ERASMUS 2018 The Lebanese Diploma Supplement / LEBPASS http://www.lebpass.org
LEBPASS is a new initiative in Lebanon and the Middle East which aims in helping students and graduates make their skills and qualifications clearly and easily understood in Lebanon, as well as across the Middle East and Europe, thus facilitating the mobility of both learners and workers.
LEBPASS Project will unite universities, graduates, employers and other stakeholders for the sake of delivering a Diploma Supplement that could translate the qualifications and skills of students and refugees graduated from Lebanese Higher Education institutions.
LEBPASS Project is co-funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union.
Coordinator: Holy Spirit University of Kaslik (USEK)
Duration: 36 months

Student Empowerment, Engagement and Representation in Lebanese Universities (http://www.steer-leb.eu) |
StEER-Leb project’s main objective is to boost student empowerment, engagement and representation infrastructures in Lebanese universities.
To this end, students and staff from European and Lebanese universities will participate in shadowing visits and capacity building activities whereby they will share their experiences, exchange good practices, and develop new structures and practices in Lebanese institutions.
Coordinator: Holy Spirit University of Kaslik
Duration: 36 months

ERASMUS 2016 MERIC-Net Mediterranean Network if National Information Centres on the Recognition of Qualifications (http://www.meric-net.eu)
The MERIC-Net project's objective is to revitalize the MERIC network (Mediterranean Recognition Information Centers) in order to favor and increase the recognition of qualifications within the Mediterranean Region, and to raise the quality of vertical and horizontal mobility in the higher education systems of the involved countries. The project partners intend to improve the competencies and skills of credential evaluators defining common practices and realizing common tools among European and South Mediterranean countries, national bodies and HE institutions, starting from the experience of European higher education institutions and practices adopted by the ENIC-NARIC centers.
Coordinator: University of Nice Sophia Antipolis
Duration: 36 months

ERASMUS 2016 TQLAA+ Programme Evaluation for Transparency and Recognition of Skills and Qualitfications (http://plus.tlqaa.org/)
TLQAA+ is a follow up on TLQAA Tempus project. It aims at developing the culture of programmes’ evaluation and matching against national qualifications framework (NQF) for the sake of increased transparency and recognition of skills and certifications.
Coordinator: University of Balamand
Duration: 36 months

ERASMUS 2016 RESCUE Refugees Education Support in MENA Countries (https://www.rescuerefugees.eu)
The main specific objective of RESCUE is to help the Partner Country Universities (in Lebanon, Jordan and Iraq) in structuring an effective response to this problem, by creating ad hoc units (the Refugee Student Operational Support Unit – R-SOS), whose mission is to structure specific services supporting the refugee students in resuming their academic training path.
Coordinator: Unimed
Duration: 36 months

ERASMUS 2015 E-TALEB Professional Standards Framework for Excellence in Teaching and Learning in Lebanese Universities (http://www.etaleb.org)
E-TALEB is a national project aiming at developing Lebanese Professional Standards in Teaching and Learning and cooperating for innovation and exchange of good practices and experiences relevant to similar frameworks established in Europe. The main objective of this project is to support the initial and continuing professional development of staff engaged in teaching and foster dynamic approaches to teaching and learning through creativity, innovation and continuous development in diverse academic disciplines and/or professional settings.
Coordinator: Holy Spirit University of Kaslik
Duration: 36 months
ERASMUS 2015 RESUME – Réseau Méditerranéen pour l’Employabilité- Entrepreneurship and Employability |
The RESUME project aims at enhancing and reinforcing the role and potential of HEIs in the development of employability in the Mediterranean countries by adopting a transversal entrepreneurial mind-set at the HEIs and by opening and structuring the dialogue among the universities, the enterprises and the policy makers.
Call for Tenders
Coordinator: Mediterranean Universities Union (UNIMED)
Duration: 36 months