness, through enhanced coordination, communication and control. It is claimed that these uses have allowed firms to gain competitive advantages over other firms. All levels of management have the burden of insuring that appropriate information systems are in place to bring about a productive profitable organization. Therefore, this course will explore necessary management actions which will ensure that information is available, correct, manipulatable, protected, and archived in proper forms.
MGT450Enterprise Simulation - Management
3 credits    |    Pré-requis: MGT420
This course is specifically designed for the upper level undergraduate students in Management. During this course, students will be asked to handle several virtual situations pertaining to international companies in which immediate managerial actions are required.


- Audit : Main Campus Kaslik, RUC Zahle and RUC Chekka
- Finance : Main Campus Kaslik, RUC Zahle, RUC Chekka and RUC Rmeich
- Business Computing : Main Campus Kaslik and RUC Rmeich
- Management and Entrepreneurship : Main Campus Kaslik, RUC Zahle, RUC Chekka and RUC Rmeich
- Marketing : Main Campus Kaslik
- Transport and Logistics : Main Campus Kaslik

Learning Goal 1: Graduates will have the knowledge related to various disciplines in business administration.

Learning Objective 1: Identify the fundamental theories from the disciplines in audit, business computing, finance, management, marketing, and transport and logistics.
Learning Objective 2: Analyze and compare/contrast the various theories from the disciplines in audit, business computing, finance, management, marketing and transport and logistics.

Learning Goal 2: graduates will have the necessary skills to communicate effectively.

Learning Objective 1. Practice formal oral presentation skills.
Learning Objective 2. Compose professional business reports.

Learning Goal 3: graduates will be ethically responsible.

Learning Objective 1. Identify ethical issues related to various business fields.
Learning Objective 2. Indicate the implications of ethical issues related to various business fields.

Learning Goal 4: graduates will be able to work in teams.

Learning Objective 1. Set goals/tasks and execute them within a specific time.
Learning Objective 2. Listen to other (opposing) viewpoints.
Learning Objective 3. Communicate own viewpoints with others.

Learning Goal 5: Graduates will have an entrepreneurial mindset.

Learning Objective 1. Write a business plan for venture opportunities.
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