
Projets attribués à l’USEK : 2020-2021

Year Funding Agency
Project Title
Faculty | Office | Unit
Project Coordinator
2022 Agence Universitaire de la Francophonie (AUF)

BIM for Smart Engineering
To introduce an innovative master program entitled 'BIM for Smart Engineering' to strenghten the existing curriculum and respond to national, regional and international market.  Engineering  Dr. Elias Farah
United States Agency for International Development (USAID)

Study of LED impact on assisted enterprises since inception
To carry out a study to measure the impact of LED on the Lebanese SMEs that benefited from the program in terms of technical assistance and consultancy support. Business Dr. Daniele Khalife
L’Observatoire Pharos & Fondation Adyan

World Barometer of cultural and religious pluralism
Creating a tool that will be able to measure the level of cultural and religious pluralism within a society Arts & Sciences Dr. Mirna Mzawak
Agence Universitaire de la Francophonie (AUF)

Aqueous Solubility and Octanol-Water partition coefficients of organic xenobiotic compounds Available in Food Contact Materials (FCM)
To determine the health risk assessment established by the migration process by studying the physicochemical properties of 4-n-octylphenol (4-n-OP), 4-nonylphenol (4-NP) and 4-tert-octylphenol (4-t-OP): the aqueous solubility and the octanol-water partition coefficient as a function of temperature
Arts & Sciences Prof. Joseph Saab
2021 Institut Francais

SAFIR Call for Applications for Lebanese incubators/accelerators
To create an environment that fosters the socio-economic participation of young people and enables the development of entrepreneurial projects with social, cultural, and environmental impact.
Asher Centre for Innovation and Entrepreneurship  Mr. Reda Hebawi
 2020 Agence Universitaire de la Francophonie (AUF) / Centre national de la recherche scientifique-Liban (CNRS-L)

Caractérisation de l'état nutritionnel et métabo-génétique de patients atteints de Troubles du Spectre Autistique au Liban pour une meilleure prise en charge
To assess the nutritional status and dietary behavior, as well as the prevalence of protein malnutrition-energy during confinement and the current economic situation in to propose management in line with the recommendations and guidelines of the USDA
Arts & Sciences Prof. Walid Hleihel
 2020 Emirates Foundation

Lebanon Unsettled
To examine the geographical and historical context of the recent protest movement
Architecture & Design Dr. May Farhat

Sustainable Wastewater Treatment for Hospitals (SWaTH)
To bring together European Higher Education Institutions and European factories that own and supply cutting-edge developments, extensive international experience, and innovative learning practices and Higher Education Institutions from Partner countries in the Southern Mediterranean (particularly Lebanon) that need and demand the same practices, expertise, and developments.
Arts & Sciences Dr. Walid Harb

Repurpose Store
To establish well-designed reuse repurpose stores to constitute a significant part of the climate change equation
Green Committee Ms.Dalida Sneifer
2020 United Nations (UN)

Reconciling the Past to Build the Future
To support work on the legal framework of the regulation of the situation of the families of missing and forcibly disappeared persons and their right to know the fate of their missing family members; to address the root causes of past conflict and present social tensions to help move towards reconciliation around the legacy of the civil wars’ period; and to promote efforts to facilitate cross-confessional dialogue engaging Lebanese youth through self-learning methods
 Law & Political Sciences  Dr. Ghada Karam
United States Agency for International Development (USAID)

Higher Education Capacity Building (HECD) Program
To improve job readiness strategies and delivery of practical skills to prepare graduates to be successful in labor markets in Lebanon, the MENA region, and around the world.
 International Affairs  Dr. Rima Mattar
 2020  Erasmus+

Technology-based Entrepreneurship for Supporting Sustainability in MENA Region/ MENA-Preneurs To create an interdisciplinary diploma degree and training activities in Technology-Based Entrepreneurship (TBE) aiming at building a robust entrepreneurship ecosystem that can foster and allow the start-ups and SMEs to play a leading role in economic development and job creation in the MENA region. Asher Centre for Innovation and Entrepreneurship Mr. Elie Akhrass
Université Saint-Esprit de Kaslik
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