Faculté des Arts, Humanités et Sciences

Thematic Community


Founded in October 2009 according to the principles defined by the e-OMED network, the “Euro-Mediterranean History” Thematic Community has four partners: Agadir University, Geneva University, Holy Spirit University of Kaslik and Maine University. The disciplinary field of human sciences is essential for future cooperation among universities; yet, the fragile nature of tackled issues makes the joint achievement of teaching modules a delicate matter. Being fully aware of such challenge, historians in charge of coordination of teams within these four universities agreed on a set of principles: “We can maintain this project with the conviction that we are not held accountable for what our seniors have done; we are rather held responsible for the manner with which we will report it”.

A website (http://eomed.univ-lemans.fr) was launched in January 2011. Besides the course pages, already achieved or in progress, the website includes a presentation of the Thematic Community, the action charter, the program of the first workshop (Le Mans, September 2010), the list of partners as well as video documents illustrating the methodological approach of the various contributors. The website is hosted by Maine University, and was created by the members of its Pôle de Ressources Numériques (PRN) whose director, Nicolas Postec, is the official representative of the project before e-OMED authorities.

Teaching Module n°1
The first teaching module, which became available online in March 2011, deals with “Religious Migrations” in the Euro-Mediterranean region between the fifteenth and twentieth centuries. It includes 120 course pages, dozens of documents (originals or translated texts, plates, 4 maps specially designed for the course…), a glossary and a biographical dictionary – i.e. more than 200 references, and a bibliography. The translation of this course into English and Arabic was launched in April and will be completed early Fall 2011. The editorial process, which relies on the Scenarii software, will upload these two versions seamlessly.

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Password: pmz546art
Track to be followed to access the course: UMTICE : SCIENCES HUMAINES ET SOCIALES - Master - EOMED
Code to access the course : hem011
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