
Presentation and Objectives


Founded in 2010, the Latin American Studies and Cultures Center (LASCC) of the Holy Spirit University of Kaslik (USEK) is a multidisciplinary center open to all disciplines in the fields of culture, sciences, politics, economy, trade, sports, history as well as social and human sciences. It represents a place for exchanges, a platform for cooperation and a link between USEK and Latin America, and simultaneously a publishing house for Latin America in Lebanon.

Why a Center of Studies for Latin America in Lebanon?

Latin America is one of the world’s regions which hosted the majority of the Lebanese emigrants (and those of the Middle East) and which maintains, till today, a strong human relation with Lebanon. However, the potentials and cultural and economic fortunes of Latin America are often little known in the Middle East. Therefore, this center, regardless the nature of its activities, can contribute to a further development of relations between the two regions.


  • spreading and promoting information about Latin America
  • constituting an information center for cultures and research to develop exchanges in all fields
  • representing a reference for Latin-Americans allowing them to get to know Lebanon and the Middle East region

The objective is to reinforce cultures which came across the Mediterranean and the Atlantic during emigration in both ways and which linked and continue to closely and strongly unite the Middle East and Latin America.


  • preparing a Latin American library to spread information about Latin America throughout Spanish and Portuguese books
  • signing agreements with universities and institutes from Latin American countries, as well as from other continents
  • developing teaching of Spanish and Portuguese languages and literatures
  • organizing conferences, seminars, colloquiums, round tables and exhibitions in order to spread, foster and develop the Lebanese – Latin American relations

Université Saint-Esprit de Kaslik
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