Faculté de Droit et des Sciences Politiques

Centre de Recherche Juridique (CRJ)

The Legal Research Center (LRC) is part of the School of the Law and Political Sciences and specializes in research in private law.


The Legal Research Center supports and encourages a reflective, critical, and comparative study of law, and the pursuit of high-quality legal research by the best scholars in English, French, or Arabic. More specifically, it unites community research efforts around selected private law topics by initiating, organizing, and sponsoring conferences, collective works, and other academic events and by encouraging student contributions, especially master and PhD students, as well as those of our graduates. The LRC cooperates with other research units in USEK and with the University’s international partners to promote interdisciplinary and international research.


The aim of the Legal Research Center is to promote, instill, and consolidate the research culture within USEK’s School of Law and Political sciences in accordance with the founding values of our University so that our School becomes an essential reference in legal research. These efforts are made for the benefit of our community (faculty and students) and, in a broader sense, for the benefit of society, thereby contributing to the public good.

The research results are made available to the public through the print or online publication of books, conference proceedings, or articles in the USEK Law Journal, a peer-reviewed journal indexed on Scopus.
Université Saint-Esprit de Kaslik
Tel.: (+961) 9 600 000
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